fix articles 60902, alcantara
Philippine rebel leader snared snared in mistress' arms (tags)
MANILA—A Philippine communist rebel leader's secret tryst with a mistress landed him in double trouble, leading to his arrest and the unravelling of his affair with a comrade's wife, the military said Monday.
In a letter to GRP Panel Chairperson Alexander Padilla dated 5 January 2011, Luis Jalandon (tags)
In a letter to GRP Panel Chairperson Alexander Padilla dated 5 January 2011, Luis Jalandoni, NDFP Panel Chairperson, demanded the release of Tirso “Ka Bart” Alcantara in accordance with the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). 1
Philippine rebel leader snared by affair (tags)
MANILA—A Philippine communist rebel leader's secret tryst with a mistress landed him in double trouble, leading to his arrest and the unravelling of his affair with a comrade's wife, the military said Monday.