fix articles 61121, mark gonzales
Political Prisoner Benefit for Daniel McGowan and Jaan Lamaan (tags)
From anti-colonial resisters to victims of the green scare, political prisoners have been incarcerated for their part in liberation movements. Now more than ever, it is critical that we challenge the legitimacy of the imprisonment of all political prisoners.
Political Prisoner Benefit (tags)
When: Saturday March 3rd 2pm - 7pm Where: Southern California Library for Social Research, 6120 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles 90044.
Immigration Wkshp & Hip Hop Show in Costa Mesa! (tags)
This event is being organized by and supporting the Tonantzin Collective, the same collective who has been confronting the racist, I.C.E. policies of the City of Costa Mesa. Please support this community sponsored, community driven event in efforts to raise awareness and information about immigration issues--reminding us that NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL, with funds raised from this event going towards a local community space:
Teacher/ Activist Cesar Cruz Fired For Placing Students and Parents Above Profit (tags)
International Activist, Poet, and Elementary Teacher Cesar Cruz was fired Monday at Downer Elementary School. The firing occured after an article was published that documented Cesar's organizing of a 70 mile march on Sacramento by students and parents to protest budget cuts at their 99% people of color school, as well as the presence of the nearby prison and oil refinery. (Un) Coincidentally, Cesar had also recently aided the community in their demands for a new school and site-based management. A call for action is occurring.