fix articles 860, label Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : label


Tingout: the new news stream social media for citizen journalism (tags)

Tingout is an internet platform created to givecreated to give more visibility to independent information

Let's Have Better Product Labeling (tags)

Product labels for the globalized economy. We need labels that tell us more than the country of origin.

Jon Hartmann takes note...In Memory of the Los Angeles Pacific Electric Railway (tags)

"I know of very few nearby worlds we can all go to, so it might be wise to take care of the one we have. Fossil fuels have no place in our future," states Jon Hartmann.

Guerrilla labeling against corporate music (tags)

As part of a broad-spectrum attack involving activists, independent musicians, and programmers, Downhill Battle ( has begun guerrilla labeling actions in "big box" music retailers like as Walmart, Best Buy, and Target.

EU ratifies UN Biosafety Proposal (tags)

"The protocol lets countries ban imports of a genetically-modified product if they feel there is not enough scientific evidence the product is safe and requires exporters to label shipments containing genetically-altered commodties such as corn or cotton."


The Los Angeles resident and activist on Arco’s “Citizens Advisory Committee for Rapid Transit” since 1972, is letting his music releases bring ‘more than meets the eye’ to his album covers further elaborating on his environmental beliefs as an activist and musical artist.


Four out of five people we asked have no idea who the JDL are, much less know that they are one of the TOP TEN FBI ACTIVE TERRORIST GANGS IN THE USA.

The Curious Case Of 'Neoconservative' (tags)

"How can something exist and not exist both at the same time? The answer: by being neoconservative." How can one be a Trotskyite and claim to be a Conservative at the same time. Why by being a NeoCon.

Buying a Major-Label Artist's Album or Concert Ticket Supports the War Machine (tags)

Below is one of countless examples of how people support constant war through participation in an amoral economic system in their everyday lives. I admit: music is my main weakness, but I had to stop and re-evaluate my life-style choices in order to make a decision to not support the war machine. Loss of profit is one of the precious few attacks they actually suffer from. Besides, most every major-label release is marketed to be as bland and boringly inoffensive (hence mass-marketably profitable) as possible.

CLEAR View Alert: Post 9/11 Anti-Environmentalism Threatens Green Activism (tags)

CLEAR helps activists and concerned citizens understand and counter misinformation about environmental policy and science and the impacts of environmental law on the economy and private property. This alert identifies some of the major attacks on the environmental movement post 9-11, most of which revolve around exploiting the "terrorism" label, exactly as McCarthyism exploited the "communism" label.

CLEAR View Alert: Post 9/11 Anti-Environmentalism Threatens Green Activism (tags)

CLEAR helps activists and concerned citizens understand and counter misinformation about environmental policy and science and the impacts of environmental law on the economy and private property. This alert identifies some of the major attacks on the environmental movement post 9-11, most of which revolve around exploiting the "terrorism" label, exactly as McCarthyism exploited the "communism" label.

Mediattack! - A Balance Between Activism and Music (tags)

Mediattack! is an activist music label for teenage and adult audiences into hardcore and alternative music. The focus of the label is to release music that promotes change for improving animal rights, poverty, and nuclear policies, etc. Site location:

Fishers of Gap, Inc., Log Depleted Redwood Forests (tags)

Fishers of Gap, Inc., Purchase Timber-friendly "Green Label" for Logging Depleted Redwood Forests - Local environmental groups cry "Foul!" - - Green Builders say "It's a scam." - - Gap Boycott escalates protests against unsustainable, phony "green label" logging -

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