fix articles 66358, complex Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : complex


Defund homeless industrial complex (tags)

U.S. Supreme Court ruling that cities no longer need to offer shelter to homeless means taxpayers no longer need to pay for it.

Who fuels war and profits from it (tags)

It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.

The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)

This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.

Ukraine war: Why is the Pentagon actually running out of ammunition? (tags)

The larger problem is financialization. Step by step, this conquered all areas of society. And finally it also reached the holy grail of the military-industrial complex. With financialization came the neoliberal market doctrines of capacity reduction, downsizing, "lean inventories," and cutting costs.

America's disastrous 60-year war (tags)

America's 60-year war, a losing proposition for many, turned out to be a clear winner for a few, In his book,1984, Orwell wrote about permanent war as a way to consume the products of modern capitalism without a higher standard of living for workers..

A Complex Obstacle Facing Humanity (tags)

This report presents my vision of a real Purge'

Ramsay Discusses Milloscope Development (tags)

“This week‘s Armchair Hour talk has the issues of the state terrorism against local dissidents in the aftermath of the nuclear waste irregularity and the massive losses in bee populations found by harvesters.”

Kucinich Warns of Deep State's Plans for War Post-Trump Impeachment (tags)

Long time anti-war Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) warns people of the deep state's plans to unseat Trump and replace him with warmonger Pence. The military-industrial complex despises Trump due to his unpredictability and general non-interventionist approach.

Lumumba Tribunal Weighs Obama Legacy (tags)

On the occasion of the looming presidency change in the Unitedstates facade of the current military-industrial complex, an African sovereignty group which formed after the assassination of Gaddafi has held a tribunal billing Unitedstates policy in the eight years period. It said that for an insight into the change this presidency period made, the assault against Libya was the main benchmark. Not only is it a showcase for its inferior motives, but it also produced considerable fallout upon the election campaign.

Fbi as human monster (tags)

...and only the fbi knows when, where and how innocent Targets (like beautiful butterflies) are unlawfully trapped in the fbi's macabre web.

Recipe for Peace; Close U.S. Foreign Bases and Stop CIA Meddling (tags)

The only sensible foreign policy platform is to close down all U.S. military bases on foreign soil and disband the Central Intelligence Agency. By ending CIA tampering with foreign governments the people of other nations will have self determination and economic stability. Our military is for defense only, not for policing the world.

NJ Gov. Christie Claims Cannabis Legalization is "Blood Money" (tags)

At a recent speech given in a drug treatment facility NJ Gov. Chris Christie claims that legalization is "blood money" when in fact the opposite is true. This comedian who plans to run for Pres. in 2016 believes then that there is no blood money made in the illegal status of drugs that create the cartels and resulting violence of gang warfare?

For a Different Economics (tags)

Economists are criticized everywhere for their onesidedness, their focus on markets and their inability to deal with the burning problems... From neoclassical assumptions "more is better" or markets lead to efficient distribution, a perspective on the world results that sets efficiency over justice

5% Protest Vote Against Military-Industrial Complex; Gary Johnson 4 Prez! (tags)

Since both Republicans and Democrats are heavily dependent upon lobbyist contributions from the military-industrial complex, our only result on Nov. 7th will be more of the same status quo whether it be Tweedledee Omaba or Tweedledum Romney. Please help break the bipartisan grip on democracy by giving third party Libertarian and anti-war candidate Gary Johnson your vote today!!

Live Free from Unconstitutional Drug Laws by Electing Ron Paul in 2012 (tags)

This details the failed war on drugs and recommends legalization and understanding of the actual beneficiaries of the war on drugs in the prison-industrial complex and offshore banks.

BTL:Nuclear Adviser Resigns over Japanese Government's Increasing Level of Allowable Radia (tags)

Interview with Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and author of "Physics of the Future" , conducted by Scott Harris

BTL:Plutonium Found in Soil Near Stricken Japanese Nuclear Complex; Groups Demand Radiatio (tags)

Interview with Tom Clements, Southeastern nuclear campaign coordinator with the environmental group Friends of the Earth, conducted by Scott Harris

Mr (tags)

9/11 truth is out on the internet This is the truth - The WTC was destroyed by 3 thermo-nuclear explosions.

Kaiser Built Hospital On Toxic Superfund Dump Site In Downey California-Is This Criminal? (tags)

Kaiser Executives and Bosses have spent over $1 billion on a medical complex at Downey, California. Should these executives be charged with criminal activity for building a hospital on a superfund toxic dump site where workers and patients have been contaminated?

Injured Downey Movie Workers and Kaiser Workers Speak-out On Memorial Day April 19, 2009 (tags)

On April, 19, 2009 injured movie and Downey Kaiser workers had a speak-out in front of the Kaiser hospital complex in Downey, California. Kaiser has built the hospital on a highly toxic dump site and many workers have gotten injured at the site.

Article about Simple Hunter-Gatherers (tags)

Hello, for anyone interested, here is an article about simple hunter-gatherers

LA Welcomes Obama! STOP the RAIDS NOW!! (tags)

On March 19, 2009, President Barack Obama visited the Mexican/Central American community where Miguel Contreras Learning Complex is located. The community came out to demand 1. STOP the ICE RAIDS and 2. FULL LEGALIZATION for ALL PEOPLE NOW!

LA Welcomes Obama! STOP the RAIDS NOW!! (tags)

On March 19, 2009, President Barack Obama visited the Mexican/Central American community where Miguel Contreras Learning Complex is located. The community came out to demand 1. STOP the ICE RAIDS and 2. FULL LEGALIZATION for ALL PEOPLE NOW!

Obama Caves to the Oil Companies. (tags)

Today on NBC's meet The Press, retained Secretary of Defense William Gates grabbed president Barrack Obama by the neck and pulled Barrack Obama's face to secretaries crotch.

Church of Scientology Allegedly Prevents Sale of Critic's Book in the UK (tags)

Denial of freedom of speech, human rights violations, civil rights abuses -- Scientology's crimes against us must stop. Nobody should have the right to tell us what we can and can not read!

P&F Congressional Candidate Calls For Closure Of Kaiser Hospital Complex In Downey CA (tags)

Peace and Freedom Party Congressional candidate Dina Padilla is calling for the closure of the Downey toxic site in which Kaiser has built a hospital complex and toxic site developer Stuart Lichter has built the Downey Studio. These sites have not been properly cleaned up and movie and Kaiser workers have gotten sick from contamination

Veteran Journalist Robert Scheer Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Veteran progressive journalist Robert Scheer spoke in San Diego July 26 and 28 to promote his new book "The Pornography of Power," an exposé of the military-industrial complex and its continuing power to shape American economic and foreign policy and saddle us not only with weapons we don't need but also the irresistible temptation to use them.

The San Angelo Witch Hunts (tags)

Why you should care about the raid on the FLDS ranch.

5 Days Left to Stop the Bombs! (tags)

We are here to tell the DOE and the federal government that we don't want to spend more money on new nuclear weapons or the current popular term WMD or weapons of mass destruction.

Help us 'STOP' the bombs! (tags)

Their Plan: Make new nuclear weapons! The Hearing: Make your opinion known! Our Plan: Stop the Bombs!

Time for Navy to Ship Out of Illegally Occupied Hawaii (tags)

It is time for the U.S. Navy to close its Hawaii Range Complex, pack its bags, and ship out of the illegally occupied nation of Hawaii. On your way out, be sure to clean up after yourselves. You have left a big mess in your wake. Your mother, my mother, Mother Earth herself, says Enough! It’s time for Military Clean-up, NOT Build up!


Today is the last day to save Hawaiian Paradise - the islands, the marine life, and the health of the Pacific Ocean. The military is planning an unprecedented expansion of military operations and "war games" exercises that will severely damage the health of the Pacific and to the Hawaiian people and all life forms in the Hawaiian Islands!

$80M to Boeing for GMD Missile Defense Complex in Europe (tags)

Boeing in Huntsville, AL received a sole-source maximum $80 million cost-plus-incentive-fee, indefinite-delivery letter contract to conduct activation planning of a European-based Missile Defense Complex, as part of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) component of the USA's anti ballistic missile program.

UC Hunger Strike Against Weapons Labs Passes 1-Week Mark (tags)

A hunger strike initiated by 44 UC students, several alumni and a professor has passed its 1-week mark. The hunger strikers are demanding that the UC Board of Regents withdraw from their contracts to operate Los Alamos and Livermore National Laboratories based on, “the grounds that the Reliable Replacement Warhead program and Los Alamos Labs’ ongoing preparations to conduct plutonium pit manufacturing both clearly violate Article VI of the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.” The hunger strikers have put their bodies on the line in a time of enormous flux for US nuclear weapons policy. Their target, the UC, has been identified by them as a site of strategic importance in the wider campaign against new nuclear weapons.

Military-Industrial Complex (tags)

The fusion of the new American patriotism with religious fundamentalism developed into the most powerful legitimation resource for continuing the MIC. Stability and containing conflict are obviously not the goals of the neoconservatives.

Green Party’s Kevin Zeese Has New Approach (tags)

On Dec. 14, 2005, the Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in MD, Kevin Zeese, ripped into President Bush calling his Annapolis speech, “filled with lies!” He also demanded the U.S. get out of Iraq and admit it’s a “failed policy.” He labeled the Military-Industrial Complex, the “greatest threat to our country.” Zeese also wants a “Single Payer” health care system, a “share the wealth” economy and a fair and balanced Middle East policy.

BTL:Opponents of Prison Industrial Complex Rally for Policy Change in... (tags)

...Nation's Capital ~ Interview with Barbara Fair, of People Against Injustice, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Mars. Red planet, Misread planet. (tags)

The finest data and the worst interpretation in the history of Science

Move over creationism, here comes Intelligent Design (tags)

Intelligent design is the new & improved version of creationism that doesn't try to disprove evolution, instead intelligent design supporters advocate that biological complexity is evidence of a "Creator God" that happens to be the same God of the Bible..

Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk (tags)

The Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk is being organized by members of the International Coalition For A Nuclear Free Future.

The Roots of the PIC in American History (tags)

by Daniel Horowitz de Garcia, Walda Katz-Fishman, Clark McKnight, explores the roots of the Prison Industrial Complex back to slavery.

a second march route for 3/20 (tags)

the antiwar movement is enormous and complex.... the March route(s) should reflect this.

Complex Adaptive Systems & Revolution (tags)

This paper proposes a new theory on revolutionary change. This paper is motivated by the desire to fill a gap in understanding between those bound to traditional anarchist methodology of change and the new disorganized resistance movement, a movement promulgated by the author. The hope is to facilitate understanding of this new paradigm of revolution among traditional anarchists. The disorganized resistance movement encourages multithreaded revolutionary activities and thus seeks not to replace the traditional methodologies but to increase their utility by supplementing traditional methodology, which we consider to be a necessary but insufficient component of revolutionary struggle with that which it lacks, a complete revolutionary methodology adapted to the realities of modern life. This new methodology embraces the concept of meme-warfare. However, before addressing meme-warfare in detail (as we will in a future article), we introduce you to the underlying concept space.

Spy Finance and the Black Budget (tags)

".....a congressional investigation revealed that the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), a supersecret agency whose existence was publicly acknowledged only a few years ago, lost track of a $2 billion slush fund because it was so highly classified even top intelligence officials had no control over it."


if you still as yet have not heard the news... here is another excerpt from the work of art entitled... THE SUN ASCENSION... don't be the last to know... 1LOVE 1PEOPLE 1DESTINY in PARADISE...



Resisting "Complexity Management" (tags)


Hopis Concerned About Coal-Fired Power Plant on Black Mesa (tags)

Mr. Masayesva stated at the conference, "What we have here is the making of an energy-industrial-tribal complex, just like the military-industrial complex of the 1950s."

RAND War Planners & U.S. Military/Industrial/Foundation/Media Complex (tags)

War Planners at Santa Monica, California's RAND/Project Air Force military think-tank apparently planned war against Afghanistan's Taliban regime many months before 9/11/01. Establishment Foundations fund RAND military think-tank and collaborate with U.S. military-industrial-media complex

Afghanistan and CIA Opium TIMELINE Worldwide. Drug war industrial complex CHARTS (tags)

An 'enemy' we love to death. Afghanistan and CIA Opium TIMELINE Worldwide. CHARTS. US prison and incarceration rate charts. The mythology of the "enemy." Milking the drug war at home and abroad. To feed the military intelligence, prison industrial complex. Riding the beast of drug war for power, prisons, and profits. Corporate control and profit by creating an enemy, utilizing its ruthlessness, and then creating the secret police, the war machine, and the prison camps to then destroy this 'enemy.'


A compilation of notices, stories and opinions posted to the Independent Media Center network about the United States' prison-industrial complex, inspired by the Philadelphia IMC's coverage of last week's protests at the American Correctional Association's yearly convention.

Ind. Building Protesters Arrested (tags)

Protesters Arrested

Complex Array Manifesto (tags)

The Answer is Conceptual:

Moreno Valley arrest Meniefield's relatives for trespassing at memory shrine (tags)

Three weeks ago, a Moreno Valley police officer shot Dante Meniefield to death, for trespassing in an abandoned apartment. Now, two of his family members have been arrested for a similar offense simply for visiting a shrine created in his memory to pay their respects.

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