fix articles 557110, foreword july
MOBILE AUDIT CLUB sends out red alert on Citibank, Kenneth Lay of Enron Maybe Mind Control (tags)
coming together. I just want space colonies with people of humane conscience, like it used to be and will be. Are we capable? Take a look at what is happening in today's post listed below on Mobile Audit Club. The time to beware is now. I believe that mind control is just as bad as physics manipulation to gain finances from wealthy individuals. A special warning concerning the inheritances placed by billionaires. I don't like the filthy rich that much either, but even they deserve to be left in peace if they live in peace. The horror of life is in the tampering with the flesh, not the money, but they seem to go together.
A Call To Action In War Torn America, Videos (tags)
Below is a post to my website today at Mobile Audit Club. Los Angeles has become the living Hell that is Alabama, and both should have their politicians and courts cleansed by fire of examination and war court tribunal.