fix articles 76676, dave patterson
Veterans for Peace Solicit Donations for Homeless on 9/11 Anniversary (tags)
Members of the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice and the San Diego Veterans for Peace (SDVFP) staged an alternative commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in Balboa Park, at which SDVFP solicited donations for their "Compassion Campaign." This involves asking people to donate $35 to buy a sleeping bag, poncho and carrying bag for a homeless person. They've already helped out 700 people, many of them veterans, and need your help to do more.
Anti-War San Diego Congressional Candidate Hosts Forum (tags)
Anti-war progressive Mike Copass, challenging incumbent Democratic Congressmember Susan Davis from San Diego in the June 3 primary, held a town-hall meeting on Mother's Day, May 11, not only to promote his own candidacy but also to build opposition to continuing the Iraq occupation.