fix articles 72383, palestine mandate
Rabbi Kahane, the Sarah Solution, and Peace (tags)
Peace Between Israel And The Arab States, Can Be The Basis Of Solving The Palestinian Problem
Behar-Bechukotai: Jews living outside Eretz Yisrael? (tags)
Rights To The Land of Israel, In The Light of The Torah
Vayera: Mother Sarah Was The First Kahanist! (tags)
Sarah Said: Transfer The Arabs Out Of Israel Now!
Jordan Isn’t Palestine, Its Part of Eretz Yisrael (tags)
End 7th century Arab/Islamic Imperialism NOW!
Jordan Isn’t Palestine, Its Part of Eretz Yisrael (tags)
End 7th century Arab/Islamic Imperialism NOW!
BACKGROUNDER: The Palestinian Claim to a “Right of Return” (tags)
Do Palestinians who fled Israel in 1948, and their descendants, have a legal or moral right to return to their former homes in Israel?
Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)
A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.
The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.
The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.
A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)
A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.
The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.
Adherents of Zionism believed that the Jewish people had an inherent and inalienable right to Palestine. Religious Zionists stated this in biblical terms, referring to the divine promise of the land to the tribes of Israel. Secular Zionists relied more on the argument that Palestine alone could solve the problem of Jewish dispersion and virulent anti-Semitism. Weizmann stated in 1930 that the needs of 16 million Jews had to be balanced against those of 1 million Palestinian Arabs: "The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate have definitely lifted [Palestine] out of the context of the Middle East and linked it up with the world-wide Jewish problem....The rights which the Jewish people has been adjudged in Palestine do not depend on the consent, and cannot be subjected to the will, of the majority of its present inhabitants." This perspective took its most extreme form with the Revisionist movement. Its founder, Vladimir Jabotinsky, was so self-righteous about the Zionist cause that he justified any actions taken against the Arabs in order to realize Zionist goals.
This article looks at Prime Minister-elect Olmert's contention that the elections were a referendum to carry out further withdrawals/expulsions from Judea/Samaria (the West Bank).
Resolution To Kill The Resolution (tags)
The impotance of territorial compromise if true peace is ever to come between the 22 Arab states and the sole one of the Jews
No Friends...Just Interests (tags)
State Department 's ongoing undermining of Israel's security
This article points out that while there are several "peace initiatives" and much discussion about "Palestinian Refugees" and their "right of return"; no one ever defines the term. This article does that.
The Bombing Of The King David Hotel (tags)
The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the wounding of 58, was not just an act of “Jewish extremists,” but a premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the highest Jewish political authorities in Palestine-- the Jewish Agency and its head David-Ben-Gurion.