fix articles 54885, video
Video: David Harvey explains the "Crisis of Capitalism," 11 min (tags)
Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Capitalism contains crisis as rain clouds contain rain (Jean Jaures, 19th century French socialist).
Video: Thomas Frank: Rendezvous with Oblivion, 58 min (tags) offers us reading samples for 202K eBooks and dissertations. Happy reading and happy research!
Video: "How Democracies Die," 1 hr 12 min (tags)
Steve Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt examined the causes that lead to breakdowns in democracies around the wiorld.
video on police surveillance of activists (tags)
police surveillance
Video: After Words with Naomi Klein, 57 min (tags)
Trump follows the traditional rules of branding, not the traditional rules of politics. Absolute power through wealth is his principle or ideology. Cutting corporate taxes to 15% and ending the inheritance tax help the rich.
Video: March for Science, April 22, 2017, 4 hours (tags)
The March for Science rally took place on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The event was one of more than 500 planned rallies held across the U.S. and overseas. The speaking program featured remarks by Bill Nye, Earth Day principal organizer Denis Hayes along with scientists...
Video: "Forget Shorter Showers," 11 min (tags)
"Access instead of excess" and "Enough instead of more." Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Viva Alternative Economics, people before profits!
Video: Book Discussion on Louis D. Brandeis, 1 hr 24 min (tags)
Supreme Court justice Louis D. Brandeis is considered the father of modern anti-trust legislation. He stressed breaking up big banks and using countervailing influences. Bigness was opposed on moral grounds.
Video: This Changes Everything, 16 min (tags)
Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Access could replace excess as enough could replace more. gives us 700 free movies and 700 free E-books and 450 audio books (including 1984)! Are we ready to be more generous?
VIDEO: "Super Amigos," 2007, 1 hr 12 min (tags)
Difference is a strength and enrichment, not a threat. Resisting exorbitant rents is part of the larger struggle to reclaim the city. The sovereignty of human rights could replace the sovereignty of nation-states when it mutates into market rule (cf. Rafeal Correa, Ecuador)
VIDEO: "Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis" 46 min (tags)
By spending $4 billion in lobbying and campaign contributions, Wall Street banks carried out a "quiet coup" (Simon Johnson). Banks own this place (Sen. Dick Durbin). The state has become the "errand boy" of the banks (Bill Moyers)
VIDEO: "The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America," 1hr (tags)
In "The Unwinding," George Parker grapples with the end of the Roosevelt republic and the need to fight organized money. He sees 1978 as a beginning when California passed Proposition 13 and de-funded education.
Video available: Captured UN's decision means peaceful revolutions justified. (tags)
Video available: discusses the Captured UN's 'permanent' rebalancing of global power from the West to Developing Asia (including China and India), the 'grassroots-up rather than Beehive-down' approach to rebuilding Christchurch and the cowardice of the domestic and global establishments in refusing to discuss the ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization for World Peace - to replace neoliberalism.
VIDEO: "The Servant Economy" - Jeff Faux (tags)
Propaganda from the right has blown away cooperation. Since Reagan, the future has disappeared from American politics. The idea of planning for the future was embedded in the New Deal and lost completely with Reagan. Reagan photoshoped the future.
VIDEO: Occupy Riverside Raid November 6, 2011 (tags)
Video footage of the raid on Occupy Riverside and the subsequent police brutality and arrests.
Video interview from Stop Police Brutality Rally (tags)
Video interview with protesters at the 16th Annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality. Recorded on October 22, 2011 at Mac Arthur Park in Los Angeles. Click on this link to watch the video:
VIDEO: Protest At Fox Studios (tags)
Video from Protest at Fox Studios 10-21-11
Video: Durbin - Boycott B of A (tags)
Peace and resistance are part of our nature as antibodies are part of our bodies. Viva Occupy Wall Street! Viva Occupy K-Street!
Videos: Mary Robinson and Thom Hartmann (tags)
Thom Hartmann speaks on "Let's keep feudalism where it belongs - in school textbooks. Mary Robinson speaks on "The War on Terror was a Mistake."
Video: Understanding the Financial Crisis (tags)
Distorted incentives drove the failure of risk management. There was an evaporization of trust in 2008. In September, Lehmann Brothers and AIG went bankrupt.
Video: Research Shows Rich Getting Richer Makes Poor Poorer (tags)
From a certain point, increased wealth does not bring greater happiness. Time sovereignty and personal freedom are lost when life is reduced to vulgar materialism. Cheney's book "In My Time" should be titled "In My Imagination" and belongs in the crime section, not in history (K.Olbermann)
Video: Is Super-Capitalism a Threat to Democracy? (tags)
In Washington, the citizen side of our brain is not heard, only the consumer/investor side.
Video: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World (tags)
The financial crisis mutates into a worldwide economic crisis. Corporate fraud, regulatory failure and expansion of the financial sector lead to atrophy of public spirit. Harry Hopkins and FDR created 4 million jobs in 2 months. Work must be redefined and shared.
Angry leftists seek silver lining in debt deal and 7 videos (tags)
May we mend our own pockets and put the horse (14 million jobs and drying up the tax havens) before the cart (economic recovery/economic democracy)! Robert Kuttner speaks about this at
Video: Bernie Sanders, July 1, 2011 (tags)
Sign the letter on the debt and shifting costs to the lower and middle classes!
Video: Gretchen Morgenson on The Charlie Rose Show (tags)
Video: Gretchen Morgenson on The Charlie Rose Show, June 6, 2011
Video: Protester Shot And Killed In Alexandria, Egypt (GRAPHIC VIDEO) (tags)
Egyptian security shoot unarmed protestor
VIDEO: There are solutions: Laura Wells, Green Party candidate for Governor of California (tags)
Video of California Green gubernatorial candidate Laura Weels
Video: Rachel Corrie's Speech, When She Was 10 Years Old. (tags)
Another child's dream crushed by Israel.
video Freedom Flotilla: dead and injuries everywere (tags)
video Freedom Flotilla: dead and injuries everywere
VIDEO: Banks are still the powerhouse in D.C. (tags)
Twenty months after the financial meltdown of 2008, the US congress is moving ahead with its financial system reform.
May Day Protest in Flagstaff (tags)
Video of immigration protest in Flagstaff, Arizona.
VIDEO: The crisis of neoliberalism (tags)
Happy Fossil Fools Day! Confusing means and ends, part and whole, personal and public, and real and imaginary are signs of hubris, not enlightenment, Without the social state, we become wolves to one another and mistake corp profits with health!
Mobilization for Health Care Provokes Arrests at L.A. Insurance Giant / Video Footage (tags)
Video of Sit In circle for Mobilization for Health Care Protest in Los Angeles along with a testimonial by Hilda Sarkisyan on her daughters denial of care by CIGNA which resulted in her subsequent death.
01-10-09 Free Palestine (4) (tags)
4th set of images from 01/10/09 demonstration at the Federal Building in Westwood. (video only)
VIDEO: Right to Marry Demo (tags)
Video from Saturday Nov 15th downtown Los Angeles
Video from Day One of the Fast for our Future (tags)
Video from Day One of the Fast for our Future
VIDEO: Green Party of California - Mike Feinstein on Insider Exclusive, Los Angeles (tags)
Mike Feinstein, former Green Mayor of Santa Monica, is interviewed on"Insider Exclusive's Energy & Environmental Advisor" series in Los Angeles, on climate change, carbon taxes, true cost pricing, green building codes, regional planning, universal health care, living wages, instant run-off voting. May 12th, 2007.
VIDEO: 2008 Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace & Unity Parade, Long Beach, 1.19.08 (tags)
Video: Military Families Speak Out, Iraq Veterans Against the War, & Veterans for Peace marched in the 2008 Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace & Unity Parade in Long Beach, CA USA.
Video: Rep. Maxine Waters Inaugurates L.A. National Impeachment Center (tags)
Collaboration between passionate Greens and engaged Progressive Democrats -- Rep. Maxine Waters announced to all major media covering a press conference that, "Westside Greens, Progressive Democrats, Los Angeles Greens and the Santa Monica Democratic Club are to be lauded for this historic effort" in launching the Los Angeles National Impeachment Center (LANIC).
Video from South Central Farm Reunion Party (tags)
Video from South Central Farm reunion party
Video of Save Our State members attacking day laborers in Harbor City.
Video of Minutemen Assault Against Friends of Day Laborers (tags)
This is the video that was given to the media at the Friends of Day Laborer press conference that was held on Saturday, February 11, 2007.
LA Video the Vote Dispatch Center Report (tags)
Below please find a news release detailing incidents addressed by the Los Angeles Video the Vote Rapid Response Task Force today, Election Day, November 7, 2006.
Video from Saturday's March for Oaxaca (tags)
Video from Saturday's March for Oaxaca
VIDEO: march against police brutality (tags)
Video from today's march against poilce brutality
Art of War : E -Vote for Tyranny (tags)
E -Vote for Tyranny
VIDEO: Protest at Culver City Mosque (tags)
Video shows racists hanging an effigy of a Moslem. Anti-racists confronting the group. And an interview with a member of the mosque.
Video: La toma de los videos en Oaxaca (tags)
El video se trata de unas mujeres colonas de la APPO en la ciudad de Oaxaca que organizaron una marcha cacerolazo el primero de agosto 2006. La mujeres llegaron a la instalación de medios estatales en la ciudad y decidieron ocupar las estaciones de radio y television. El video incluye entrevistas con las dirigentes sobre sus experiencias.
contiene un video de Fidel Castro que muestar al mundo que el líder cubano está vivo
VIDEO - South Central Farm: Direct Action Disables Bulldozer (tags)
Direct Action Disables Bulldozer South Central Farm July 5, 2006
VIDEO: Sheriff Raid on Farm (tags)
Video shot at 7:15 am this morning
VIDEO: 750 Midnight Ridazz Show Solidarity at the Farm (tags)
750 midnight ridazz show solidarity at the farm, 11 p.m. Friday, June 9, 2006. Midnight Ridazz meet the second Friday of every month at Echo Park Avenue and Sunset Blvd at 9:30 p.m. The ride starts at 10 p.m.
FILM: "Who Should USA Invade Next?" (tags)
Unbelievable stupid answers...they also have no clue where these countries are located which they wish to bomb...hmmmm...
VIDEO: Arrests at Senator's office (tags)
Anti-war Protest. 8 arrested for blocking the doors
VIDEO: Community unites to defend their farm land (tags)
LOS ANGELES - 3/5/06 Faced with an eviction notice, the South Central Farmers and their supporters held a meeting Sunday to find ways to save the farm. The eviction will be appealed in the courts. After the meeting there was a march around the farm and vigil at the gates to the farm.
VIDEO from Santa Monica Walk for Peace (tags)
Video interview with Kelly Smith from last week’s peace walk in Santa Monica. The next walk is scheduled for February 19th in Pasadena.
VIDEO: Paul Koretz, California State Assemblyman, 42nd District and AB-1121 (tags)
California State Assemblyman, Paul Koretz who represents the 42nd District is introducing a bill (AB1121) to the State Assembly that would place a moratorium on executions in the state. I spoke with Paul at a vigil for Tookie Williams less than five hours before Williams’ execution later that night.![]()
VIDEO: Rally to Save Tookie Williams (tags)
Video from today's rally in Leimert Park.
Video: Bomb Kills 10 Marines+ Communique [UPDATED + MIRROR] (tags)
Bomb Kills 10 Marines, Wounds 11 in Iraq
Video: US mercenaries randomly shooting Iraqi civilians (tags)
Video of Random Shootings in Iraq
Video From Anti-Bush Protest (tags)
Video From Anti-Bush March
World Can't Wait LA Event Video (tags)
Video of today's World Can't Wait event on Wilshire. Video on Federal and Wilshire.
Farewell Flor y Canto, Hello Sandpaper Books – Video from Friday’s party (tags)
Farewell Flor y Canto, Hello Sandpaper Books – Video from Friday’s party
Video from Cindy Sheehan Vigil (tags)
Video from Cindy Sheehan Vigil
Video from last Thursday’s Rumsfeld protest (tags)
Video from last Thursday’s Rumsfeld protest:
Video excerpts from Saturday’s Out of Iraq Teach-In (tags)
Video excerpts from Saturday’s Out of Iraq Teach-In
Video of Percy Smeiser, Monsanto Rape Seed Victim (tags)
Video of Percy Smeiser explaning Genetically Modified Food @ the Really Really Free Market's Farmer Speak Out. ~Philly BioTech Conference ~ 13 min.
Video: David Ray Griffin Feb 9/05 Interview, Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack (tags)
Video: David Ray Griffin Feb 9/05 Interview, Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack - a MUST SEE WingTV 12 Feb 2005 00:08 GMT Video: David Ray Griffin Feb 9/05 interview, author of "The 911 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions". The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions by David Ray Griffin Interview:Thinking Unthinkable Thoughts Theologian Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, Updated Edition with a New Afterword by David Ray Griffin, Foreword by Richard Falk David Ray Griffin AUDIO 59 min tape - mp3
Video from nurses protest at Gov's house (tags)
Video of protest
Video Release confirmed one of the two American hostages beheaded: Download video (tags)
British hostage 'next to be beheaded'
Video from Critical Mass NYC 8-27-04: (tags)
Video from Critical Mass NYC 8-27-04:
voluneer needed to help edit video on Afro-Mexican communities. ColorLines Project. call 323-936-5417
Video: Westwood Protest 4-9-04 (tags)
Video from the Westwood Protest 4-9-04
Video from the march (no audio) (tags)
Video from the march (no audio)
video from WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER party (tags)
Video short
Manchester, UK School and College Strike Against the War - Video (tags)
Video of an amazing strike by British school students against the Iraq war!
Conspiracy of Silence video Child sex ring that reached Bush Sr's Whitehouse. (tags)
This documentary exposed a network of Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. This video was blocked from the air at the last minute. But here it is.
GENTRIFY THIS! Accepting submissions for the BULLDOZED film fest (tags)
Media Alliance, Global Exchange, and the Video Activist Network invite you to submit your video and/or film to the Bulldozed Film & Video Festival to be held in San Francisco, CA on March 29th and 30th, 2001 at Cell Space and Artists Television Access. The festival is a unique opportunity to present your work to the general public, other independent media producers, and community organizers fighting to save vital working class neighborhoods.