fix articles 85, wilshire
Day of Rage: Make the Zionists Feel Unwelcome (tags)
WHEN: 10:30am, Wednesday, July 1st WHERE: In front of Israeli Consulate, 11766 Wilshire Blvd, West LA 90025
May 1 Calendar of Events in LA (tags)
Copied from the Occupy LA list.
Demonstrators take to Wilshire Blvd (tags)
In Westwood, CA demonstrators fill the streets in front of the Federal Building on Wilshire Blvd in support of the anti-government protests happening in Egypt on Saturday, Janurary 29 2011 (Photos by Michael Yanow).
Lockdown at Highland and Wilshire (tags)
Ten activists locked themselves down at Wilshire and Highland, while about 200 others supported the protest against Arizona immigration law 1070.
RALLY/VIGIL FOR JUSTICE, Dec 10 at Phil Consulate, 3600 Wilshire Blvd. LA (tags)
Demonstration at the Honduran consulate/Manifestación en el consulado hondureño (tags)
Monday, June 29, 2009 LOS ANGELES--Small groups of demonstrators gathered at the Honduran consulate on Wilshire Avenue to express their displeasure with the coup d'état against the democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya. Lunes, el 29 de junio, 2009 LOS ÁNGELES--Pequeños grupos de manifestantes llegaron al consulado hondureño en la Avenida Wilshire para denunciar el golpe de estado contra el presidente Manuel Zelaya, quien fue elegido a través de un proceso democrático.
Sunday 8/10: Evening to Celebrate the Life of Don White (tags)
An Evening to Celebrate the Life of Our Compañero Don White PRESENTE! WHEN: Sunday, August 10th 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM WHERE: Immanuel Presbyterian Church 3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 90010 (Corner of Berendo Street, 2 blocks west of Vermont Avenue)
Sun Aug 10: Celebrate the Life of Don White (tags)
An Evening to Celebrate the Life of Our Companero Don White Presente! WHEN: SUNDAY, AUGUST 10TH at 6:00 - 8:00 PM WHERE: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 (@Berendo Street, 2 blocks west of Vermont Ave.)
Mon 6/9 Jeremy Scahill Returns to LA, As So-Cal Continues to Battle Blackwater on Border (tags)
As So-Cal Battles Blackwater Training Facility on Cal-Mex Border, Jeremy Scahill is VISITING LOS ANGELES for talk, discussion, and book signing for the release of the fully updated paperback edition: WHEN: MONDAY, JUNE 9TH AT 7:00 PM WHERE: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Westminster Chapel 3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 (@Berendo Street, 2 blocks west of Vermont Ave.)
There are three McCain events in LA
911 Truther Yells at Hillary Clinton in Beverly Hills. TMZ has Video (tags)
Hillary Clinton enters the Wilshire Theatre Thursday after taping the Tonight Show and is confronted with 911 truth
AFSCME service workers demonstrate in Westwood too (tags)
Westwood & Wilshire was closed down Westwood & Wilshire was closed down Thursday a few hours by groups of green-shirted AFSCME chanting sign holders - But with police action deterring all traffic elsewhere the streets were bare
Anti-immigrants SAVE OUR STATE to march in Westwood this Saturday the 17th (tags)
(Only two days to organize) (The march cuts through the heart of West LA’s Iranian immigrant community.)
Mearsheimer and Walt to Speak in Los Angeles tonight , Sept. 18 and in the SF Bay area tom (tags)
Mearsheimer and Walt to Speak in Los Angeles tonight , Sept. 18 and in the SF Bay area tomorrow and the night after (access the 'appearances' link at the top of
4th Anniversary Vigil Wilshire & Veteran (tags)
4th Anniversary anti-war vigil at the Westwood Federal Building, same corner where many of us gathered on the first night too.
ANSWER Protest at Wilshire & Western Draws Over 300 - Jan. 11 (tags)
On Jan. 11, the ANSWER Coalition initiated an Emergency Protest Against the Bush War Escalation Plan.
6:30 pm Protests Against More War Going on Now (tags)
6:30 pm Protests Against More War Going on Now
911 TRUTH Demonstration Today in Westwood (tags)
911 TRUTH Demonstration Today in Westwood Monday September 11th 2006 4:00pm – 7:00pm at Wilshire & Westwood
From Iraq to Palestine: Occupation Is a Crime (tags)
Protestors marched in the third largest Jewish city in the world to stop the U.S. and Israeli war machine.
Peace Vigil: LA Jews for Peace! (tags)
Let us stand in solidarity with thousands of Israelis, Lebanese & Palestinians protesting the violence.
Ceasefire Now! LA Jews for Peace Wed 26th (tags)
Ceasefire Now! Join LA Jews for Peace Denomstration Wednesday, July 26th
A documentary about the Animal Liberation Front and those who have fought and endured government repression speaking up and fighting on behalf of Animal Liberation
Wilshire Immigration march video (tags)
4 minute video of the Immigration march on Wilshire in Los Angeles on May 1, 2006.
Video: May Day March down Wilshire (tags)
This march was so large it is hard to capture in video. But imagine over 4 miles of Wilshire Blvd packed with people shoulder to shoulder as far as the eye can see in both directions.
Join California Safe Schools - Growing the Pesticide Movement (tags)
An interactive training on pesticide policy and advocacy.
BREAKING: Westwood Anti-Bush March is starting (tags)
6:15 PM Report from Westwood
World Can't Wait LA Event Video (tags)
Video of today's World Can't Wait event on Wilshire. Video on Federal and Wilshire.
World Can't Wait Pre-Demos All Along Wilshire Building to Mass Demo at 5pm Today (tags)
Pre-demonstrations erupted at eight corners along the entire length of Wilshire Blvd. today, building to the mass World Can't Wait demonstration at Westwood and Wilshire at 5pm TODAY! BE THERE!
November 2nd World Can't Wait (tags)
On November 2nd, in over 60 cities across the country including high schools and colleges in many of these cities, The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime launches the first national movement in American history dedicated to driving a sitting president out of office.
A Light in the Darkness: An Antiwar Vigil (tags)
A report from the Vigil for 2000 at Wilshire Blvd and Veteran Ave
World Can't Wait, Drive Out The Bush Regime - Nov 2nd (tags)
We believe that as people living in the United States it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government in our names. Let’s unite to drive out the Bush Regime! We are ogranizing actions in Los Angeles as part of the resistance called for by The World Can't Wait & Not in Our Name.
This Friday: Protest at Minutemen Conference (tags)
Activist Alert:
Close to 100 Show up at LA Critical Mass (tags)
Close to 100 cyclists showed up for the LA Critical Mass at Western and Wilshire, on the last Friday of July at 6 PM.
Rally to Bring U.S. Troops Home Now!, Sat., 6/25/05 (tags)
Rally for: Troops Home Now! Downing Street Coverup! Impeach Bush!
Vigils' Counter-Inaugural Caravan Thursday, J20 (tags)
Members of the Glendale Peace Vigil, San Gabriel Valley (Alhambra) Neighbors for Peace & Justice, West Covina Neighbors for Peace & Justice, and South Pasadena Neighbors for Peace & Justice invite you to GET ON BOARD the COUNTER-INAUGURAL CARAVAN! THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2005
Los Angeles. Local 11 members--housekeepers, cooks, servers, dishwashers, bellmen, front desk and PBX workers—announced a boycott this week of the nine luxury hotels of the Hotel Employers' Council after six months of threats and intimidation, the fear of an employer lockout, and termination of the workers' union contract. Elected officials, community groups, and clergy vow to honor the request “to avoid eating, meeting or sleeping” at hotels involved in the labor dispute to put financial pressure on the Hotel Council. Below find pictures of the picket line in front of the Wilshire Grand Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, November 18th at 7:30 PM.
Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures - Part 2 of 2 (tags)
Despite the one-day notice, about 400-500 people turned out to protest the day after the start of the second U.S. attack on the people of Fallujah. Mysteriously, two tanks arrived and were immediately surrounded by chanting demonstrators.
Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures - Part 1 of 2 (tags)
Despite the one-day notice, about 400-500 people turned out to protest the day after the start of the second U.S. attack on the people of Fallujah. Mysteriously, two tanks arrived and were immediately surrounded by chanting demonstrators.
500 at Westwood anti-war rally (tags)
In the photograph, artist Mark Vallen and an anonymous protestor hold Vallen's "Art For A Change" artworks ( Photo by Bob Morris (
Amy Goodman book tour reaches LA (tags)
lifted from San Diego Amy Goodman's first book (written with her brother David), "The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers and the Media That Love Them" Amy Goodman, survivor of the Santa Cruz massacre in E. Timor will tour California, promoting her book.
Robert (Ruckus) Middaugh-Olivarria (tags)
Robert (Ruckus) Middaugh-Olivarria's trail is to begin Jan. 20 9:00 AM at United States Courthouse 312 North Spring Street Los Anageles, CA 90012 in Hon. William Matthew Byrne, Jr. Court Room.
PROTEST CHENEY AT THE BEVERLY HILTON HOTEL 9876 Wilshire Blvd, (near Santa Monica) 11 am, January 14th NOT ONE MORE DEAD! Protest at appearance of Dick Cheney this coming January 14th (11 am - Wed.) at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, 9876 Wilshire Blvd. near Santa Monica. Bring signs, banners, bells, flowers, white doves of peace, giant puppets, and friendly space aliens.
Sirhan Atty. Among Speakers at LA Confab on RFK Killing, June 5-8 (tags)
The Committee on Political Assassinations [COPA] presents:RFK Assassination Conference - June 5-8 - Los Angeles, CA Radisson Hotel, 3515 Wilshire Blvd.
LA to host conference on RFK Assassination (tags)
During this anniversary year of the major political assassinations of the last centuy, the Committee on Political Assassinations [COPA] is hosting conferences on the major assinations of the 1960's, including one re that of Robert F Kennedy, June 5-8 at the the Wilshire Radisson . June 5-8 - Los Angeles, CA Radisson Hotel, 3515 Wilshire Blvd. (near Alexandria)
Westwood "Shock and Awe" Emergency demo still going (tags)
According to Channel 9 & KPFK updates...
4) Pics of Westwood Anti-War Rally, More Civil Disobedience Arrests Thurs. 03-20 (tags)
We blocked Wilshire boulevard, on and off, starting around 5:30 p.m.
Art photo and article. The LA Times online story about the protest is totally inaccurate! I describe my experience.
3) Pics of Westwood Anti-War Rally, More Civil Disobedience Arrests Thurs. 03-20 (tags)
Four heroes laying down in the middle of Wilshire for the name of peace. They will all be taken to jail.
Pics of Westwood Anti-War Rally, More Civil Disobedience Arrests Thurs. 03-20 (tags)
We did it again, but we did it better this time. And we will do ever better tomorrow and after tomorrow. Hundreds of protesters sat on Wilshire boulevard, stopping the traffic for nearly two hours. This time we held our ground for nearly 2 hours. The Police didn't drag us to the sidewalk this time.
Summary of activities at the Westwood Federal Building. Call updates in to the phone number or add as comments to the story.
long days journey into night (tags)
in the moments before the strike; report from the trenches in LA
3/19/03 Westwood Demonstration Pictures (tags)
Account with Pictures of Antiwar Demonstration at Westwood Federal Building March 19, 2003.
Live Cell Phone Reports From Westwood (tags)
The IMC was unreachable, so two different cell phone reporters were feeding a network of web sites. Here is a copy of what I posted, all times real time.
Jan. 11 March Volunteer Meetiing (tags)
Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 7:00 PM at the ANSWER Center, 422 S. Western Avenue (4 blocks N of Wilshire)
Event In Westwood: Beyond War On Iraq / Scott Ritter and others / TODAY!! (tags)
Important gathering today. Here's the details
Not In Our Name - Marchers on Wilshire Blvd. 2 (tags)
LA Not In Our Name - Taking It To The Streets On Wilshire Blvd.
Not In Our Name - Marchers on Wilshire Blvd. (tags)
LA Not In Our Name - The March Takes Off From The Federal Building Down Wilshire Blvd.
Anti-War Protestors Along Wilshire Blvd. (tags)
LA Not In Our Name - Protestors along Wilshire Blvd. in front of Federal Building
Press Release announcing the Oct 6 Not In Our Name Demonstration in Westwood (tags)
Come One! Come All! Be There: Westwood Federal Building, 1pm Sunday October 6, 2002. For a major showing of defiance and resistance by the people of L.A. to this whole machine of war and repression. War Without End? Not In Our name!
Last minute info. Sun. protest in Westwood (tags)
Just added, Ron Kovik, author "Born on the Fourth of July". New: parking map!
UPDATE: Sunday Oct 6 protest in L.A. (tags)
We have an amazing lineup of 30+ speakers, musicians, spoken word, and more - in addition to the march itself.
Big anti-war protest this Sunday (tags)
On Sunday Oct 6 there will be nationwide antiwar protests. The L.A. protest will be at the Federal Bldg in Westwood , 1-6 PM
Racists plan rally March 23rd in Los Angeles (tags)
The Southern Kalifornia Anarchist Alliance calls for militant action against racist groups CCIR and American Patrol.
3rd Annual Global Women's Strike- March 8! (tags)
Under the banner "Invest in Caring Not Killing: Welfare Not Warfare," women –- including welfare mothers,grandmothers, immigrant women,lesbian women, and women with disabilities, as well as men supporters -- will take to the streets with puppets, street theatre, music, and banners, highlighting all the demands of the Global Women’s Strike, in a march down Wilshire Boulevard, a major Los Angeles thoroughfare.
Live in LA! Amy Goodman, Danny Glover, Aztlan Undergound! (tags)
We're looking forward to a great night this Saturday - Please spread the word.
United for Peace - L.A. demo./22nd (tags)
One of 400 protestors opposed to War in the Middle East.
upcomming g8 solidarity demonstrations in los angeles ... (tags)
time has come for revolution ..
emergency solidarity protest in Los Angeles (english) (tags)
Meeting at 12400 Wilshire at the Italian Embassy at 2 on Saturday showing support to G8 protesters and outrage over the killing of Carlos Giuliani protest in Los angeles 12400 Wilshire at 2 show solidarity
Immigrant Worker Network Issues a MAYDAY!!! (tags)
A demonstration marks May 1 International Workers Day and seeks public support to challenge wholesale violations of immigrant rights.
Los Angeles Election Protest Satuday (tags)
Protest the Republican Coup d'Etat this Saturday, 1pm, at the Federal Building in Westwood.
FYI hotels of Gore and Delegations (tags)
Here are the hotels that Gore and each state's delegations are staying at. I hope this helps some folks.