fix articles 7727, camejo
Camejo pushing for three way debate, not multi-party democracy (tags)
Green Party Gov. candidate Peter Camejo is appealing for funds to air TV ads to raise his profile and get himself into the 'debates' with Gropenator and Angelides. But there seems to be no effort to link the call for his inclusion with the right of the candidates of the other three ballot qualified parties to also be included.
The International Socialist Organization and the 2006 election (tags)
The International Socialist Organization is holding a conference this weekend in New York City under the slogan “Socialism 2006—Build the Left, Fight the Right.” An examination of the perspective upon which this gathering has been organized, however, makes clear that it is aimed at promoting a “left” variety of bourgeois politics, in the form of the Green Party, which can serve only to divert a mass movement that arises against the right-wing policies of the two major parties and lead it into a political dead end.
Gubernatorial candidate Peter Camejo at South Central Farm, Mar 9 (tags)
Green Party Gubernatorial candidate Peter Camejo to urgeLA Mayor to intervene Thursday, March 9, 2006 on the eviction of 350 families at South Central community farm
Minuteman Gilchrist called hypocrite by OC conservatives (tags)
OC slams Minnuteman congressional candidate Jim Gilchrist for supporting Peter Camejo and desire to tax the wealthy.
Why you should vote for Nader/Camejo! (tags)
[V]oting for Kerry doesn’t necessarily mean voting against Bush’s policies. All that Kerry has said so far shows that the goals of his presidency would look a lot like the Bush administration’s.
Ralph Nader & Peter Camejo in Los Angeles, Patriotic Hall, Tues. Oct. 12th, 7-9 pm (tags)
Come hear Presidential candidate Ralph Nader and Vice-Presidential Candidate Peter Miguel Camejo explain why they are running!
Nader/Camejo 2004 Campaign Rally, Patriotic Hall, Los Angeles, Tues. Oct. 12th, 7-9 pm (tags)
Come hear Presidential candidate Ralph Nader and Vice-Presidential Candidate Peter Miguel Camejo explain why they are running!
Ralph Nader’s vice-presidential running mate, Peter Miguel Camejo in CA (tags)
LOS ANGELES / ORANGE COUNTY – Ralph Nader’s vice-presidential running mate Peter Miguel Camejo will be participating in a statewide campus tour with special guests to announce plans for a major write-in campaign in California.
Marc Cooper Red Baits Peter Camejo (tags)
Marc Cooper demonizes Peter Camejo, Ralph Nader's running mate, for his "Trotskyist" ties, an honest cricitism or yet another example of Cooper's demonization of the Left?
California, Take Back the Green Party! (tags)
"There's a little rebellion starting," [Peter] Camejo said this week. Camejo said in California, the bastion of Green registration, "it's a fact: The majority of the party wants to put Nader/Camejo on the ballot." (Carla Marinucci, "Nader's Ballot Hopes Hinge on State's Greens," San Francisco Chronicle, August 7, 2004). Camejo is telling the truth.
Video: Nader / Camejo 2004 Campaign Kickoff Rally in San Francisco! 7-16-04
Letter from Donna Warren, Green Party, to Black Caucus Democrats (tags)
A letter to the Black Caucus from a Black woman living in South Central by Donna J. Warren — July 16, 2004
California Recall Reflections (tags)
One activist's reflections on the California recall, how I voted and wish others did. Also, a missed opportunity which none of the candidates decided to take
Peter Camejo=Arnold's best friend (tags)
Peter Camejo continues a lifetime of political damage as a professional wrecker and splitter. In Ohio in 1974 and California in 2003, Peter Camejo serves the Republicans best interests. Why is the Green Party now the Republicans' best weapon?
Green Party Candidate Camejo Had Command Performance In Debates (tags)
Green party candidate Camejo had a command performance on today's debates hosted by PBS. Only three candidates showed up for the affair, McClintock, Camejo, and Bustamante. He provided wittiness and comedy while being unafraid to expose the truth.
Peter Camejo Needs Support, Write/call League of Women Voters to Be Included in Debate (tags)
Green candidate calls on League of Women Voters members to protest their organization's efforts to exclude the Green Party from gubernatorial debates. Camejo campaign will launch national web-based letter writing campaign from targeting media outlets and League of Women Voters.
The forms to send the letters are on the site - - please do so and spread this message around.
Let the rich pay, Camejo says (tags)
Green Party candidate Peter Camejo has unveiled a budget proposal which calls for strikingly higher income tax rates on Californians who earn more than $500,000 a year, changing Proposition 13 to allow reappraisals of many corporate properties and tax cuts for low-wage earners.
SACRAMENTO - Following the unprecedented urgent polling of every active county level Green Party chapter in the state, the Green Party of California (GPCA) today announced its endorsement for Green Party member Peter Miguel Camejo for Governor.
Nader endorses Green Party candidate Peter Camejo for governor (tags)
Appearing at the Green Party's San Francisco headquarters, Nader said California voters should take advantage of the unprecedented recall, calling it "a great opportunity for people to rethink their role in a democratically governed system." He said Camejo understood the state's fiscal crisis better than other candidates.
The death of the lesser of two evils: if not Camejo, then Flynt! (tags)
When Real Politics gloriously and excitingly raises its head in the recall effort, many leftists bleat nervously about Republican plots, and the need to rally to the Democratic Party and its man in Sacramento.
GOV. CAMEJO? If there's no Democrat on the ballot, Green Party candidate could win (tags)
Our next Governor might be Green
6/16 Green Party Press Conf for Camejo for Gov on Recall Davis Ballot (tags)
On June 16, 2003, the Green Party will have a press conference to officially announce the renewed campaign of Pete Camejo for Governor on the Recall Gray Davis ballot, most likely to occur this year.
How much did they pay you for your vote?
26 CA Greens Elected! Camejo sets record! (tags)
In California, 26 Green Party members were elected to office on November 5, including eleven City Council members. Governor candidate Peter Camejo set a record going back to 1934, and in San Francisco he beat Republican Bill Simon, with 15.9%!
Will Gubinatorial Candidate Camejo Do Better Than Any Green So Far? (tags)
Hunger striker and Gubernatorial Candidate to hold Press Con on Gov. Davis' Timber Record (tags)
Susan Moloney, Executive Director of the Campaign for Old Growth, will be joined by Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate Peter Camejo for a press conference on October 29 at 12:00 noon at the North Steps of the State Capitol in Sacramento.
It's mind-blowing that LA Times wouldn't let guv candidate in building (tags)
I spent part of Monday at a local high school, telling a group of aspiring writers that journalism, at its best, serves a noble purpose. The press can be a voice for the little guy. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, as the Los Angeles Times reminded us this week. The Times, which sponsored a Monday debate between Gov. Gray Davis and Republican challenger Bill Simon, turned away the man most polls show running third: Green Party candidate Peter Camejo.
Peter Miguel Camejo in Riverside (tags)
The Green Party of Riverside County presents Peter Miguel Camejo Candidate for Governor of California
Green Party Candidate for Governor continues to gain strength in latest poll (tags)
Davis Leads Simon in Latest Poll, Camejo Gains Ground
Green Party Press Conference: Peter Camejo (tags)
Peter Camejo, Green Party candidate for governor of California, discusses Gray Davis' so-called "power crisis" and the prospects for Green candidates when both parties have demonstrated that they service their corporate donors at the expense of their communities. Recorded at California's Green Party plenary, UCLA, 1/20/02.
Peter Camejo, Green Party Candidate for Governor, Speaks (tags)
Peter Camejo, Green Party candidate for Governor, discusses Gray Davis' ineptitude in his handling of the so-called "power crisis," a program for implementing the wide-scale use of solar power, and strategies for smashing the two-party duopoly with common-sense ecological and social values. Recorded at California's Green Party plenary, UCLA, 1/19/02.
a little republican bit on Greens Peter Camejo (tags)
good for a laugh, this little bit is from this past november.