fix articles 68046, made a
Anti-fascist documentary "uno di noi" now online (tags)
In December 2008, we created an anti-fascist mural in Bochum, to commemorate those seven anti-fascist from different european countries, who had been killed by neo-nazis during the last years. After we photographed the whole process of production, we brought those and several other materials together and made a documentary of it, about the mural and the background of the seven murdered antifas.
SOS/Minutemen in Long Beach (tags)
A handful of SOS and Minutemen faithful showed up on the corner of 7th and Atlantic in Long Beach to protest the sanctuary given to Liliana, a 29 year old immigrant from Mexico by St. Luks Episcopal Church.
SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Annenberg Foundation Makes Offer to Developer to Buy Land (tags)
The Annenberg Foundation made a surprise announcement today that they have made a proposal directly to developer Ralph Horowitz to buy the land on behalf of the farmers.
The extreme Left has made a terrible strategic mistake shacking up with the Islamists. In one sense, they?re not as incompatible as they might appear: Islamism may be religious in origin but in its political form it is simply this decade?s brand of oppressive statism, as communism was before it. But the only question now is how deeply this strategic error infects the less insane Left. On National Public Radio the other day, Howard Dean advanced the theory that the Saudis had tipped off Bush about 9/11 in advance. When the Democratic presidential front-runner is cheerfully wearing his tinfoil hat in public, it?s no wonder the other fellows are scrambling to sound just as loopy.
green day's anti-war song (tags)
green day did an acoustic anti-war song
Trib online poll: Has the U.S. made a convincing case for attacking Iraq? (tags)
(yeah, it's dumb, but make the good folk of Chicago feel good) The Chicago Tribune is currently conducting an online poll on US efforts to lobby for war. The question being posed is: 'Has the U.S. made a convincing case for attacking Iraq?' Numbers are currently running in favor of 'Yes' Take this opportunity to vote 'NO' to war. Click URL below
" ... made a fool of the Pope" (tags)
With his stem-cell decision, President George W Bush did more than just anger prospective Nobel-Laureate researchers. He also made a fool of the man, revered by the world's billion Catholics as the "Holy Father".