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Dial 911 - Report a jaywalker (tags)
These new "Dial 911" posters in Valley Metro buses sound like they are there to create a jobs program for cops.
Stop the Machine! Create a New World! (tags)
A Call to Action - Oct. 6, 2011 and onward October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions.
Union of the Unemployed (tags)
Friday, January 15, 2010, marks the start of a movement.
VIDEO: Agenda for a New Economy - David Korten (tags)
Let us be honest. We don't need to fix the old economy - We need to create a new economy. David Korten's new book, "Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth", has been in bookstores less than 10 days and I implore you to get this book and read it immediately. We have a unique opportunity to change this system and create a sustainable, life-affirming economy.
Government Is Bad - Business Is Good (tags)
Stop war? Get rid of government. Can't have war without government and forced taxes.
Silent Sacred Walk - Reposted correctly (tags)
Silent Sacred walks offers a new perpective for todays times.
Peace walks in LA provide a new pespective to todays times.
Hold the Constitutional Light (tags)
Choose your reality
Help create a permanent Base Camp in Humboldt Co., CA (tags)
What can you do to help the revolution? Here's one great way, and all it takes is $10 and some serious networking...let's show corporate generica how we subvert their shitstem, and create a truly Earth-based movement, with a real home base, that could last generation after's really simple, and it could work beautifully...Please Help make this vision a reality in the physical world!:)