fix articles 75945, next tuesday
SB 810 Single Payer Healthcare Needs Your Phone Calls Today (tags)
SB 810, the single payer healthcare bill in the California Senate, needs just 2 more votes from the 5 abstainers listed below to pass before January 31, 2012. SB 810 is the only real solution to the healthcare crisis that saves the state billions, guarantees healthcare for all Californians, and controls costs, while eliminating the denials of care and restrictions of provider choice imposed by private insurance companies.
"Palestine: Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land" -- Cal State L.A., May 26 ' (tags)
How does the media shape our perceptions of the conflict in the Holy Land? Who is presented as the antagonist or protagonist, and why?
3 Local Emergency Protests Against Gaza Massacre (tags)
Three local emergency protests are planned against massacre in Gaza. First one today (Sunday 12/28) in Anaheimat 2 PM. Two protests are planned for Tuesday (12/30) at Westwood Federal Building 3PM and another at 4:30 PM at Israeli Consulate. We must act now, to halt these brutal massacres! Over 200 people were killed in Gaza on Saturday, December 27 in a series of Israeli attacks - with US-made and paid for weaponry - upon the Palestinian people.
PLEASE E-MAIL THIS MESSAGE TO EVERY CALIFORNIA VOTER YOU KNOW: On Tuesday, June 6, you will have a historical chance to reverse the course of endemic corruption in California justice bureaucracy.