fix articles 6598, proposals
Degrowth - not just Green New Deals! (tags)
We live in a time of many and accelerating crises. Climate breakdown is breathing down our neck. Biodiversity is collapsing in ecosystems around the world, and many natural safety nets – water cycles, soil fertility, fish stocks, microbial diversity – are unraveling.
House Hearing Reviews Financial Transparency Legislation (tags)
The House of Representatives is holding hearings on legislative initiatives to deter corruption and secrecy in the global financial system. The Financial Services Subcommittee on National Security, International Development and Monetary Policy convenes a March 13th hearing on "Promoting Corporate Transparency: Examining Legislative Proposals to Detect and Deter Financial Crime."
Alternative Trade Mandate, 20pp (tags)
Trade needs a new vision and should serve the public interest, communities, farmers, workers and the poor, and not only corporate profit interests. Communities should have the right to food sovereignty and to protect themselves from the ravages of financial deregulation & GMOs.
Twin Cities Anarchist Bookfair Last Call for Workshops & Tablers (tags)
Last call for tablers, workshops, skillshares for the 2012 Twin Cities Anarchist Bookfair on September 15 & 16.
Anger as the Ship Goes Down (tags)
Obama's proposed banking reforms are likely to face insurmountable opposition from Congress, where lobby interests have become all-powerful. Worse still, writes George Blecher, the proposals themselves don't go far enough.
Dialogue between Nicaragua Sugar, Grupo Pellas and ASOCHIVIDA regarding CKD (tags)
Report from the Compliance Advisor and Ombudsman (CAO) of the World Bank: Dialogue process between the San Antonio Sugar Mill and ASOCHIVIDA advances.
Benefits of "Stimulus Jobs" Could Be Offset by Forced Health Insurance proposals (tags)
Government Forced Health Insurance May Cause Job Losses In Construction, Manufacturing and Other Housing Related Industries.
Health Bill Proposals Could Cause Job-Losses For Non-Health Care Workers (tags)
If Costs Of Forced Private Health Insurance Prevent Home Buyers Qualifying For Home Loans, That Will Hurt Construction and Manufacturing Workers, Financial Institutions And Home Values Dependent On A Stable Housing Market?
Health Bill Raises Economic Concern For Real Estate (tags)
Has Obama discounted the collateral economic damage and costs the current health bill proposals will cause Americans via surcharges and higher taxes?
CONTEST “LIBERTARIAN PEDAGOGY” “Reflections, analysis and proposals for libertarian pedagogy today”
GERMANY: Oscar Lafontaine on the Financial Markets (tags)
"The present crisis cannot be overcome without a regulation of the financial markets.. When banks are given billions through the so-called bank bailout and these billions disappear somewhere, that is a misappropriation or embezzlement of tax funds.."
The struggle for communication. (tags)
The IMC of the world are the most appropriate space for discussions and proposals around the right to communication. The hemisphere, the continent and the world were, are and will be affected by what happens to almost the 200,000,000 (two hundred million) Brazilian citizens. We are all together on this ship in danger that is the planet earth. No one is alone or alone can solve the most serious problems. - a call to action! (tags) ( is an open exhibition and ongoing call for proposed memorials to the many thousands of innocent civilian casualties in the Iraq war.
How Bad Is the Climate Situation ...... Really? (tags)
I became aware of the power of the climate decades ago in college classes that were the most interesting that I had. The professor was not talking about 'Global Warming' or 'Climate Change' at all, only about the immensity of the oceans and their affect on the climate and weather.
AJLPP / CDIR Rejects New Immigration Proposals as Anti-Immigrant, Anti- Family Reunificat (tags)
The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) and the Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) vehemently oppose the US Senate proposals that will turn 12 million immigrants into “guest workers” and scrap the family reunification laws that should unite and not separate families. The new US senate taunted proposals that constitutes a far-reaching change in the immigration system that would admit future arrivals seeking to put down roots in the U.S. based on their skills, education levels and job experience, limiting the importance of family ties.
Lies and deceit behind condo-conversion scheme (tags)
Lies and deceit have been a driving force behind the latest proposals to weaken Oakland's condo-conversion protections!
2007 NCOR Event Details & Call for Proposals (tags)
The National Conference of Organized Resistance is an annual event that brings together people from all backgrounds for a weekend of learning and discussing local and international social justice issues through workshops, panel discussions, and skillshares. We are currently seeking workshop proposals for the 10th Annual NCOR, held March 9-11, 2007 at American University in Washington, D.C. The 2006 conference was a tremendous success, with 80 workshops and almost 2,000 registered participants. We hope to make the 2007 conference an even more vibrant and stimulating experience. NCOR is shaped as much by the people who attend as the people who run it. As volunteers, as workshop leaders, as discussion participants, you create NCOR. We hope you will join us to help make NCOR 2007 an inclusive and diverse forum for global resistance.
San Francisco Labor Council on Immigrant Rights (tags)
Open World Conference of Workers >May 23, 2006
Manifesto of Porto Alegre (unofficial translation) (tags)
Another devel,opment model should be realized based on an energy-saving way of life and democratic controls on natural mineral resources, particularly drinking water. Military bases of foreign countries should be closed.. Another world is possible.
Censorship at Infoshop.Org: The APOC Report (tags)
Here is the article that the "anarchist" webmaster at didn't want people to see...
'We could lose this situation' (tags)
Reality begins to set in with the NeoCONs that the Iraqi People are not going over and play dead so that Georgie and Co. can Pillage the Oilfields and cut FAT no-bid reconstruction Contracts with their their Cronies. As the Bush Sycophants circle the Wagons and start snarling now is not the time to let up on the pressure. NO CONQUEST FOR OILSRAEL.
Those present will introduce themselves and briefly, but concretely, provide a review and update as to the work they are doing around the question of Raza progressive media [*they must present concrete examples of their work, past and present].
An exhibition of proposals for a civic park in downtown L.A.
Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel (tags)
Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel
Saving the Earth the Corporate Way: A Scientific Look at Climate Engineering (tags)
Green campaigners should concentrate not on criticising individual scientists, but on our "technofix" culture and concept of "progress", and on key turning points where science becomes large-scale technology. For in this case we have only one Earth for the engineers to play with.
Democracy means voting on POLICIES not on politicians (tags)
Using magnetic cards for voting will make vote-counting almost immediate. When this happens people will be able to vote directly on POLICIES rather than on politicians. THIS - not Rule by Representatives - is genuine democracy.
World Social Forum Agenda (tags)
The list below, from the World Social Forum Website is a break-down of the four topics of conversation to be addressed at the WSF
IMC network proposals presented at SF conference (tags)
These are some urls for proposals that were presented at the Press Freedom Conference in San Francisco, April 27-29. About 70 people from many IMCs in the US and elsewhere attended.
Communique from Art of War (tags)
Art of War has come together to offer some proposals in the wake of the Long Beach protests. These are our views only and we welcome criticism that people may have of it. It begins with some thoughts on the protests and then turns to concrete proposals for the future in the anarchist movement, in general.
N16 - Protest the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue - Cincinnati! (tags)
Protest the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue Summit November 16-18 in Cincinnati, Ohio. The TABD is a group of 200 American and European CEO's and government officials which will be meeting to prepare trade proposals to present at the next round of the WTO talks. Over 50% of their trade proposals have been passed by the WTO in the past. Come to Cincinnati to let them know we are against their undemocratic policies and structure, that we're against corporate globalization, we're for environmental protection, worker's rights, indigenous rights, and the globalization of JUSTICE! Be in Cincinnati for N16