fix articles 80155, mark dankof
Israel Lawlessly Indicts MK Sa'id Naffa (tags)
Mark Dankof's Article on Zionist John Hagee Vanishes in Canada. Why? (tags)
Mark Dankof's "John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism, the Coming War With Iran, and The New World Order" Vanishes in Canada. Why?
John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism and the Coming War With Iran (tags)
Old Right Topic News Senior Editor Mark Dankof notes that John Hagee of Cornerstone Church and "Christians United for Israel" (CUFI) have now openly advocated a preemptive military strike on the nation of Iran, as reported by Julia Duin of the Washington Times. Hagee's cozy relationship with the Jewish Lobby and Israeli intelligence is reaching new highs--or lows--including the hiring of David Brog, former Chief of Staff for Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), as the Executive Director of CUFI. In evaluating how close demagogues like Hagee and his Neo-Conservative pols aligned with Israeli intelligence are to touching off World War III, Dankof's references to Mr. Hagee in his recent review of Kevin Phillips' book American Theocracy are worth the reader's time, as well as a more dated review of Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment, which chronicles the role of the Israeli Mossad in assassinating John F. Kennedy. Piper reminds us that Arlen Specter, probably the most Jewish Lobby-owned member of the United States Senate, was the Warren Commission's architect of the fraudulent "single bullet" theory, designed to obscure from public view the physical--and political--crossfire that killed the 35th President of the United States in Dallas. Finally, Mark Dankof's paper on the History of Dispensationalism for Westminster Theological Seminary will give the reader additional background on what fuels the Zionist--Christian Right alliance as it heads toward a self-fulfilling prophetic Armageddon fulfillment.
Mark Dankof to Al Ahram on Bush, PNAC, and the Coming War With Iran (tags)
Old Right Topic News editor Mark Dankof tells Al Ahram of Egypt why the Real American Right opposes George Bush, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), and the coming war with Iran.
Night Dreams and Book Reviews on the 4th of July (tags)
Old Right Topic News editor Mark Dankof pens thoughts on a late night dream and Kevin Phillips's American Theocracy that suggest the Neo-Cons global war and the New World Order are soon to be consummated.
The ACTS Retirement Life Communities Inc. of Philadelphia Fires Lutheran Pastor. Why??? (tags)
The ACTS Retirement Life Communities, Inc. of Philadelphia is the largest consortium of Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) in America, with $850 million in assets. Recently, they fired evangelical Lutheran pastor Mark Dankof as a Chaplain in an extraordinary move largely left unexplained. SARTRE of the New York based Breaking All the Rules web site examines the evidence, and the disturbing questions that remain.
We Watch For Guys With Your Profile (tags)
Mark Dankof notes that the problems Iranian immigrants are having in Los Angeles and Southern California with the Bush/Ashcroft National Security State may soon mirror similar difficulties for the average American.
Marze Por Gohar and the Quest for Human Rights in Iran (tags)
Marze Por Gohar (The Glorious Frontiers Party) envisions an Iran free of the sins of Monarchy and the excesses of the theocratically oriented Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). Only time will tell in regard to the realization of its dreams.
Fereydoun Hoveyda Speaks His Heart and Mind on the Issues (tags)
From his secluded home in rural Virginia, former Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, Fereydoun Hoveyda, speaks to Global News Net for three hours on issues of both heart and mind.
Why Did the Kennedy Center Shun Eddy Arnold? (tags)
Were the hidden hands of Al Gore and Ted Kennedy behind the deep-sixing of the nomination of country music legend Eddy Arnold for Kennedy Center Honors? The answer may yet emerge in the U. S. Senate race in Tennessee.
Book Review: The Persian Sphinx (tags)
Mark Dankof's review of Abbas Milani's "The Persian Sphinx," chronicles the saga of the life and martyrdom of Amir Abbas Hoveyda, the former Prime Minister of Iran. It serves as both a chronicle of the Persian past and a guideline for the future.
Human Rights and the Message and Mission of Jonah (tags)
Lutheran pastor Mark Dankof examines the links between the 8th century prophet and the modern human rights movement.