fix articles 57061, rampart corruption scandal
Racketeering complaint against David Pasternak and the Los Angeles Superior Court posted b (tags)
?Rampart?, the movie, starring Steve Buscemi, Robin Wright, Sigourney Weaver, and Ice Cube, is expected to be release soon. ?Under conditions of the justice system of the United States today, a Hollywood movie is the best chance to finally get the Rampart-FIPs released. It is a Human Rights disaster of historic proportions. International scrutiny of the US justice system is urgently needed.?
End LAPD Brutality: Remove LA Prosecutor Steve Cooley & Fire Bratton (tags)
With substantial support from George W. Bush and the local forces of the extreme right, the LAPD and its financed-DA (Steve Cooley - Republican) have succeeded in transforming Los Angeles County to a well-engineered police state.
South Central Farm v. California Attorney General Primary Election (tags)
LOS ANGELES, June 2, 2006 – Contrary to common view, the ongoing SOUTH CENTRAL FARM issue and next Tuesday’s primary election for Attorney General are far more related than most citizens see.
PLEASE E-MAIL THIS MESSAGE TO EVERY CALIFORNIA VOTER YOU KNOW: On Tuesday, June 6, you will have a historical chance to reverse the course of endemic corruption in California justice bureaucracy.
Silent Coup D' etat in Los Angeles (tags)
The Ideologically-driven forces of the extreme right have secretly been nourishing and empowering a brutal police-state system of justice in Los Angeles. The main component of this system consists of a 600-person army of corrupt, LAPD-sanctioned so-called judges whose main task is to coverup acts of LAPD misconduct and brutality.