fix articles 62303, john walker lindh
Michael Chertoff The Man & His Star-Crossed Past (tags)
Poster's note: Chertoff made the Dept of Homeland Security an Israeli agency and has hired Michael Hayden, the man who made the NSA a universal snoop and was also head of the CIA, for his Chertoff Group)
Briatain Harasses Human Rights Lawyer (tags)
police state
Wilson Sonsini's Larry Sonsini Asked to Investigate US Ambassador to Japan John Roos (tags)
The request comes amidst revelations that in 2007-2008, OBAMA FOR AMERICA operatives John Roos and Mark Parnes of Wilson Sonsini participated in what appears to be a sophisticated financial scheme to misuse the California Bar Foundation and non-profit entity CaliforniaALL
Southern California Edison Refusal To Disclose Contributions Prompts Complaint to IRS (tags)
In a letter dated August 30, 2012, Edison (through their senior attorney Allan D. Johnson) informed me that they will not comply with the request. Edison wrote: “EIX and SCE are unaware of any authority that would obligate them to produce these documents to you.” Furthermore, Edison also wrote: “Neither EIX nor SCE plan to take any further action in response to your request.”
Do US Prisons Violate European Human Rights Law? --Interview w/ Hamja Ahsan & Aviva Stahl (tags)
An important ruling is expected early in September from the European Court of Human Rights, regarding whether or not US prisons respect human rights enough for the UK to extradite ‘war on terror' suspects to the US. We interview activist/journalist Aviva Stahl from alongside Hamja Ahsan, the brother of Talha Ahsan, one of the appellants that will be seriously affected by the September ruling, imprisoned since 2006.
Obama Embraces Military Commissions Injustice (tags)
rigged trials
More Obama Administration Witch-Hunt Prosecutions (tags)
Targeting Muslims continues under Obama
Bush can detain Americans and hold them indefinitely (tags)
"This decision," countered Jonathan L. Hafetz, counsel for al-Marri, means the president can pick up any person in the country–citizen or legal resident–and lock them up for years without the most basic safeguard in the Constitution, the right to a criminal trial." And in effect denies Habeas Corpus to all Americans.
"Worthy and Unworthy Victims" (tags)
Bush administration police state tactics targeting innocent victims
Cultural Inversions and Criminal Leadership (tags)
Imagine coalition leaders recoiling in horror at the prospect of facing the truth that it is they who are the most criminally liable and culpable terrorists in the world today! Former Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan, stated that in order to effectively combat terrorism a universal definition of ‘terrorism’ would be imperative. A ratified definition would eliminate politically motivated, arbitrary definitions made by various groups/States for the principal purpose of servng their own interests. In the absence of a universal definition the legal system and International criminal courts are ‘hamstrung’ or worse, subject to manipulation by powerful (criminal) interests.
David Hicks torture details (tags)
On 9 December 2006, David Hicks marked 5 years in the American Concentration Camp at Guantanamo Bay without a trial. Abandoned by Australian Prime Minister John Howard and left to rot.
Why SMALL Protests - People Want VIolence! (tags)
she says that everyone cooperated and planned at every single protest and then she backs this up with lies from some lady saying that in the 60s rude behavior was intolerable. All of this is the kind of middle class mentality that lies so easily with omissions and generalizations. I wish Jeneine had just made this up – ignorance is easier to tolerate than pre-meditated lying.
Most favored religion bill Must be stopped (tags)
Researcher Sometimes referred to as the “Hate Bill”, Senate number S.1145, if passed will bring TYRANNY to America. President Bush (reacting to Mrs. Mier’s nomination) had the audacity to say, it matters not what the American people think, it matters what Congress does. Please cut and past this letter and send it to your Senators. A closer look at the Bill shows it would end political dissent, and makes jail a possibility for others with different religious beliefs.
Free John Walker Lindh! (tags)
The young man imprisoned as an “American Taliban” was one of the first victims of American torture in Afghanistan. He was framed, tortured into writing a confession, and gagged for 20 years to keep him from talking. Now that we know his true fate at the hands of his American captors, it’s time to demand his freedom, and to hear his story in his own words.
Killers without Borders (tags)
This probably disqualifies most of america, but this article is for smoeone with the intelligence to grasp its meaning...
Chertoff Buried Early Evidence of Bush Torture Campaign in Afghanistan (tags)
The nominee for new Homeland Security secretary, back in 2002, worked hard to keep the public from hearing courtroom testimony that would have revealed the Bush government’s new campaign of torture, allowing it to spread from Afghanistan to Guantanamo to Iraq.
Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision Attorney general shows himself as a menace to liberty.
Criminal Mastermind: Donald Rumsfeld (By the Balls) (tags)
Download the actual Joint Chiefs of Staff Document this article is based on (Adobe PDF):
Some Dare Call it Treason (tags)
One of the ongoing threads through the screeches of the Warmongers is the attempt to categorize anyone who disagrees with them as "Treasonous" or "Anti-American". Of course their opposition to Free Speech and Open Debate is absolutely Anti-American. However, the mindset of the totalitarian jingoist will not stop there. Sadly.
Archives affirm Bush Nazi Connection (tags)
All kinds of people are defending Bush saying that he is "No Nazi," and that it is wrong to protest, but archives in Berkely and every other school, show where the ties really bind him.
leaked photos of terrorism suspects causes stir (tags)
The Pentagon today was investigating to find out who took and released photographs of terror suspects as they were flown in heavy restraints to the high-security prison in Cuba.
CIA Caught on Film with Possible Pre-Knowledge of Prison Slaughter. (tags)
The first thing that caught my amazement was the fact that CIA agents would allow themselves to be filmed while interrogating a prisoner.