fix articles 8123, experts
Nobel Laureate, Former Economy Minister and Experts Propose Improving Debt Analysis (tags)
Experts Present a Series of Papers to IMF Executive Directors Ahead of Annual Meetings
New York Legislature Extends Session, Vote on Debt Relief Bill Pending (tags)
Religion, Development and Labor Coalition Pushes Passage of New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act
Privilege versus equality. "The central issue in the conflict between the government and doctors in Saskatchewan is not health insurance, but democracy," noted the Globe and Mail after the strike began. "The experts, no matter what their specialty, must always ultimately be subordinate to the laity."
Bernie Sanders Coronavirus Roundtables (tags)
This is like an antidote to the pablum dished out by Trump and company.
Join The Protest Rally in Glendale on April 10, 2018! (tags)
JOIN US on Tuesday, April 10 at 5:30pm at Glendale City Hall for a rally to stop the Grayson Expansion! Spread the message! Tell your friends!
Brazil, Controversies: Lula, the Car Wash Operation and the Media (tags)
Many in the legal profession in Brazil argue that Judge Moro’s Condemnation of Lula is controversial. So why is this not being taken seriously by the media?
The ABCs of Meaningless Economic Phrases (tags)
The most common myths start from the tax state that burdens the economy, the housework ordered by the state (save,save,save) to the Schwabian housewife prescribing the austerity creed. Politics must tend to every need of capital as a scared doe and therefore lower taxes.
Puerto Rico Oversight Board Holds First Meeting (tags)
Independent Experts Monitor Puerto Rico Board and "PROMESA" Legislation
Video: The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor (tags)
The technical approach often ignores political realities and normative rights of the poor. Principles are engines of social rights. First, agreement on principles and then operationalization of the principles. Freedom or autocracy is the bigger discussion.
Report: BPD Investigation of Civilian Complaints Took More Than a Year (tags)
A new report by a panel that oversees the Boston Police Department’s handling of civilian complaints against officers has found that the vast majority of complaints it reviewed since 2011 took Internal Affairs more than a year to investigate, far longer than law enforcement experts say is appropriate.
Evidence Shows Insurgents Responsible for Gas Attack (tags)
Drones: Instruments of State Terror (tags)
9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out CONSPIRACY CON WARNING (tags)
“Discover Why 43 Technical & Building Professionals are Calling for a New Investigation into the Events of 9/11! Watch 9/11, Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out and Learn Why You Should Too!” re:
Phoenix Police Sgt. Sean Drenth a suicide (tags)
Sgt. Sean Drenth was about to be indited for screwing the Phoenix Police Department out of thousands of dollars in overtime, but he committed suicide, probably so his wife could collect his pension.
Resurrecting the Bogus FARC-EP Files Venezuela Connection (tags)
Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say (tags)
A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.
The Market Must Serve Society (tags)
In the past, the village green and market swuare were surrounded by the church, town hall, school and hospital. Without these social institutions, there would be no market. This is also true for today's global financial markets.
Int'l Criminal Court Jurisdiction over Bush: Where are the experts when we need them? (tags)
If the court can prosecute the President of Sudan, a nonsignatory to the statute of the ICC, why couldn't it prosecute Bush? When you need them, the experts are not to be found.
Falling real interests, a weak dollar and an increasing demand from China led to a bubble on the market. In the long term, this bubble will burst.
Conference on the assassination of Robert Kennedy (tags)
A professional discussion on the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy. On the 40th anniversary of the assassination new evidence in the case is examined by acoustical experts, Sirhan Sirhan's lawyer and many more.
Spinning the News - the FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol (tags)
Interpol report suggests FARC-EP files are fake.
Bush Regime made $18 Billion (so far) from Iraq Oil! (tags)
The Bush Regime,with its unfettered authority and leverage in the "Puppet" Iraqi Govt. are the only ones who are responsible (guilty) and enabled all that money to go missing...into their own pockets!
Wall Street, feds plan for global ‘avian flu pandemic,’ experts say (tags)
This fall, Wall Street and the U.S. Department of Treasury organized an international “avian flu outbreak” simulation.
France urges RP to back disappearances treaty (tags)
France appealed to the Philippine government to sign and ratify an international treaty on forced disappearances in view of the pending assistance of local authorities by human rights experts from Europe in solving the unabated political killings in the country. French Ambassador to the Philippines Gerard Chesnel yesterday stressed the need for all democratic governments to support the treaty on disappearances, which will criminalize and put an end to rampant state-sanctioned abductions.
Nuclear Plans In Chaos... (tags)
Despite Iran being presented as an urgent threat to nuclear non-proliferation and regional and world peace - in particular by an increasingly bellicose Israel and its closest ally, the US - a number of Western diplomats and technical experts close to the Iranian programme have told The Observer it is archaic, prone to breakdown and lacks the materials for industrial-scale production.
The Police have framed many people for arson using junk science (tags)
Across the United States, prosecutors have won convictions in arson cases by relying on outdated science — and as a result, uncounted people may be imprisoned for crimes that were never committed, including a man who lost both his daughter and his freedom to the flames.
War Monger George W. Hitler out of touch with the public. (tags)
Bush favors temporary rise in GIs in Iraq
Manipulation of media and elections by Big Corporations.
U.S.-led coalition losing Afghanistan (tags)
Time to "cut and run" - Almost five years after a U.S.-led coalition attacked Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks, experts warn that the country is slipping away.
9-11: Israeli spy ring and the exposive experts (tags)
A little known fact is that the israeli spy ring of 9-11 infamy had demolition experts.
Lawsuit details AT&T cooperation in illegal government spying on Americans (tags)
A lawsuit underway in a US district court in San Francisco charges telecommunications giant AT&T with violating the privacy of its customers by handing over massive amounts of data to the government. The class action lawsuit, filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation on behalf of AT&T customers, is based on documents provided by a former AT&T employee that detail the company’s participation in the National Security Agency (NSA) warrantless spying program that was first revealed late last year.
Experts Call for Release of 9/11 Evidence (tags)
(PRWEB) - Duluth, MN (PRWEB) March 1, 2006 -- A society of experts and scholars has now joined with Judicial Watch in calling for release of videos that are being held by the Department of Defense, which are essential to understanding events at the Pentagon that transpired on September 11, 2001. Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which is dedicated to exposing falsehoods and establishing truths about the events of 9/11, has gone beyond Judicial Watch by calling for the release of other films and evidence that, its officers maintain, are essential to understanding 9/11.
Baghdad on the Big Muddy (tags)
There seems to be an MO for how this White House handles urban crises: let the place descend into chaos and anarchy and only then go in. Could there be method to this madness?
"Nine-Eleven" Retrospective (tags)
After declaring war on terrorists, an endless war, the balance sheet is rather depressing three years later-and after two wars. Many terrorism experts see America's reaction to Sept 11 as catastrophic. A gift was given to the terrorists with the iraq war.
DVD: Troops Exposed to DU (tags)
Beyond Treason, a DVD documentary set about US troops exposure to depleted Uranium is due during the summer 2005
Wireless World: A breakout year for tags (tags)
A story about RFID achieving market success.
U.S. War Crime in Fallujah (tags)
Human rights experts said Friday that American soldiers might have committed a war crime on Thursday when they sent fleeing Iraqi civilians back into Falluja.
The Web: Problems with online polling (tags)
Great story by Gene Koprowski about online voting polls.
The Anatomy of ''Terror Experts'' (tags)
The Terror Experts existed before the Iraqi resistance and they will exist after it. Wherever the oppressed rise and effectively resist imperial rule there will be academic chairs, foundations grants and Centers for International Studies for the ambitious upwardly mobile Terror Expert. The Imperial state will demand their services, the prestigious Councils of Foreign Relations will offer membership and universities will reward them with distinguished professorships. They will be celebrities the mass media talk shows will feature them. They will be far from the killing fields but their spirit will be there, on the front lines and in the torture chambers, guiding the hands that place the hoods over the unredeemable, nihilists, Muslims, Marxists or national patriots.
Wireless World: Troubling gaps in 'e-911' (tags)
This is an expose of the problems of 911 on mobile phones.
Yassir Arrafat is concerned that he will be targeted for assasination soon. I have been targeted for assasination Friday afternoon in a Harris County TX courthouse, and the infamous Sherriff of Bagdad hid behind his wife and children while threatening me on local CBS affiliate, channel 11.
Terrorist Organizations Syria supports (tags)
State sponsored terrorism is synonymous with Syria and more closely with the Assad regime. During the reign of Hafez al-Assad, and continuing with his son Baschar, Syria's al-Baath Party has embarked on strengthening its political hand by using the crudest of methods: Terrorism.
Using History to Advance Social Justice (tags)
Come hear about the provocative book that labor experts and book critics are raising eyebrows -- and often tempers -- over at a compelling panel discussion sure to shatter enduring myths about the history and role of women, minorities and the Left in U.S. labor organizing.....
Industry Experts Can’t Explain Pentagon Photo Evidence (tags)
"If the disc in the photo can be matched with a Rolls Royce AE 3007H engine, some speculate that it would prove something like a Global Hawk hit the Pentagon. The Global Hawk engine is hand built at the Rolls Royce plant in Indianapolis and has an opening diameter of 43.5 inches."
When will anyone admit that it has been a huge fraud? (tags)
"Oops. There are no weapons of mass destruction after all. ...That excuse for the U.S. intelligence failure in Iraq would be laughable were the circumstances not so appalling. It means Bush ignored all the cautions of career diplomats and intelligence experts in every branch of the U.S. government over the unsubstantiated word of Iraqi renegades."
Computer voting is open to easy fraud, experts say (tags)
The software that runs many high-tech voting machines contains serious flaws that would allow voters to cast extra votes and permit poll workers to alter ballots without being detected, computer security researchers said yesterday.
Powell Falls on his Sword (tags)
Powell says that the trailers found are identical to the ones he spoke of at the UN. Contemporaneously, British experts debunk the germ factory story..
U.S. Runs out of Places to look for WMD® (tags)
What WMD®? Duh - we can't find any. With prewar intelligence exhausted and senior figures from the former regime insisting Iraq hasn't had chemical or biological weapons in years, Dayton's staff will be starting from scratch.
Thousands Of U.S. fatalities expected in Iraq (tags)
Military experts are quietly warning that the impending war against Iraq will likely yield a high U.S. death toll.
Well, surprise surprise. A Swiss lab suggests that the most recent Bin Laden tape is a fake. If this is true, I wonder who was responsible for creating this tape? (cough, cough) CIA. The release of that tape was also very convenient as it came during debate about passage of the Fatherland Security Bill.
25: Solving problems or maintaining solutions (tags)
This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war
The Stealth Genocide Program (tags)
The information is coming in from experts, and some experts are ending up dead, like Wiley who surfaced in the Mississippi, and there have been others recently...
Things You Should Not Forget Archive #01 GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA EXPERTS IN CNN (tags)
UN:Great Apes Dead in 5 years (tags)
International Initiative To Save Great Apes Launched By UNEP As Experts Warn That Humankind's Closest Relatives Doomed Without Urgent Action
NGO Events in Honolulu 4-11 May (tags)
Honolulu is hosting the 2001 annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Listed are events planned from 4-11 May. For more about the ADB, what we're doing, and housing info, take advantage of the contact information at the bottom of the list.