fix articles 70119, interim
KPFK difficulties continue (tags)
repost info from other sources that are not available to KPFK donors in LA - why no transparency ever ? still.....
Producers/Community Oppose Cancellation of MM (tags)
A small uprising took place to prevent the cancellation of KPFA morning mix local community programming and it's replacement by the KPFK show "Uprising" By Sonali Kolhatkar. A show was held at KPFA with all the producers and voices from the community about the replacement and marginalization of the locally produced programming from drive time to other times.
Pacifica Exe Director position is in confusion still putting KPFK at risk (tags)
Pacifica is in broken shape, in at least two separate pieces: The Executive Directorship is allocated to 2 people by at least 2 groups. One is Summer Reese, [ a long time PNB chair and member, and she was contractually hired after many months working as interim ED ] and the other is Bernard Duncan, former KPFK general manager [ who claimed to be going to NZ to be with his girlfriend and he left his KPFK position months before his contract was up.]
AIPAC Pressure Threatens Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
Egypt: Blood in the Streets (tags)
ElBaradei Heads Egypt's Interim Government (tags)
Grace Aaron, former interim Executive Director and Board Chair, Sues Pacifica (tags)
Grace Aaron, who rose to Pacifica "fame" with the Committee to Strengthen KPFK," is suing the Foundation
Former Pacifica Radio Interim Executive Seeks Retroactive Extra Pay (tags)
Word has it that after ending her tenure as Pacifica's Interim Executive Director, former board chair Grace Aaron is demanding that the board pay her retroactively for health benefits that were never agreed to.
FACLA Imbroglio: Two More FACLA Directors Resigns (tags)
As the FACLA imbroglio thickens, two more FACLA directors resigned due to more impending cases to be filed against FACLA board of directors Meng Gatus and Benjie Lopez. According to letters procured by the EPCC NEWS, latest to resign as members of the FACLA board were Mandy Francisco, newly designated interim FACLA president and Andrea De Guzman. FACLA directors Nene Jensen and Dick Digal resigned earlier after some differences with FACLA president Meng Gatus in 2009.
FACLA Imbroglio: Two More FACLA Directors Resigns (tags)
As the FACLA imbroglio thickens, two more FACLA directors resigned due to more impending cases to be filed against FACLA board of directors Meng Gatus and Benjie Lopez. According to letters procured by the EPCC NEWS, latest to resign as members of the FACLA board were Mandy Francisco, newly designated interim FACLA president and Andrea De Guzman.
Toward an Understanding of the Causes of KPFK's Conflict: A Voters' Guide (tags)
Looking for the truth at KPFK? Check this out, by a long-time insider. Read this, and get your ballot in by Thursday.
Announcing its intention to challenge the Democrats and Republicans in 2010, a national organizing effort to build a new electoral party of the left has announced its interim leadership and basic unity statement. Debra Reiger of Sacramento, who also serves as North State Organizer of the Peace and Freedom Party, is the Interim Chair of the National Organizing Continuations Committee (NOCC). The committee was empowered to coordinate the multi-state effort at the National Organizing Conference held on August 1 in San Francisco. The Interim Secretary is Georgia Williams of Fresno, who also serves as Secretary of the Peace and Freedom Party State Central Committee.
Coup d'etat at WBAI radio (tags)
Interim Executive Director of Pacifica changes locks at WBAI transmitter, coming to take over. Without any notice to WBAI manager Toney Riddle, nor to the governing board of the Pacifica Foundation, the interim executive director, Grace Aaron of Los Angeles, has conspired with some of her appointees to take control of WBAI in an undemocratic process.
A Letter from the Interim GM of KPFK (tags)
The current state of KPFK and our commitment to continue providing programming of benefit to the progressive movements in and around Los Angeles
Invisible Violence in Haiti (tags)
Ignoring murder in post-coup Haiti
Iraqis vote: First step towards democracy and independence (tags)
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guard for their future security.
Iraqi Officials Resign Over U.S. attack on Najaf (tags)
"Iraqi Officials Resign Over U.S. attack on Najaf" Destroying a city in order to save it, again. Please spread this note, and please get ready to resist: US Out of Iraq! Hands Off Venezuela! So much is at stake. jamie
BTL:Violence and Scandals Surround Newly Appointed Iraqi Interim Government (tags)
Interview with Denis Halliday, former United Nations under-secretary general and past coordinator of Iraq's oil for food program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Another Kidnapping Chavez Style
Closed War Tribunal Set up on, Saddam Captured on 12/13: Coincidence? Yeah, right (tags)
Saddam always vowed to expose the depths of his dealings with the Reagan and Bush I administrations if ever he were before a world court. But there will be no world war crimes court, thanks to hasty preplanning by Bush.
Community Says WPFW LAB Gots Ta GO!!! (tags)
Furious over the firing of interim General Manager Tony Regusters, members of the WPFW community converged on the LAB meeting to demand justice. However, LAB asserts they had no influence in the firing.
Is this what you call victory? (tags)
Even right wing shows like Mc Cloughlin Group and Meet the press where slaming the bush administrations total lack of planning for post war Iraq.
Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld give Ahmed Chalabi Iraq (tags)
OUTSIDE NASIRIYAH, Iraq. April 13 -- The Pentagon has ordered U.S. forces here to quickly deploy a U.S.-sponsored opposition militia to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities, American and Iraqi exile sources said today.
Introducing... the new "Leader" of Iraq! (tags)
The internal US Government debate over whether to go to war "is over"... and the new US imposed leader for Iraq has been choosen.
Open Letter to Pacifica Community (tags)
Open Letter to the Pacifica community of listeners from the Interim General Manager, Steven Starr.
Steven Starr Heads KPFK as Interim General Manager (tags)
IndyMedia activist and filmmaker Steven Starr has joined KPFK, the Los Angeles station in the five-station Pacifica Network, to lead an interim team designed to build and restore the station to its original mission.
KPFK Broadcasts Message Attacking Interim Board (tags)
Los Angeles Pacifica Station KPFK has begun broadcasting a message about the problems caused by the old Pacifica Board. However, they've written the message and are sending listeners to a web site that blames the problems on the recently installed interim Pacifica Board.
GUARDIAN: Interim Argentinian Leader Quits (tags)
Argentina today struggled to fill a political vacuum after President Adolfo Rodriguez Saa stepped down after only 10 days in office.