fix articles 68317, electronic iraq
Anti-Arab Racism and Incitement in Israel (tags)
For more on this subject, the excellent documentary "Lessons In Hate" is required viewing. I thought it would find Palestinian schools disseminating hateful material, as the Israeli line goes. However, the producers found that, whereas Palestinian schools teach the reality of the conflict (what the Zionists refer to as 'spreading hate'), Israeli curriculum disseminates Revisionism to Israel's children, breeding misunderstanding and perpetuating hatred. This is designed, of course, to allow the Extremists who design this curriculum, to fool its population into allowing it to perpetuate its war to eliminate Palestine.
No More Moral Relativism: The US is a Terrorist State (tags)
When Bush and Blair decry acts of terror that murder innocent people, they should look in the mirror, long and hard. ------------
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Dec. 27th Updates (tags)
1. Iraqi Resistance Communique 2.Iraqi Resistance Report for events from Monday 22 December through Wednesday, 24 December 2003. 3.Boycott Coca- Cola.. Buy Quibla Cola 4.Appeal to UN/ Solidarity with the Fedayeen Attacks Sent to the Iraq Resistance Solidarity Network 5.German Stand with Efforts to Fund the Iraqi Resistance!!! 6. Resistance Committee in France Stand with the People of Iraq Against Occupation! 7.In Defense of the Intifada: Discussion in the Real Objectives of the International Solidarity Movement
12/23: Latest News from IRAQ - by PeaceNoWar (tags)
Peace No War Network Web: [To join the listserv, send e-mail to:]
BTL:Middle East Roadmap for Peace May Lead to a Dead End (tags)
Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Al Jazeera back on the job in Iraq (tags)
"About 50 Iraqi civilians were killed in coalition bombing of the southerncity of Basra, the independent Arab-language satellite station Al-Jazeera claimed last night. In footage seen across the Arab world, the station aired grisly and explicit images of the dead and wounded, including a child with the back of its skull blown off and blood-stained people being treated on the floor of a hospital." In an unrelated story, an American soldier has 'fragged' three of his officers in Kuwait (using a grenade).
Mainstream Press missing the point entirely re: "Human Shields" (tags)
Mainstream press please pay attention: