fix articles 66071, magdalena
Marathon to Free Magdalena García Durán and Atenco Prisoners (tags)
Things are moving faster in the struggle to free the Mazahua indigenous rights leader Magdalena García Duran, recognized by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience, and all the political prisoners arrested in San Salvador Atenco in central Mexico on May 3 and 4, 2006.
Marcos at Mexico-US Border (tags)
“We Will Come and Stay With You, Without Guns, Only With Our Words” Zapatista Comandantes Arrive at Mexico-US Border
Report from Oaxaca - Dec. 19 - The Transformation of Magdalena (tags)
Just as arbitrarily as she’d been grabbed off the street on the 25th, she was told that she was going home. She can’t stop thinking about the women she left behind. Before, Magdalena hadn’t given much thought to the people’s struggle. Her experience has affected her profoundly. She says after what the government has done to her she wants to participate in the struggle however she can.
Special Update from Revolution journalists in Oaxaca! Pass the word on... (tags)
The first account from two revolutionary journalists in Oaxaca covering the upheaval and struggle and dreams of the masses there. A call to support their efforts and invite them to speak on their experiences upon their return.
"We Want This Border to Disappear" (tags)
Marcos in Magdalena de Kino. Zapatista: Report Back from La Otra Campaña (The Other Campaign" in Rancho El Peñasco, Mexico
The Spirit of La Magdalena- Fighting Campesinos (tags)
A campaign of terror and intimidation has been launched against the Colombian SINTRAELECOL trade union representing workers in the electricity industry. Recently seven leading members of the union were assassinated.