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My Friend, Christine Maggiore (tags)
The death of alternative AIDS activist Christine Maggiore came as a shock to me, not only because for 17 years she'd offered herself as living proof that a so-called "HIV-positive" diagnosis was not necessarily fatal but, more importantly, because she'd been a close personal friend for 15 years. Her death does not change any of the scientific facts that make the idea that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS not only wrong, but ridiculous; though supporters of the mainstream view of AIDS are exploiting it for propaganda, what it really underscores is the need for more basic research to document whether "HIV-positive" people who take the highly toxic AIDS medications actually live longer, healthier lives than those who don't.
L.A. Doctor Admits HIV Only "Associated" with AIDS (tags)
Dr. Jocelyn Dee, a Los Angeles HIV/AIDS doctor who treats mostly low-income patients at the County/USC Rand Schrader clinic, went on the "How Positive Are You" podcast of Alive and Well founder Christine Maggiore and Reappraising AIDS president David Crowe — both longtime critics of the HIV/AIDS model — and in the context of discussing so-called "AIDS denialism" and its portrayal in the corporate media, Dr. Dee admitted that HIV has never been proven to cause AIDS and there is merely an "associative" relationship between the two.
“I have a large population of people who have chosen not to take any anti-retrovirals. They’ve watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die.” – Dr. Donald Abrams, MD, Director of AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital (“Lecture to Medical Students,” Synapse, 1996)