fix articles 83660, russ means
A Deep Response to Russell Means' Excellent Analysis of European Political Limitations! (tags)
This is a thought-through response to Russell Means' article "For American to Live, Europe Must Die". The original article, listed in the general publishing archive below (which *should* be put in the features section, but we know that most IMC'ers are playing meta games), is a MUST READ for all who are serious at all about the realities of our time, including post-Left anarchists!
David Seals longtime AIM, explores Russ Means (tags)
Interesting peice by David Seals (long time AIM member and writer of Pow-Wow highway about the death of Anna MAe Aquash and Russ MEans and Ward Churchills part in the cover up.
Pathetic Churchill'"Pathetic Pathology of Pacifism"definiton of an imposter!!! (tags)
Stream of facts and dialouge about the right wing connections to Ward Churchill and Russ Means. Please Read. Very interesting. We need to think about how Churchill and Means have kept AIM divided for years.
July 2000 Eldorado Sun Interview with Russ Means states No longer AIM (tags)
Shocking interview with Russ Means where he admits siding with the Contras and fighting Sandanistas, Gives props to the Aryan Nations driven Militia Movement, admits he was not a founder of AIM, Admits that AIM was founded and still exsists in Minn. Mn (contrary to lies by Churchill and friends), he proclaims he needs no progressive allies, he renounces armed struggle, he is basically the shell of his former self. Isn't it time people see the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!