fix articles 66883, by attac austria
What is the Origin of Wealth? (tags)
"Europe faces the choice of falling apart in the crisis or taking steps to another economic model," 50 scholars from the advisory board of Attac Germany declared. They make the connection between the chaos of the financial markets and the scandalous distribution of wealth
Attac Catalogue for Democratizing the Financial Markets (tags)
The financial industry contributed over $5 billion in the last year in campaign gifts and lobbying to ensure that Wall Street oligarchs have their way in the media and congress. Attac is a global justice network committed to shriveling the financial markets.
Financial Crisis and the Poor (tags)
The financial market crisis has long spilled over on the real economy. Therefore politics is called to do everything so the economy starts up again and unemployment is prevented. Without strong pressure, frauds will continue unchanged in the global financial casino after losses are socialized
Democracy and the WTO: Alternatives to Free Trade (tags)
Trade policies that benefit multinational corporations are undemocratic and promote exploding inequality. "The negotiations are carried out on a supra-national plane where democracy or civil society interests fall by the wayside."
Dislocations and Crises (tags)
Liberalization of the finance markets started a mechanism where the broad mass of the world's population lost. Only a few conglomerates and wealthy persons are winners.
Competition leads to Unemployment without Taxation (tags)
To create jobs, the profits from the Common Market must be brought back into the economy as investments.. Competition leads to higher unemployment without the recycling of profits.
Free Trade Endangers Jobs Worldwide (tags)
Free strade in agriculture means export orientation and mass production instead of giving priority to food security and qualitatively high-grade regional food production.
The Unconditional Basic Income (tags)
Alternatives to the work society are necessary. A political movement is only credible today if it positions itself to the changes of the world of work and presents alternatives to the crisis of the work society. Basic income is a first step to freedom.