fix articles 78415, d. laing
Psychology and the Shrinking of America (tags)
Psychology and the Shrinking of America
Mental "Health" as Stealth warfare--a radically critical approach (with art) (tags)
Radical's radical comments on the widespread way in which so-called mental "health" ideology has integrated itself into the very psyches of those claiming to see the value of dissenting from all manner of corporate hold on people. Question: is psychiatry and formal therapy, corporate? anti-copyright.
Out-thinking them, not out-fighting them: heart analysis sheds decisive light (with art) (tags)
Visionaries, 'idealists', and others daring towards their desires must move beyond shared powerless feelings. We are here for a reason, we have created and are creating our crucial projects. Understandings of reality and its origin are the keys to open the illusively impossible doors of fear and perpetual, everyday war. This article, with art included, goes over important truths while escaping 'Us vs. Them' constructs and at the same time promoting spirited *resistance consciousness*!
Hysteria on 'crystal meth' prove full of holes and obvious attack on gains (tags)
A batch of apparently unheard-of articles demystify and debunk addiction hysteria (i.e. drug addiction). With the 'crystal meth' hysteria hurdling virtually unchallenged in many alternative communities of late, these should prove crucial!
The War of Everyday Life, manufacture of consent and watering down dept (tags)
Of late i've been noticing a new deployment of coercion being reflected from a lot of college students. It appears that the Wizards of Is (or, Oz, pick your poison) have sent a new obfuscation order down to their implementers, or something where people's experiences and intuitions are reduced down to "mere opinions", while "reputable" views are somehow "more equal"!
homeless radical interviewed by kids' journal (tags)
QUICK! Go outside (or imagine yourself outside) Then look up into the sky. Then imagine yourself jumping straight up faster than the speed of light, faster than anything, for the rest of your life!
Trials of a Solo Challenger May Be Instructive For Others (with art) (tags)
a human message from an artist who is feeling that things are coming more and more "to a head", re: suspicious interactions with acquaintances while on a state-controlled camera
Solutions for radical's radicals--those with the guts to dig deep (tags)
"...Any politics we pick up and follow, they are...alien politics...[and] do not reflect the reality of who we are, but our culture and art does. ...if we are going to use [politics] then let's recognize that's what we are doing. It's a tool. It's not an identity..."--John Trudell