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sam farr

How To Contact The 544 Unelected Superdelegates Pledged To Clinton (tags)

7 more weeks remain to prevent a woman more hawkish than Obama from becoming the Democratic nominee

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)

Congress Votes 368-31 to Back Mumia’s Racist Frame-up (tags)

Five California Democrats in Congress voted nay while 23 voted for the resolution. Those voting against were Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee, Fortney Stark, Michael Honda, and Maxine Waters. Joining in the racist lynch mob voting for the blood of an innocent black man were California Democrats C. Thompson, Doris Matsui, Nancy Pelosi, Ellen Tauscher, Tom Lantos, Anna Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren, Dennis Cardoza, Lois Capps, Jim Costa, Linda Sanchez, Brad Sherman, Adam Schiff, Henry Waxman, Hilda Solis, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Jane Harman, Juanita Millender-McDonald, Grace Napolitano, Joe Baca, Loretta Sanchez, Bob Filner, and Susan Davis. Not voting were Diane Watson, Howard Berman, and Xavier Becerra. Also voting for blood were California Republicans Walter Herger, Daniel Lungren, John Doolittle, Richard Pombo, George Radanovich, Devin Nunes, William Thomas, Elton Gallegly, David Dreier, Edward Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono, Dana Rohrabacher, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, and Duncan Hunter. Howard McKeon didn’t vote.

The Anti-War Movement Sourced the Democrats’ Victory! (tags)

The Democratic Party, read “The War Lite” Party, is basking in the glow of victory today. It has regained control of the House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate for the first time in 12-years. The two issues that it won on-The Iraqi War and the whacky persona of President George W. Bush-had little or nothing to do with the Democratic Party. Those two matters were actually sourced by activists in the Anti-Iraqi War Movement!

Hidden Costs of the Iraqi War Exposed (tags)

As of Oct. 3, 2006, the Iraqi War has led to the deaths of 2,720 U.S. military personnel, cost taxpayers $331.1 billion, while Iraqi civilian casualties are estimated at over 100,000. However, there are also “hidden costs” to this awful conflict. Some were revealed at a Capitol Hill “Iraq Forum” on Sept. 26, 2006. They are the costs to the children of Iraq; to the Iraqi War Veterans; and to the American taxpayers, who are stuck with the tab, while other economic and social priorities go unanswered.

32 US Reps Want Bush Impeachment Inquiry (tags)

32 US House Representatives have signed on as sponsors or co-sponsors of H. Res 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for recommending President Bush’s impeachment, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.

House Resolution 635: Impeachment (tags)

30 Dems now support 635

“Iraq is a No-Win, No-End War!” - Max Cleland (tags)

On Sept. 15, 2005, a Congressional “Forum” was held on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. It was chaired by anti-Iraqi War advocate, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). She accused the Bush-Cheney Gang of creating a “bloody and ruinous debacle,” in Iraq, and that it was long past the time to discuss exit strategies. Max Cleland, a witness at the Forum and a Vietnam War veteran, and ex-U.S. Senator, said, “Iraq is a No-Win, No-End War!”

Set the date! Time to bring the troops home (tags)

Lawmakers rejected Bush’s boast in his State of the Union address that the Jan. 30 election in Iraq vindicates his war policy.

Hate Attack on Black Student in Murrieta (tags)

Sam Farr got beat up at school by two white students because he's black. The Deep South? South Central LA? No, Murrieta Valley High School.

Santa Cruz Residents Push City Council To Support Bush Impeachment (tags)

SANTA CRUZ — Angry peace protesters at City Hall displayed a realistic-looking, oversized layoff notice for President Bush on Tuesday, advising him to "vacate your office in 24 hours." "We want a resolution from the city to impeach Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Powell, Wolfowitz and Condoleeza Rice," said Sherry Conable, active in the impeachment movement. She and others also want the City Council to beef up a local resolution opposing the U.S. Patriot Act, by directing the city government not to cooperate with its provisions.

Rep. Ron Paul outraged by fellow congressman's UN flag display (tags)

"If we continue down the U.N. path, America as we know it will cease to exist"

Rep. Ron Paul outraged by UN flag display (tags)

"If we continue down the U.N. path, America as we know it will cease to exist"

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