fix articles 60470, private power
Election Frauder Willie Brown Supports Death Penalty Democrat Gov Davis (tags)
Election Frauder "mayor" Willie Brown of San Francisco, who sits in office with 40% of the vote plus election fraud, and is known for being anti-tenant and anti-public power, showed up at a unity rally on July 19, 2003 for his equally reactionary friend, Gov. Gray Davis, who is best known for promoting the death penalty, prisons and private power, all good reasons to recall this worst governor in California history.
1,401,285 for Recall of Gov Davis (tags)
1,401,285 signatures as of 7/12/03 have been collected to recall the worst governor in California's history, Gov. Davis, who has cost the taxpayers millions of dollars to pay for prison-concentration camps, the death penalty and private power.
Countdown to Recall Gray Davis (tags)
The Countdown to Recall Gray Davis has begun as 6% or 55,357 out of 898,157 petitions have been completed and the desired deadline is the 4th of July while the legal deadline is Sept 2, the day after Labor Day.
The True History of Corporate Control In America (tags)
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling power. "Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing." Franklin Delano Roosevelt