fix articles 6692, white power
Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos (tags)
Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos
"Not learning lessons from the bank collapse reproduces or strengthens the dominance of the financial sector. The danger of a repetition of the crisis grows..The political right-wing slanders the health reform project as an `attack on freedom.'"
Barack Obama: White Power in Black Face (tags)
He hasn't said the word black out of his mouth, not even to talk about the color of his suit or his shoes! He cannot address the suffering of African people.
Barack Obama - White Power in Black Face! (tags)
"He hasn't said the word black out of his mouth, not even to talk about the color of his suit or his shoes! He cannot address the suffering of African people."
Nazi skinheads disrupt punk concert - riot ensues (tags)
“Several people said fighting broke out after a group of skinheads began shouting ‘White Power’"
Since the September 11th attacks, racist groups have gained increasing size and political power.
Big Idea Rag #2 - Toledo Welcomes Nazis + WTO Hong Kong (tags)
Location for protest of KKK white power music show in Southern CA 11-16 (tags)
Saturday November 16, at a Fairgrounds in Perris, CA in Riverside County. The address is 18700 Lake Perris Dr. Here are directions from LA.