fix articles 84180, april 3
"Encounter Point" film screening with Director Ronit Avni (tags)
Levantine Cultural Center and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics, along with a dozen NGOs whose Southern California members work on peace and interfaith issues year-round, have joined forces to present a director's screening of ENCOUNTER POINT, featuring a Q & A with co-director Ronit Avni on April 3, 2008, 7 pm at Laemmle's Music Hall.
SOS-NAZIS will be in Riverside tomorrow Mon 4/3 (tags)
National television boycott action on April 3, 2003 (tags)
NBC displays severe self-censorship in firing of Peter Arnett. Join the boycott on April 3rd. Local monitors still needed.
Local monitors needed for TV Boycott (tags)
Monitors needed throughout the country to help compile boycott list for first TV Boycott on April 3, 2003