fix articles 71707, for sale
KPFK may also be up on Chopping Block ? We need to get facts now ! (tags)
KPFA in Berkley is rumored to be For Sale= that means KPFK in Los Angeles goes out in same manner as Pacifica cannot survive without these 2 main radio stations. We, members, need to investigate and reveal what is KNOWN as facts, corroborated, or what sounds like ‘rumor’ but verifiable. Soon !
Hernandez Family Foreclosure Sparks Anti-Eviction Outrage (tags)
Fuerza Hernandez evicted today with promises of continuing resistance.
Utah is Not for Sale! No Nuclear Waste Imports! (tags)
Utah has experienced a legacy of being targeted for nuclear waste dumping. Now, EnergySolutions, the largest commercial nuclear waste dump in the country, is offering a large cash sum to the state of Utah. In exchange they want lawmakers to open the door to importing nuclear waste from foreign countries...and our Legislators are considering this indecent proposal! Fight back and join us for the "Utah is NOT for Sale!" Rally on 2/25!!
"The Dollar Will Fall Enormously" (tags)
The American balance of payments deficit must be reduced. Today's business model is dead. Moody's rating agency will be the Arthur Andersen of this decade.
Justice and Peace: Globalization from Below (tags)
Free trade is one of the most important idols that rule over us in Babylon..Deregulation as the owners of the world call this lawlessness leads to new forms of impoverishment..The greatest terrorist is neoliberal economicorder
Schwarzenegger faces boos, turned backs at Santa Monica College (tags)
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger took the stage Tuesday at Santa Monica College's Corsair Stadium, which was filled with a maximum capacity crowd, and faced boos, chants, turned backs and signs of protest to his policies on education funding.
Ridiculous Liberal Posturing re Israel's Syria Incursion (tags)
Blowing up innocent children in Haifa is accepted as pretty much normal business in the Middle East. But taking out the supposedly empty infrastructure of a killers' training base on Syrian soil is terrible.
"I compare this new movement with the early battles for the abolition of slavery in the 18th century..At that time a hundred years were needed to abolish slavery, end child labor and introduce minimum wages..We need a different economic globalization from below..
L.A. Peace Rally photos (tags)
George Bush rides a missle with Dick Cheney on it, while the Statue of Liberty with a For Sale sign look on !
The time has come to learn the truth about how you have been insidiously enslaved to a greedy few scumbags.
Awake brother and let me tell you a story of how a great people became slaves to a few greedy weazels.