fix articles 55597, failures
Why Washington Accepts Mass Unemployment (tags)
The Fed is more worried about inflation than mass unemployment. Maybe the guaranteed basic income and/or community centers are the antidotes to elite failures and market failures. Vancouver BC has 23 community centers that have a multiplier and cushioning effect.
BTL:Japan's Multiple Nuclear Power Plant Failures Should Move U.S. Toward a Phased Closure (tags)
Interview with Dr. Ira Helfand, past president and current board member of Physicians for Social Responsibility, conducted by Scott Harris
Gen. Ochoa is daydreaming of victory against the NPA (tags)
Gen Ochoa of the 3rd ID Phil Army (PA) once again is "flying in the clouds" when he said that the "insurgency problem" will end in 2008. His braggings are the same with the illusions of the generals during the Marcos dictatorship up to the Estrada regime. He only wants to entertain the officials of the 302nd and 303rd Bde that their promotions will be affected because of the AFP's failures to hit their target-objectives in destroying the revolutionary movement in Negros being the priority of Oplan Bantay Laya (OBL2) II in the whole of Western Visayas. In three quarters of this year, the AFP has no significant breakthrough in their counter-revolutionary campaign. Surely by the last quarter of this year, they wil reap nothing but failures.
What Country Was He Tallking About? (tags)
Anti-democratic? Fear-mongering? Socially divisive? Unable to accept blame for his errors? Are we talking about Hugo Chavez or George Bush?
When Anarchists Organize; Lessons from the Love and Rage Federation (tags)
Love and rage was a North American revolutionary anarchist federation in the 1990's. Roy, SanFiippo, a former member of ove and rage, will talk about the rise and fall of Love and rage, as well as its accomplishment's and failures.
US military Bases Must Go: Radical Magazine (tags)
There is a pathertic disease of confused thinking - Its Called We Are Everywhere - or The Carnival of Resistance - It works for the Capitalists - becuase it is afraid of power. Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich are proponents.
Jewish Lessons on the Environment (tags)
Shabbat is a holy covenant among Jews, but it can also be a holy grail for environmentalists.
Electricity Blackouts-Power to the People (tags)
Powerto the People
Michael Albert Debates the ISO and Marxism (tags)
Excellent debate my Michael Albert from Z Magazine with Alan Maas from the ISO. Albert skillfully articulates the failures of Marxism and the agenda of the authoritarian ISO.