fix articles 7726, debates Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : debates


Jubilee USA Launches Puerto Rico Radio Spots Ahead of Super Tuesday (tags)

The religious development coalition Jubilee USA is launching radio spots focused on Puerto Rico's debt crisis ahead of "Super Tuesday" presidential primary elections.

Political Debates: Theater, not Substance (tags)


David Curtis launches campaign for Sec. of State, California (tags)

David Curtis launches his campaign for Secretary of State, California at the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood.

From hidden to face-to-face: Seeking truth and global ethical human rights. (tags)

Following continues a discussion between myself and the President of WPEA. It gives a simple way the UN can get the global ethical human rights vision into the mainstream. In earlier discussion I describe its omission a "crime against humanity".

Hooked Into You (tags)

Reinvigorated, jump started, reenergized, pumped up and ready to go, just the right amount of boost, we hear them all when it comes to the last stretch of elections. “Getting all tingly and excited for the next four years that I know I will be spending with you.” “The American people will be making the right decision by voting for me.” “Out with the old and in with the new.” “Now's not the time to give in.” Either way both of them seem to agree, “You'll be making the right decision by voting for me this coming election.”

Flim Flam Substitutes for Debate (tags)


America's Sham Electoral Process (tags)


New York Times Style Debates (tags)


Electoral Politics in America (tags)


Bilingual publication "Talk on Anarchism" (tags)

Publication in English and Serbo-Croatian language which is result of ten debates on anarchism held between May 2006 and May 2007 at the Cultural Center "Dom omladine" in Belgrade/Serbia.

Time for DISSENT is Now,=. Dont let OUR govt try to shut us up or out. (tags)

Why is Congress not receiving calls and emails suddenly ? Does OUR govt not have enough funds for a decent size computer or telephone service ? Could it be that it is 'closed' so as not to hear what we HAVE TO SAY LOUDLY ? "We dont want that bill passed to bail out financial & investment corps" it not shouted out loud and clear enough? by so many, in blogs, commentaries, and over many personal daily conversation.....

Malos tiempos para la lírica. El silencio mediático del Dia Internacional de la Libertad d (tags)

La reivindicación de la libertad de expresión ha sido eterna compañera de viaje de las luchas y de los avances democráticos. Aunque es muy reciente (1993) la institución del Dia Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa y los efectos de los planteamientos que se hicieron para instituir la celebración sean, el 3 de mayo de 2008, más impactantes que nunca, solamente 1 de las aperturas de los 16 medios más representativos de las opiniones convencionales francesa y española hace alusión a la celebración:

Carta de la señora Maigret al Emilio de Rousseau (tags)

La carta que usted dirige a las Visitadoras de Vargas Llosa ha incluido mucha emoción en nuestros debates. Emoción por el “Alba de los hijos que no tuvimos” que parece ser el primer elemento que une a ustedes. Yo tampoco he tenido hijos ni tomado la decisión de no tenerlos y tras sentirme incómoda por lo que me parecía una barrera de exclusión en el debate, quiero expresarle mi agradecimiento, porque, finalmente, la perspectiva que usted imprime ala mismo me parece altamente positiva.

Immigration Debates Heats Up Presidential Bids on Election 2008 (tags)

The Coalition In Defense For Immigrant Rights (CDIR) –USA express optimism that issue of immigration will be acted upon and that the US Congress will enact a humane and rationale immigration law that will benefits the 12 million or more immigrants in the United States. The CDIR –USA Coordinator Arturo P.Garcia said the CDIR is happy in the fact that according to latest surveys more than 65% of Americans believe that a new immigration law should be enacted in Congre


The Anti Immigrant lobby in the U.S. Senate will focus on border first and border enforcement when the pro-immigrant lobby revived the immigration debates in the U.S. Senate this September. Several Republican led by Senator Graham, irked by the advocacy of Senator Alan Specter, John MacCain and six other senators who planned to take up the debates to pave the way for a comprehensive immigration law to be passed next year.

gatherin anticivilization 2007 (tags)


Again, Let the Immigration Debates Commence (tags)

Now that the Immigration Overhaul /Reform Bill or S.B. 1639 is being debated in the Senate, much emotions had been invested in the debate and a lot of sparks have flew and have lighted the dark night of the long wait. The LA Times today, June 26 hit the issue on the head: “ Conservatives continue to brand the legalization plan as amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants they say should be forced to go home. Religious groups have decried the weakened emphasis on family immigration. Immigrant-rights groups complain that temporary workers can never become citizens.

Continue the Pressure on the Immigration Bill: Struggle Against Anti-Immigrant Backlash, D (tags)

As we vehemently oppose the US Border Protection and immigration Reform Bill that will turn 12 million immigrants into a permanent underclass of “guest workers” and scrap the family reunification laws the Coalition In Defense of immigrant Rights (CDIR) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) take a stand to fight the anti-immigrant backlash that came with the debates on the U.S. Congress on the so called’ immigration reforms”


The US Senate, after a long delay will finally begin debates this coming Wednesday, May 16, on the much-awaited comprehensive immigration reform bill that will decide the fate of more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The issue: Amnesty or a guest worker program? Senator Arlan Specter wanted the Senate Bill 2611 to be revived while the White House proposes a very expensive “ temporary guest worker program” The democratic party promised a comprehensive immigration reform that will be favorable to the large immigrant community where it derived its support during the last elections. On the other hand, the traditionally anti-immigrant republican party is trying to win over the conservative sector of the immigrant population by giving a limited reform. President Bush, whose wife is a Mexican, promised an immigration reform bill by the end of this year. Senators Ted Kennedy and John McCain are also bent to revive their own immigration bill that died last year during the Senate debates that gave way to SB 2611 that the Republican controlled lower house killed in 2006. The senate killed the oppressive HR 4437 but gave way to some of its anti-immigrant features in the SB 2611 that did not pass the republican controlled lower house. CDIR Immigrant Rights Update

For A Real Debate Between Candidates For Governor (tags)

(Picture Janice Jordan, Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for governor, arrested at the January 20th 2005 demonstrations in downtown San Diego.)


Why do we have nationally televised debates for presidential elections but not for the midterm congressional elections that follow?

Time to Dump Bush and Keller (tags)

As an editor, holding a story is as biased and manipulative of public opinion as running one. No credible, honest journalist can make those decisions. If you've got it, you have to run it, and the Times' Keller failed that basic test, proving he's nothing but an administration shill.

How three of the nation's top newspapers killed a big Bulgegate scoop (tags)

When a top NASA research scientist offered three of the country’s top newspapers the enhanced photographs he’d worked on of the Bush debates, showing how Bush lied, they all took a dive—even that once great hero of the Watergate scandal, Bob Woodward, now assistant managing editor of the Washington Post

Was Bush Wired All 3 Times? Is He Lying Now? NASA Expert Says You Bet! (tags)

Using the same techniques he applies to the photos from the Cassini Saturn probe, a JPL photo expert at NASA examined pics of Bush’s back from all three debates. The astonishing images of what were under the jacket are all revealed here. So are the President’s lies.

More on Bulgegate: What's That Wire? (tags)

With a wire running behind his tie, a bulge on his back, and inexplicably goofy behavior at the debates, Bush has a lot of explaining to do, if only the gutless press would ask the obvious questions.

Bulgegate: The President's Newest Lie About What He Wore to the Debates (tags)

First it was a faked photo, then it was a pucker in the jacket. Now it’s a badly fitting shirt, but doesn’t this usually nattily dressed commander-in-chief change his shirts?

Media Give Bush a Free Pass on the Bulge (tags)

While the story of Bush’s mystery bulge is still all over the web, and has become a source of yucks on the comedy circuit, the major media are failing to press the White House on the serious question: What is that thing and why does the president have to wear it, not just at debates, but even in his pickup truck on the ranch?

I Was Arrested but the Real Crime is the Corporate Hijacking of Our Democracy (tags)

Every time I engage in non-violent civil disobedience against an oppressive government, I revel in the power that we the people actually have. If more people engaged in civil disobedience more often, we would change the oppressive power structure much more quickly. I have been charged with trespassing on private property and the failure to obey a reasonable order by the police. But you and I know that the real crime is the corporate hijacking of our democracy.

God Interrupts Bush During Debates (tags)

Bush gets a little help from God.

Fair Expectations (tags)

George W. has always o­nly had to "exceed expectations", which are always set low to begin with. He has never actually had to "win" a debate; he wins by not losing, or in some cases, even by not losing badly.

gathering anticivilization (tags)

Last year we held our first gathering of people against civilization, in Can Masdeu, Barcelona. We think that the results were quite good: the number of people that came, the debates and the connections that the gathering made possible.

Presentación: Socialismo o barbarie - revista internacional en la web (tags)

Socialismo o Barbarie quiere prestar un servicio a los luchadores sociales (en especial de América Latina) y también, en general, a quienes se interesan por las batallas, problemas y debates de nuestro tiempo. Hemos seleccionado un conjunto de temas que están en el centro de los problemas latinoamericanos y mundiales, desde las grandes luchas, movimientos y procesos políticos hasta las cuestiones teóricas que ellos nos plantean.

Green Party Candidate Camejo Had Command Performance In Debates (tags)

Green party candidate Camejo had a command performance on today's debates hosted by PBS. Only three candidates showed up for the affair, McClintock, Camejo, and Bustamante. He provided wittiness and comedy while being unafraid to expose the truth.



Peter Camejo Needs Support, Write/call League of Women Voters to Be Included in Debate (tags)

Green candidate calls on League of Women Voters members to protest their organization's efforts to exclude the Green Party from gubernatorial debates. Camejo campaign will launch national web-based letter writing campaign from targeting media outlets and League of Women Voters.


The forms to send the letters are on the site - - please do so and spread this message around.

A Debate: The War over Music (tags)

Stanford Law Professor Larry Lessig vs. Former RIAA CEO Hilary Rosen



Nader Letter to Debate Commission Seeks Apology & More (tags)

Nader sent the following letter to the Co-Chairmen of Commission on Presidential Debates last week, concerning the outrageous way he was treated at the first Presidential debate.

New Poll Highlights Majority Issues Excluded From Debates (tags)

It’s not just Ralph Nader... The vast majority of the American people want to hear candidates address issues that have been banished, not just from the debates, not just from the campaign, but from the entire elite political agenda.

Information about the Commission on Presidential Debates Board of Directors (tags)

Detailed information about the Commission on Presidential Debates Board of Directors.

Nader Not Allowed into Debates with Ticket! (tags)

After receiving a ticket from a Northeastern student, Green Party Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader was refused entry into the viewing auditorium by a spokesperson for the Commission on Presidential Debates and 3 uniformed police.

No more protests (tags)

If activists everywhere would drop everything and think and do nothing else other than try to make sure Nader is in the debates, over the next 10 weeks, we might change the world.

Greens Bring 15ft Puppet of Nader (tags)

Green activists rally behind 15ft puppet of Nader. They are protesting his exclusion from the debates.

OPEN UP THE "DEBATES"!! October 3, 2000 Kennedy Library, UMass, Boston... (tags)

Join hundreds of diverse activists, ordinary citizens and yes, (potential?) voters who are coming together to demand the OPENING UP OF THE PRESIDENTIAL "DEBATES" and the OPENING UP OF OUR DEMOCRACY!! The first battle for democracy -- over hypocrisy -- is targeting the first "debate" in Boston on Tuesday, October 3, 2000. Where's Nader?? Where's ANYBODY??

After LA? Force Nader into Debates! (tags)

We should use the power we've developed and the large numbers who signed Nader's petitions in EVERY state, and create a HUGE HUGE presence to force the Debate Commission to put Nader in.

Greens Rally (tags)

interview with Santa Cruz volunteer Coordinator in a grassroots campaign to change federal institutions


The Commission on Presidential Debates (established in 1987 by the Republican and Democratic parties) intends to exclude Ralph Nader, a candidate polling 8% nationally (over 6 million people!), thereby silencing the voice of millions of Americans.

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