fix articles 67049, ferc
NV; Fatality from Ruby Pipeline Construction (tags)
El Paso corporation's rush to complete the Ruby Pipeline in northern Nevada resulted in a worker's fatality as safety procedures were skipped and work continued despite the frigid temps and icy surfaces. The time required to complete this project is being shortened by the corporate profit motive, and the human nature to make serious mistakes is increased as workers grow weary from long hours and colder temperatures.
FERC under GW Bush regime contributes to genocide (tags)
Recent GW Bush/Cheney regime influenced FERC decision to relicense Klamath River dams contributes to the genocide of indigenous nations (Yurok, Hupa, Karuk) living along the Klamath River ecosystem.
"I want to f--k with Nevada for a while" (tags)
"This was not a smoking gun, this was an audio tape of the bullet coming out of the chamber, hitting the victim and the killer standing over the body and laughing about it." -- Russ Campbell, Nevada Power Company attorney
Enron's man to investigate the Enron-engineered California energy crisis (tags)
Let's see now -- the Chairman of FERC was previously appointed by G.W. to the Texas state utility commission -- at the behest of Enron -- and now he's going to "investigate" Enron's activity in California. And how many Enron-Bushies are among the SEC, CFTC and Justice Dept. "investigators" who will join FERC in this little P.R. show?
Local Union members demand money back from the energy companies at rally (tags)
Union Members rallied today to demand :"We want all the money back" from the energy companies.
Major Energy Crisis Rally Today, 11:30am Downtown LA (tags)
Come one, come all! A major union-sponsered rally, about the energy crisis, will happen today (8-01) at the downtown federal building (225 Temple), beginning at 11:30am and going until 1pm.
Comments to CPUC on electric rate increases (tags)
California Public Utiities Commission is taking public comments on proposed electric rate increases. This letter suggests a cost-shifting approach to address the "crisis."