fix articles 74731, quotjewish
Avraham Burg OK's State of Judea? (tags)
It looks at some of the recent statements and activities of the former speaker of the Israeli Knesset, and jokingly puts them into context.
The oddest thing about the "Jewish lobby" is that while its ability to intimidate both the U.S. government and the American media stems from a well-deserved reputation for highly effective grassroots organizing, it does so without having a genuine constituency.
A Rabbi's Ten Questions To The Zionists (tags)
IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.