fix articles 81392, criminal investigation division
Criminal Investigation of BP Shut Down by Bush Regime (tags)
Evidence points to Bush policies that stopped a criminal investigation into BP's environmental crimes, taking action then would have forced BP to implement preventative measures. Having a tested back-up plan in case of deep water oil spill was needed, though both Bush and Obama failed to check up on BP's plans following a well rupture.
Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Endangered (tags)
dissent and whistleblowers in America endangered.
Obama's Gulf Commission: Distortion, Obstruction and Whitewash Assured (tags)
Obama's Gulf commission assures coverup
Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force pleads guilty to bribery, extortion and conspiracy (tags)
Sgt.. Schroer and his co-conspirators wore official U.S. Military uniforms, carried official forms of identification, and used official U.S. vehicles, when necessary, to prevent police stops, roadblocks, searches and seizures of the narcotics as they drove the cocaine shipments through checkpoints throughout the Southwestern states which were manned by the U.S. Border Patrol, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and Nevada law enforcement officers.
President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email Says (tags)
Among a new batch of documents rights groups have forced the gov't to release, a Bureau communication refers to a presidential Executive Order endorsing some forms of torture witnessed at Iraq prison.
Report: Settlers continue to commit violence against Palestinians with impunity (tags)
Since the 1980's many reports have been published on law enforcement upon Israelis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. All of the reports - whether published by official government bodies or produced by human rights organizations - warned against the failure of the authorities to enforce the law effectively upon Israeli offenders, especially those who committed offenses against Palestinian civilians. The conclusion that arises from all the reports is serious: Israel is abusing its obligation to defend the Palestinian civilian population in the OPT against the criminality of Israeli civilians. Years have gone by, committees have been established, recommendations have been made, and governments have come and gone - yet the problem of attacks against Palestinian people and property by Israelis has only grown worse, becoming a daily occurrence.
Files reveal coverup of Vietnam atrocities (tags)
Files reveal coverup of Vietnam atrocities Once-secret Pentagon archive shows that U.S. atrocities in Vietnam were more extensive than previously known.
Northern Luzon Town mayor Murdered in Manila (tags)
AS police authorities said politics was most likely behind the assassination of Mayor Delfinito Albano of Ilagan, Isabela, the National Bureau of Investigation started its probe into the murder and the National Democratic Front mourned his death. In a statement reported on ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC), the NDF-Cagayan Valley hailed Albano as a crusader for democracy, freedom, farmers’ rights and the right to information.
Drugs and death in Afghanistan: What happened to Spc. Juan Torres? (tags)
On July 12, 2004 — just weeks before he was due to come home to Houston after his yearlong duty in Afghanistan — Torres was found dead in a shower/latrine at Bagram Air Base.
Look At ALL The POLICE!!!! (tags)
This site is supposedly the biggest police site on the web... I checked the police in FL, as listed below, and then thought it interesting to see what they grouped from FED/MIL as police...THAT list is truly enlightening, it is under the florida list (WAY down the page).
Millions of Americans have read the Joseph Banister story. For those who may not know of this courageous individual, a short refresher is in order. Joseph was an IRS CID agent (Criminal Investigation Division) for a little over five years. In late 1996, he happened to hear some information about the nature of the income tax on a radio show. After two years of trying to prove the so-called "tax protesters" wrong regarding their beliefs, he finally concluded that the "tax honesty" individuals were indeed correct in their analysis of the income tax and its voluntary nature.
Petroleum, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Moronic Bureaucrats (tags)
Although Interpol still claims to be "apolitical", it's recently been posting more and more political propaganda, perhaps due to the influence of such wannabe Americans like "NWO" bureaucrat Ronald Kenneth Noble, who worked for the money-laundering "U.S. Treasury" and the Federal Reserve Corporation's Internal Ripoff Service....