fix articles 58916, monterey
Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (18-19/sep/09) (tags)
This is not a comprehensive list! It is limited to California only. And it does not include the checkpoints that are not announced in the media. That's why it's important that you let us know when you see one! Be careful, don't drink and drive, let the people in your communities who don't/can't have licenses know, and keep up the resistence!
¡Esta no es una lista exhaustiva! Se limita a California únicamente. Y no incluye los retenes que no se anuncian por los madios de comunicación. ¡Es por eso que es tan importante que nos avises en cuanto veas uno! Manejen con cuidado, no manejen en estado de embriaguez, avisen a lxs de su comunidad que no tienen o que no pueden tener licencia, y ¡sigan resistiendo!
Police checkpoints this weekend / Retenes policiales este fin de semana (tags)
The police continue to militarize our communities by blocking the roads, stealing the cars of immigrants who are unable to obtain licenses. Our rights, such as the right to freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, the right to know about checkpoints beforehand, and others, continue to be rolled back.
Groups Appeal Elephant Hill Ruling (tags)
In a crucial attempt to protect a densely populated Latino neighborhood in Los Angeles, environmental justice advocates and community residents filed an appeal in court on March 3, 2009, seeking to overturn a decision to build luxury homes on a fragile hillside in El Sereno. The development on Elephant Hill would endanger residents and strip the community of its last open space.
Suterra Issues Cease and Desist Order to Indybay regarding "Secret" Pesticide In (tags)
Suterra LLC, a manufacturer of "biorational" pest control products based in Bend, Oregon, has issued a cease and desist order to Indybay demanding that information about a "secret" ingredient in the CheckMate OLR-F mating disruption pheromone be removed from the site.
Immigrants rights forums
On Saturday, April 2nd, thousands of students and workers took the streets of East LA in Monterey Park to celebrate the success of the United Farm Workers (UFW) and its leader, Cesar Chavez, in the historic Delano Grape Strike which led to the signing of the first farmworker labor contracts in 1970.
On Saturday, April 2nd, thousands of students and workers took the streets of East LA in Monterey Park to celebrate the success of the United Farm Workers (UFW) and its leader, Cesar Chavez, in the historic Delano Grape Strike which led to the signing of the first farmworker labor contracts in 1970.
Party for Peace in Monterey Park this Saturday! (tags)
There will be a fund-raising party this Saturday, July 31, put on by three peace vigils in the San Gabriel Valley!
The October 7th recall election of Gray Davis might be recalled by a Federal judge (tags)
The California Attorney General's office and Monterey County officials conceded that they need federal approval, and that without it, the entire recall election, including the two voter initiatives on the ballot, would have to be postponed, perhaps to the March primary.
Antiwar Activism: Queers & Veterans Unite! (tags)
Note about upcoming Veterans for Peace convention in San Francisco.
J10-12 Monterey, California (WTO) CONGRESSIONAL FORUM ON TRADE POLICY (tags)
The Third Annual MONTEREY CONGRESSIONAL FORUM ON TRADE POLICY January 10 – 12, 2001 at the Monterey Institute of International Studies Monterey, California