fix articles 65407, empathy
The 1954 Attack On The Capitol And The Woman Who Led It
Are some activists star children and now indigo adults? (tags)
Many activists have higher levels of empathy and show opposition to unjust authority. The concept of star children includes indigo adults as people with souls that are from somewhere else. These individuals are often shut down by hierarchal power structures in the school, workplace and status quo politics. Though skeptics disagree with this concept, it is worth understanding the possibility of evolved humans who are able to dismantle authoritarian regimes while dreaming wide awake.
"Je veux pisser, je veux pisser" (tags)
G?rard Depardieu was crucified by the media.
Solidarity from Canada for the South Central Farmers' (tags)
Solidarity from Canada: Never Give Up! We live in a time of great crisis, in which the very life support systems of the planet are under threat. South Central Farms offers a model that needs to be replicated everywhere, a model of restoration, of healing both the land and the human community, of urban sustainability, of possibility in a place where possibility is precious and rare.
Whatever Happened to Empathy? (tags)
Whatever happened to empathy? How did the world suddenly become inhabited by good, red-blooded Americans and a bunch of gooks, slopes, ragheads, hadjis and any other pejorative which makes them seem less than human? How did the world suddenly become us and them? How is it that no one's beliefs and concerns have validity except ours? How has it come about that the world is now divided between us, our few allies, and a world of terrorists?
Empathy, Sympathy and Objectivity (tags)
of global relevance
The Amalgamation of the Bodies of truth (tags)