fix articles 863, themselves Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : themselves


Woodwalton PE285Y – The Village Where Nazis Are Always Welcome. (tags)

The inexorable march towards Fascism in the U.K. and U.S. continues unabated. And with each step, the inverted value system of the rich and powerful, is revealed in ever more hideous detail. David Wulstan Myatt kills children and he is protected by the police and politicians.

Words on war and peace (tags)

"Every cannon that is built, every warship that is launched, every missile that is fired is ultimately a theft from those who are hungry and have nothing to eat, those who are cold and have no clothes. A world under arms not only squanders money. It also squanders the sweat of its workers, the spirit of its scientists and the hope of its children." former President Dwight D. Eisenhower

The great uprooting (tags)

People's disorientation makes them controllable & manageable. The pseudo-pandemic, alleged man-made climate change, Russophobia and gender madness confirm this every day. Disoriented masses can be swayed in any direction by ideologies and media propaganda and are therefore exactly what those in power want. Uprooting people has been going on for centuries.

Charity means toppling the powerful from their thrones and The cry of the poor (tags)

There is no distinction between structural violence, which is the basis of the capitalist social order, and counter-violence. "First of all, I would like to state that there is a violence from which all other violence derives: the violence of oppression." (Dom Helder Camara).

Making yourself comfortable in capitalism (tags)

"Whoever has a wife should behave as if he had none, ... whoever buys as if he were not the owner, whoever makes use of the world as if he did not use it" (1 Cor 7:29f). Paul is speaking here to people who were "called" as slaves into the messianic church (1 Cor 7:21).

The work critique of millenials and A new universalism of emancipation (tags)

The 4-Hour League, an alliance founded in 2016 to campaign for the 4-hour day is concerned with pushing back wage labor to have more time for a good life, for a gender-just redistribution of care activities and putting an end to the over-exploitation of nature.

Vaccine debate: Against the constant stirring up of hatred (tags)

Aggressive propaganda against a population group The social mood that is being made against the unvaccinated is indeed gradually becoming eerie. Because if it is possible to create such a gruesome mood against a certain population group, then also against any other. This is interchangeable.


On June 23, 2021, UP1 ("Ella"), who has been in custody since November 2020 for defending valuable trees against the construction of a highway that is hostile to humans and the climate, was sentenced to two years and three months in prison...

Beyond market and state (tags)

The dominant, financial market-oriented factions of capital are using the crisis to further enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else by attempting to appropriate even the wealth of society that is yet to be generated in the medium term by indebting the state.

Against The Capitalist Catastrophe (tags)

Leaflet to copy spread for the 1st of may

Baltimore police union balks at policy requiring officers to pay some legal damages themse (tags)

Baltimore police union balks at policy requiring officers to pay some legal damages themselves

Benjamin Tucker: American Mutualist Part 1 (tags)

In an Individualist Mutualist market economy of Josiah Warren, Benjamin Tucker, or Stephen Pearl Andrews employers can indeed pay themselves more money than their employees for equal time worked however even though they can pay themselves more money than their employees for equal time worked they are still Mutualists and not Capitalists. Why is this?

Our highest officials are criminals (tags)

The USA is governed by highly paid thugs and criminals.

KPFK may also be up on Chopping Block ? We need to get facts now ! (tags)

KPFA in Berkley is rumored to be For Sale= that means KPFK in Los Angeles goes out in same manner as Pacifica cannot survive without these 2 main radio stations. We, members, need to investigate and reveal what is KNOWN as facts, corroborated, or what sounds like ‘rumor’ but verifiable. Soon !

NYC SJP questions the BDS Movem,ent (tags)

Many divestment campaigns have passed through student referendums and student government resolutions, but all but a few have been purely symbolic. No actual divestment, and no real boycotts against israeli universities have been established...

gratuitous evil of fbi (tags)

The gratuitous evil of the us government, fbi/cia/doj, etc. is beyond belief and can only be verified by their victims and by the assassins themselves.

The Middle Class Abolishes itself (tags)

Middle class citizens with a little wealth who invested this on the stock exchange are responsible for certain jobs becoming more and more precarious... Many economists claim market forces regulate themselves and society doesn't need to intervene.

Political Disobedience (tags)

"Crisis children" can't find a job despite study, four foreign languages and four hundred applications. They earn one-thousandth what a top manager rakes in. Youth unemployment has reached unbearable levels in Greece and Spain.

The impending eviction of San Francisco's Station 40 (tags)

As ye sow, so shall ye weep...

Tao Te Ching (tags)

The Tao Te Ching translation is by Derek Lin has survived millennia... it is the way of water

Ho Chi Minh And The War In Vietnam (tags)

Ho Chi Minh mistakenly thought that the US government, founded in revolution against colonizers, would help Vietnam free itself from the French.

Trolling ...what is that ? (tags)

Definitions - name calling that appears often here at Indy is being called a "troll" or claiming that someone is "trolling". What could such a Bad Word mean ? Not one of those ugly plastic dolls that were sold to sweet children a while back. Not from actual Grimm's fairy tales. This word is intended to insult, offend, discredit and accuse without merit anyone some writer doesnt like or with whom they dont happen to agree. How mean ? And on Indymedia where civilized writers want to share ?


Inhuman Capital (tags)

In polls many people massively criticize this system of market-conforming democracy and then vote for it with large marge majorities. This cognitive dissonance is the result of a reeducation of society. The values and norms are success and efficiency...

NJ Gov. Chris Christie's GWB-Gate Traffic Jam Shows Narcissistic Traits (tags)

The recently exposed recorded statements made by NJ Gov. Chris Christie's staff show a climate fueled by narcissism that enabled the retalitory actions against the Fort Lee Mayor in the form of several days of severe traffic jams. This unnatural traffic obstruction across the bridge resulted in the death of an elderly lady who was being transported by ambulance. As usual the narcissist does not care how their actions effect others and can scapegoat lower ranking staff as the culprits while escaping responsibility themselves.

Wisecracking Gov. Chris Christie; A Narcissist Politician Heading from NJ to DC (tags)

Recent endorsements of Gov. Chris Christie by corporate Democrat party boss Joe DiVincenzo shows that he is a member of the elite status quo of corrupt politicians trying to make himself look good with a "stronger than the storm" jingle while looking towards the U.S. Presidency as any media obsessed narcissist would. Maybe this time the lesser evil status of his opponent Barbara Bouno is more obvious as the corrupt party boss Dems like DiVincenzo endorse Christie!

More tobacco, less health care as Trans-Pacific Partnership secrecy tightens (tags)

The secrecy shrouding the TPP text remains in place, with a stronger curtain apparently about to shut out any stray sunshine.

State Extremism (tags)

“Only state extremists can claim the state has the right when the state,preserves the security of its citizens by restricting their freedom, protects their life by spying on their life, proceeds against journalist activity with anti-terror laws and punishes investigators of state criminality..."

What’s Next for the Egyptian Revolution (tags)

Egyptians are making history at a frantic pace. After the largest protests in Egypt’s history initiated the downfall of the first Muslim Brotherhood government, a military-led massacre of Muslim Brotherhood faithful quickly altered the political dynamic. Everything is in flux.

Pacifist Church Espouses Anti-LGBT Agenda (tags)

This email was received by the info account, from

The Competition Ideology - the Greatest Evil of our Age (tags)

The competition ideology has been hammered into our heads for thirty years. Claiming better outcomes are generally realized when everything is poisoned by the competitive is pure ideology. Competition that exceeds the limits of its useful fields orders murderous measures.


To laugh a lot of Western military who dishonor the Iliad.

Self-directed workers as a “cure for capitalism” (tags)

Employees themselves should make the decisions concerning the business. They can consider a far wider set of issues and concerns about adopting new technology, or any other strategic decision, thereby fully weighing the effects on themselves, their families and their communities.

Hooked Into You (tags)

Reinvigorated, jump started, reenergized, pumped up and ready to go, just the right amount of boost, we hear them all when it comes to the last stretch of elections. “Getting all tingly and excited for the next four years that I know I will be spending with you.” “The American people will be making the right decision by voting for me.” “Out with the old and in with the new.” “Now's not the time to give in.” Either way both of them seem to agree, “You'll be making the right decision by voting for me this coming election.”

If Only Ed Were Smart Enough To Realize, Starting Trouble Only Causes Trouble (tags)

It seems an easy thing for people to get a handle on, and growing up almost all of us are taught it. You stay away from problems by making wise choices, and not opting to engage in behavior that will cause you excessive problems. It only makes life difficult and more complicated. I mean in the end, once you've stepped in the wrong places enough, you start to learn, right? Not many people with half a brain go looking for problems past a certain point in their lives. Pretty much most of that ends in high school and maybe a year or two beyond depending on who you are.

When Everyday Russians Knew the Communists Were Failing (tags)

Growing up my parents kept people from all different ethnicities, races, religions, backgrounds, etc as friends. They tried not to discriminate, as they didn't want others to discriminate against them or their children. They had friends from Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, South America and of course America. They allowed people into their home from different backgrounds and were allowed into the homes of others. On the street we lived we were the first non-all white family; my mom being British, my dad being from India and our neighborhood predominantly Sicilian.

THE AGE OF MADNESS & A Critical Review of fbi/cia Operations (tags)

This report represents a summary of my reflections & analysis on fbi/cia/police/societal egregious agendas.

The movement of the etcetera (tags)

“As a social forum, a thousand things happen at the same time and this is how thing flow. The square is beginning to fill up. Having a thousand things and a thousand different ways is a path towards no turning back!” Rodrigo Bertame at Occupy Rio.

The Great Refusal and The 99 Percent (tags)

The Great Unraveling provokes the Great Refusal (Paul Krugman). The mainstream media pursue their own political goals and only publish what pleases the advertisers. We need information, not indoctrination. Occupy could change the whole culture with a new media emerging.

The Future of the #Occupy Movement: Solidarity and Escalation (tags)

A month after it began with a few hundred people marching on Wall Street, the #Occupy movement has grown to include tens of thousands of participants throughout the country and has captured headlines around the world.

They May Never Understand You (tags)

In any movement there will always be people that will want to harness the energy of that movement or themselves and their own benefit. It is the nature of the beast. It happens everywhere and in so many ways. At times that can be a very good and beneficial thing as there are outside forces that come in and by joining or adding to a movement they strengthen it and give it more momentum. Also people coming in from outside can be just a prelude to folks trying to slide in, insert their faces into a movement and claim themselves to be the leaders. This can have ruinous and disastrous consequences by adding water little by little until the essence has dispersed and whatever additive coloring may be mixed in and the movement's image can be bottled up to be sold elsewhere or quietly dumped down a drain.

World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 23-30 Sept 2011 (tags)

The idea is to claim loud and clear that it is not only the duty of each individual to stop supporting the murderous exploitation required by the consumption of animal flesh and "by-products", but that it is also, therefore, the duty of societies as a whole to declare themselves for the banning of farming, fishing and hunting.

When Getting Outpaced, Just Say We Won (tags)

If you ever find yourself in a position where you are targeted for harassment at your workplace, school or any other place and choose to stick things out, it may be helpful at times to read what others have to say about their experiences; their stories and the like. No matter how seemingly similar or dissimilar they may or may not appear at first, listen to or read it if possible. There may be bits and pieces to connect with or integrate into your own survival toolbox and sets of strategies for survival. They may not display immediately obvious applications to your situation, but later on could open up as things that are helpful with regards to implementing towards your own survival experience.

The Grover Norquist Project at Pacifica Radio (tags)

Whistleblowers as far back as 2005 warned that KPFA's budgets were not sustainable. Why were the warnings repeatedly disregarded?

Why Tunisia Changed the World (tags)

Tunisia woke up the Middle East with a thundering yawn. After years of domination by western-backed tyrants, the working people of the Arab world are rising from slumber. Once fully awake and aware of their surroundings, they'll shake off the influence of the western nations with a collective flick of the wrist. The elites of the Middle East and their western benefactors are petrified. The revolution in Tunisia deposed of two Presidents in 48 hours, and the vast energy of the people has already spilled over its borders, immediately affecting the politics of Algeria, Jordan, and Egypt. The Guardian reports:

The Attack of Corporations and the Rich on the Rest of Society (tags)

In the last decades, wealth has concentrated in a few hands. The increasing inequality does not offend us; this inequality is the result of an active policy. The rich prevail; they are subsidized and relieved from contributions to the social infrastructure while social benefits are cut.

HURRAY for courageous Wikileakers (tags)

Wki-leaks has done what many of us wish we could... OPEN UP THE WORLD OF misinformation, lies, deceits, manipulations, fake diplomacy, propaganda and allllll that is spoken, written that is "not in our name" appropriate. Wow, some of us are very impressed and want these computer workers SUPPORTED, complimented, helped, and given any and every service or help we can each offer... to keep them doing the good work they have been so dedicated to providing to all "the people" including "the American People" too... good ! work ! help protect and increase Free Speech as exposure is not intended to harm but REVEAL what is being done for us that is hurtful and against most of us.

Bullying: America’s National Pastime; Queer Youth Victims of a Homo-Hating Culture (tags)

A recent spate of suicides by Queer youth and assaults against Queers have once again made Queer-bashing and bullying in general hot topics in the corporate media and mainstream political discourse. But in a hypercompetitive society that punishes “weakness” — and perceives same-sex affection and sexuality as a sign of “weakness” — and makes stars of reality-TV show winners and bullying talk-show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, the bullies who target Queer people feel encouraged, supported and motivated to keep doing it.

Gentle Reminder: Human Rights Is Not a New Issue (tags)

It’s easy to forget.

It did not take long for the descendants of the Holocaust victims. (tags)

To turn into racist, brutal baby killers themselves.

Protecting Capitalists or the Welfare State (tags)

Banks and hedge brought disaster upon themselves and their customers with their "innovations" and financial products.. Financial management may never be uncoupled from the real economy and lead a life of its own without economic justification or social responsibility.

The World's Largest Parasites (tags)

Why a universal single payer insurance plan is the only logical answer to the health crisis in the United States. Health insurance companies are large parasites and should be abolished completely.

Revolutionary Autonomous Communities' Food Program (tags)

The Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (RAC), has created a food program where we are empowering ourselves and others to become self-sustainable.

American Empire Foreclosed? (tags)

Mark Engler, a writer based in New York City, is a senior analyst with Foreign Policy In Focus and the author of How to Rule the World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy (Nation Books, 2008). He can be reached via the Web site

A $hort History of Banking (tags)

"Surely the Government is in control of the country and its supply of money? Surely money is only a symbolic token to facilitate the production, exchange and distribution of goods and services? Not so, say the Third Positionists, who reject both Capitalism and Communism..."

What is Behind the AIG Scandal (tags)

The controversy surrounding the American International Group (AIG) is one for the ages, for it starkly reveals who is really running our economic system and to what end. In an effort to please two irreconcilable groups — the vast majority, average working Americans, versus the few financial elite — Obama has lately resembled a tightrope walker on a tattered rope. The AIG debate has now unsettled this delicate balance; no longer will it be so easy to give billions to Wall Street while fake rage is hurled against this same group. The jig is up.

Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers (tags)

UPLAND, California - January 26, 2008 Supporters of the human rights of immigrants and workers filled the Upland City Council chambers tonight to support speakers decrying injustices against Upland day laborers. The Minutemen, who are themselves responsible for many of these injustices, also arrived to address the council. And while the council may have been more receptive to their racist rhetoric than to our pleas for justice, we maintained the moral high ground and refused to retreat.

The Genesis of the Financial Crisis: Greed and Repression (tags)

The self-healing market, the market that corrects itself, is at the heart of the perfect economic story. The financial crisis (now banking, real estate, jobs and credit crises) has forced the reconsideration of the role of the state. Psychology helps unmask religion of the market.

ANTI JEWS stories (tags)

when supporting Palestinians & Gaza - is it necessary to have a "bad guys /gals" to condem, accuse, hate, and humiliate ? Cant these "news" writers with strong opinions just support their cause without needing an evil enemy to make themselves appear "holier than them" all the time? What is wrong here ?

Israel trying to wipe itself off the map (tags)

As in humans you get suicidal people. There are also suicidal nations. israel is one of them. We must be carefull they don't bring us with them

Tax and Spend Liberalism versus Hyper-Inflation (tags)

Indirect Taxation of packrats

A Critique of the Fourth International (tags)

Correcting our political perspective

Mormon Hate Cult Complains (tags)

Now various Mormon churches are trying to pretend they're being persecuted.

The Age of Austerity Dawns (tags)

The burst bubble of the New Economy should have been understood as a warning. Then as today, wishful thinking and greed blocked the view to reality. Recessions offer a period of welcome recovery. Losing the hectic turbo-capitalism is not really a great loss.

ACORN "Scandal" Is RightWing BS (tags)

BradBlog has a good article about the "ACORN scandal" that Fox News and the Right Wing are pushing. The media blitz is just another naked attempt at racist fear-mongering to solidify the racist vote.


The Gospel of Truth is joy for those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of recognizing him, thru the power of the meaning who comes forth from the fullness which is in the thought and mind of the Father. This is he who is called the Savior

Long Beach Mass Action, July 10 Displays Community Unity (tags)

More than 600 people turned out in a two-hour march-rally last July 10 proving that the community is “the heart of Long Beach” The march led by the Long Beach Coalition for Better Jobs and Healthy Communities started with a picket at the Hilton Hotel at around 5:00 PM . Then the coalition marched to the Long Beach light house near the Aquarium of the Pacific where they held an hour long rally. Led by Hilton Hotel workers who are organizing themselves, Filipinos, Latinos, African- American hotel workers demanded hotel administration neutrality over their efforts to organize themselves.

KPFK having a new Board, Join In ya all (tags)

COMMUNITY [that mean you and us all folks] ADVISORY BOARD, Representing various diverse parts of our community [ not just being a person from that group - that is not REPRESENTING but being and experiencing -not same thing] JOIN IN !!! Check out next meeting Thurs 6/26/08 @ 7 pm at KPFK radio station: 3729 Cahuenga West, No Hollywood....go there !!! be useful !!!





The minutemen had a rally and nobody came (tags)

The gang known as the Minutmen had a rally on Saturday. Nobody (not even me) noticed.

71% see themselves as poor or very poor, says Pulse Asia poll (tags)

Around two of every three Filipinos believe that the national economy is worse than it was three years ago, the latest Pulse Asia survey showed. The survey results were released Monday. The Pulse Asia survey also showed that around three of every four Filipinos consider themselves as very poor or poor.

On the November 29 Incident and the UN Human Rights Report (tags)

The calm before the storm, comes the small typhoons. The Alliance For Just And Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) is not surprised at all by the dramatic action staged by military rebels led by cashiered General Danny Lim and Ltsg. and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV last November 29 in Makati City. They have the right to defend themselves against the persecution of the unjust and fake US –Arroyo regime and have the right to express themselves in protest against the use of the courts against them. Their call for change and their condemnation of corruption in the military and the high places within the US-Arroyo regime is understandable. The $ 16 pay-off for the ZTE scandal, the NBN deal, the rampant graft in the government, the payolas all stink in the air. The AJLPP also vehemently condemn the way the PNP manhandled the media. Many media persons were arrested and brought to Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan. Meanwhile, the AJLPP also commend the United Nations reporter for formally confirming their findings on human right violations in the Philippines. Philip Aston declared his findings and submitted them to the general assembly.

On the Makati City November 29 Incident and the UN Human Rights Report (tags)

—The calm before the storm, comes the small typhoons. The Alliance For Just And Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) is not surprised at all by the dramatic action staged by military rebels led by cashiered General Danny Lim and Ltsg. and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV last November 29 in Makati City. They have the right to defend themselves against the persecution of the unjust and fake US –Arroyo regime and have the right to express themselves in protest against the use of the courts against them.

KPFK is biased, still, while pretending to be "fair" (tags)

KPFK is not as claimed repeatedly, but mostly prefers OPPOSITIONAL views and programmers want to be "rescuers" to be Heroes and superior. Sorry. Bad game plan.

France: The workers must take the struggle into their own hands! (tags)

Seldom has trade-union unity been so great in the country: almost all the trade unions, including the most collaborationist, call for an indefinite strike at the SNCF, because of the determination and combativeness of the workers! But what objective does this united leadership set for the struggle to come? In 1995 the objective was clear: total withdrawal of the Prime Minister Juppé plan against the pensions. Today what is the objective of this trade-union unity? Total withdrawal of the new attack against the pensions?

CHICAGO CONFIDENTIAL! First National Convergence of the Movement for a Democratic Society (tags)

It was a hectic week for activists in Chicago. There was the Select Media Festival, a Teaching for Social Justice Conference, a SNCC commemoration, the Humanities festival, a National Convention to End the Death Penalty, and Bob Brown’s law-suit against the corporations. Not least, the Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) held its first national convergence at Loyola University, from November 8 through 11 with the participation of the newly inspired SDS, Students for a Democratic Society.

The other (tags)

Karen Armstrong, the British theologian and author of numerous books on the great religions, has advanced the theory that fundamentalist religion is a response to and product of modern culture. A Catholic nun for seven years, she left her order while studying at Oxford University. She is one of the 18 leading group members of the Alliance of Civilizations, an initiative of the former UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, with the purpose of fighting extremism and furthering dialogue between the Western and Islamic worlds. Andrea Bistrich interviewed her for Share International.

The K.I.S.S. Principle (tags)

For those not familiar with the acronym ‘KISS’, it expands to, “Keep It Simple Stupid”! The KISS (K) principle was/is the most invaluable teaching/training aid in the IT industry, especially in the early days when people actually feared the ‘complexity’ of computers. Anyone who is confronted by an overwhelming amount of ‘information’ tends to lose themselves in a sea of confusion. Fortunately, a very bright and creative mind developed the ‘K’ principle for dealing with these situations.

Buy Silence, Sell Distraction!? (tags)

The time has come for victims to organize, network, and empower themselves ....

Virginia Tech: Laying The Blame (tags)

There will be a lot of blame dished out in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre. But one element will be missing and that is the system itself. Capitalism and the society it nurtures will remain unscathed in the big business press.

Bush, cheney and Boehner for front line (tags)

They were cowards in the last war but they are brave now.

How to Revive a Spiritually Dead America in One Easy Lesson! (tags)

America is going down the toilet! Question: What are you going to do about it? The Russian writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, urged his people, in 1974, to take on the Stalinists remnant and to “Live Not by Lies.” Today, America is languishing under the Bush-Cheney Gang, Masters of Deception. “Obedience to lies,” Solzhenitsyn said, robs a people, keeping them “in the herd and a coward.” Remedy--”Live by the truth...It is the only [choice] for a soul.”

New Katrina Survivor documentary "Down But Not Out" FREE SCREENING (tags)

Come hear first hand the testimonies and struggles from Katrina Survivors

Human Evolution and Religion—A Global Truce through Anthropology (tags)

Every religion in the world was created to serve the needs of humans who are evolutionarily equal, and therefore, have asked the same questions about life. Anthropologists have identified a number of universal constants of religion, and have discovered that different religions aren’t so different from each other after all.

Pinochet, chief of the mass murderers, dies (tags)

His death does not mark the end of Pinochetism. People are declaring themselves admirers of his work. Some more shamefully than others, they declare themselves his admirers, his followers, his heirs. They must pay for his entire legacy. The indictment for the crimes of Pinochet's dictatorship, which the human rights organizations have upheld valiantly and tirelessly for years, against his civilian and military collaborators, does not expire with the death of their leader.

France - Banlieues: inquiry on the dead of Bouna Traoré and Zyed Bucket (tags)

According to lawyer Jean-Pierre Mignard, defender of the families of the victims, from the relationship of the “police of the police” turns out that “the policemen knew that the adolescents were penetrate to you in the situated Edf and their single attitude has been indifference”.

Exporting Values: On the Religious Aspect of the US War (tags)

When the institutions fail, a superhero arises out of the American people who can wage the just battle without regard for laws or institutions. Does George W Bush under-stand himself as the incarnation of this American myth?

A project of dispossession can never be a noble cause (tags)

"The secret rotting at the core of the state of Israel is its refusal to admit that the Zionist project in Palestine - to create a state based on the dispossession of the non-Jewish inhabitants of the land - was never noble: the land it coveted was the home of another people, and the fathers of the Israeli nation killed, terrorised and displaced them to turn the project into actuality. But the Palestinian nation lives on - visibly and noisily and everywhere. To make its own denial stick, Israel has to deny and suppress Palestinian history"

The Evolution of Violence (tags)

The field of evolutionary psychology offers no end of insights into the origins of social problems, and also into why they’re so hard to solve. The War on Terror and the invasion of Oaxaca are just two more repetitions of the same pattern of aggression and violence that has repeated itself throughout history all over the world.

The Mark Foley scandal: Where is the crime? Down with this reactionary crusade! (tags)

It is the capitalists and their parties who politicize sex. They claim to be defending the innocent and vulnerable, but anyone who has seen the pictures from Abu Ghraib prison knows that this government doesn't give a damn about sexual torture and molestation. Their real intent is to persecute anyone who strays outside the completely artificial bounds prescribed by the patriarchal, heterosexual bourgeois family, and in the process arrogate to themselves ever greater police powers.

Women Say They Will Also Target Los Angeles Afghan Embassy (tags)

"America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense, it is the other way around. Human rights invented America." - President Jimmy Carter.

Following that credo, on September 11, 2006, American women handcuffed and chained themselves to the Afghan Embassy in Washington, DC to protest against Hamid Karzai's oppressive government. A spokeswoman stated that this was "just the start of demonstrations against the Afghan Embassy in Washington to protest President Karzai's illegal imprisonment of innocent Americans and treatment of Afghan women."

IWW Victory for Taxi Drivers at LA Airport (tags)

By Ernesto Nevarez, Port of Aztlan, - Turning the Tide: Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research & Education, Volume 19 Number 4, July-August 2006

Aztlan | Lessons in Politics (tags)

Today, and for the present, Aztlan is a spiritual concept, an ideational concept. But what does the future hold for the indigenous peoples of Anahuac?

The Beauty of the System (tags)

A tale of shipping, blackmail and slow death in the lost Cul de Sac

SCFs have won the political dialectic! (tags)

“First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi

S o u t h C e n t r a l F a r m: It takes a community to fight development (tags)

Saturday June 10th, 2006 - 7pm - candlelight vigil - DAY 19 of the encampment to defend the farm: 200 supporters sang, ate, marched, prayed, and stood in unity to resist forced eviction and keep watch against police raids. Located at 41st and Alameda, the 19 block/14-acre of the threatened South Central urban garden farm is under threat by developer Ralph Horowitz. The ransom is 16.5 million to 20 million.

Immigration: A Nation of Colonists – and Race Laws (tags)

Immigration law has always been race law in the US.

Captain Ahab and his Watery Grave (tags)

The novel Moby Dick appeared to Moltmann and others as the American myth. "Thewhite whale is the symbol of evil and Captain Ahab is the tragic hero. America's messianic dream becomes the tragic myth."

Daman Wayans Actions Should Be An Insult To All Self-Respecting African Americans (tags)

Mental "Health" as Stealth warfare--a radically critical approach (with art) (tags)

Radical's radical comments on the widespread way in which so-called mental "health" ideology has integrated itself into the very psyches of those claiming to see the value of dissenting from all manner of corporate hold on people. Question: is psychiatry and formal therapy, corporate? anti-copyright.

The First Principle of Political Activism is Awareness. (tags)

Becoming a political “activist” does not primarily mean protesting against something. Rather, at least one primary aspect of becoming an activist, is becoming “aware” of what is going on in the world—but also becoming aware of what is going on within oneself (in respect to what is perceived to be going on everywhere else).

The First Principle of Political Activism is Awareness. (tags)

Becoming a political “activist” does not primarily mean protesting against something. Rather, at least one primary aspect of becoming an activist, is becoming “aware” of what is going on in the world—but also becoming aware of what is going on within oneself (in respect to what is perceived to be going on everywhere else).

Editorial on the Minutemen (tags)

PRESENTLY TENSE What’s in a name? Modern Minutemen can’t talk their way out of their moniker’s past

hopelessness (tags)

a broken dream

Is Work a Basic Social Right? (tags)

"Hard work including persuasive work is necessary so the ruled free themselves from the worries of the rulers and then become the rulers themsevles."

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

shameful is the fact that there are people who seem not to care that such things are taking place in our country

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

As a result of nine-eleven’s jarring impact upon our nation, journalists have discovered a near paranoid rise in retaliation against individuals attempting to expose governmental malfeasance.

Military Recruiters preying on hurricane victims (tags)

Military recruiters are descending on our schools now that they are open. That's bad enough. But now they also are targetting traumatized hurricane victims....from Houston IndyMediaC

No Friends...Just Interests (tags)

State Department 's ongoing undermining of Israel's security

White Supremists Claim Victory (tags)

"Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. "National Vanguard" a.k.a. Whatever they're calling themselves this time around... Whatever they call themselves, they all claim victory after having their frocking clocks cleaned by anti-hate communities where ever the white supremist scumbags show their white racist faces.

"Save Our State" defies civilized society (tags)

The San Gabriel Valley Tribune reports that the "Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. Whatever they're calling themselves this time around are going to deliberately defy polite, civilized society and the rules of civilized conduct. The SGVT reports that these disgusting creeps wish to deliberately terrorize the City of Baldwin Park to the tune of one million dollars, if possible.

Populist #5 (tags)

The Subject of National Security, continued

This July 4th is Flag Burning Day! (tags)

Every summer good Americans don their best red white and blue, and gorge themselves on beer and hotdogs to celebrate our independence from England, but from its very beginnings this country has been built on illegitimacies.

A Clever Admission of Racism (tags)

Sometimes admissions of racism can be a healthy and open acceptance of responsibility for collective or individual sins of White privilege. Sometimes these admissions are cynical ploys aimed at normalizing racial abuse.

Looking for Harvey Weinstein (tags)

Book Review

Review: tghe Black Arrow, a Novel of Resistance and Rebellion (tags)

Radical libertarian Vin Suprynowicz has written an exciting novel of rebellion in a fascist America of the not to distant future.

Cops Disrupt Anti War Meeting (tags)

On Saturday March 12, the Pasadena Anarchist Collective was having a meeting to plan for a March 19th Anti-War protest at a gathering in South Pasadena when two cops in their uniform disrupted the meeting.

Move over creationism, here comes Intelligent Design (tags)

Intelligent design is the new & improved version of creationism that doesn't try to disprove evolution, instead intelligent design supporters advocate that biological complexity is evidence of a "Creator God" that happens to be the same God of the Bible..

Consevative's Almighty Values Debunked (tags)

Aren't you sick of hearing about the Conservative's Almighty Values?

End The War On Terror a.k.a. This Warring of Religions (tags)

This is a local issue, a state or regional issue, a city issue where you live, an issue for each person, and not a Global Issue. Want to end this warring of religions? Debunk the religion and take the power to manipulate its membership away from clerics and priests. Freedom from religion is the only way its going to get done and stay done; along with saving our species and our planet. You already know this to be true.

Self-righteous U.S. should look at its own election (tags)

Hypocrisy R US.......Moi?.......Who, me?

Where is the Outcry? (tags)

When the social contract, the social compromise between labor and capital, is scorned, people become wolves to one another.. The dance around the golden calf is already a disaster..

Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures - Part 2 of 2 (tags)

Despite the one-day notice, about 400-500 people turned out to protest the day after the start of the second U.S. attack on the people of Fallujah. Mysteriously, two tanks arrived and were immediately surrounded by chanting demonstrators.

Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures - Part 1 of 2 (tags)

Despite the one-day notice, about 400-500 people turned out to protest the day after the start of the second U.S. attack on the people of Fallujah. Mysteriously, two tanks arrived and were immediately surrounded by chanting demonstrators.

Standardizing Early Childhood Education? (tags)

Under federal mandates states are developing new standards for the education of young children.

The Anatomy of ''Terror Experts'' (tags)

The Terror Experts existed before the Iraqi resistance and they will exist after it. Wherever the oppressed rise and effectively resist imperial rule there will be academic chairs, foundations grants and Centers for International Studies for the ambitious upwardly mobile Terror Expert. The Imperial state will demand their services, the prestigious Councils of Foreign Relations will offer membership and universities will reward them with distinguished professorships. They will be celebrities ­ the mass media talk shows will feature them. They will be far from the killing fields but their spirit will be there, on the front lines and in the torture chambers, guiding the hands that place the hoods over the unredeemable, nihilists, Muslims, Marxists or national patriots.

Gay-marriage foe fails to make case (tags)

Abaham Lincoln said, "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." I suggest that anyone who would deny those different from themselves the freedom to marry should look in the mirror and try a little introspection.


Barghouti eats during a hunger strike. Arafat rips off the Palestinian treasury. Hamas leaders hide while they send off others to die. This article takes a look at these phenomena.

Big Business Hurts Itself and Workers by Opposing Socialized Medicine (tags)

Ideological blindness makes U.S. corporate interests oppose socialized medicine, even though by having to pay health benefits themselves makes them wildly uncompetitive with similar companies in Europe or Canada.

Christianist Death Cult Destroys Global Environment (tags)

What I want to know is who came up with the term Islamist and then in uniform cult like distribution had the corporate media all adopt the word at same time to describe the main targets of the war on terrorism, oil rich nations with Muslim majorities.

Don’t Take it to the Streets: Uncle Todd’s Revisionist History (tags)

In a letter to New York protesters, left-bashing former leftists Todd Gitlin and John Passacantando offer a pinched and erroneous history of the ‘60s civil rights and anti-war movements, in calling on RNC demonstrators to act with Gandhi-like passivity in the face of Mayor Bloomberg’s repressive plans.

"Democratic Imperialism" (tags)

"Violent democracy expeditions are in diametrical opposition. The action of the US in Iraq cannot be legitimate and does not further democratization.."

"so they can vent their ignorance with confidence" (tags)

Wake the Fk Up: A Primer (tags)

Life is not fair. Accept that fact and deal with it. Government ain't going to make life fair, either. If you believe that GOVERNMENT is the answer to your problems, you need to be dragged off and shot.

Making transsexual lives visible (tags)

Interview with transsexual scholar viviane K. Namaste from The New socialist Magazine, Issue 39: December 2002 - January 2003

Un-manageable (tags)

Un-manageable Saturday July 24th 2004 at Flor y Canto 6 PM A discussion on the ways in which institutions have been using discipline and normalization as tools to mold the individual into docile and manageable bodies. The primary target of control is no longer just our body but also, if not primarily, our 'soul' ...

Will the West Survive? (tags)

Survival of the West (tags)

Ronald W. Reagan -- A Serial Liar Who Made Americans Feel Good About Themselves (tags)

"Ronald Reagan, like his heir George W. Bush, was an amicable dunce. He could charm your socks off, but if you were a poor peasant with no spare socks, you were now stuck in a sockless situation and would be unlikely to afford socks or shoes."

Goldsborough’s column Outstanding. (tags)

James Goldsborough columns outstanding. Beat all big shot East Coast pundits hands down. Corporate Media full of cowards and puppets. Corporate opinion pages dubiously slanted.

For egg sucking dog liberals (tags)

Food for thought............................ Whether you agree or not, it's an interesting lesson in history. Something to think about...

Bush v. Bush-lite: Chomsky's Lesser-Evilism (tags)

There is no question that the Bush administration's policies are "cruel and savage", but John Kerry (along with the majority of Democrats in the Senate) supported most of them, including the war on Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the war on Iraq, and the "No Child Left Behind" education act. As Marjorie Williams pointed out in the Washington Post recently, "Kerry voted for so many of Bush's major initiatives that in order to disown them now he can only argue that they were wrongly or dishonestly 'implemented.' This amounts to a confession that his opponent made a chump of him for the past three years. In fact, one might argue that Kerry is a poster boy for all the ways in which congressional Democrats have allowed themselves to be rolled by the Bush administration."

Why Do They Hate Us? (tags)

Perhaps the alternative is to hate themselves.

The ROBOT'S LOVE! (tags)

Look behind their Vail of secrecy and see the Robots squirm. The Borg Politicians repeat what the Fascist Corporate Collective tells them to. All the resources of our society are used to find better ways to KILL HUMANS! How convenient? The robot monsters have taken over the world. Clones are running the government and industry. The Human slaves must toil to their deaths supporting the War Machines.

Help Stop Cuts to Higher Education (tags)

A grassroots coalition of student groups has formed in Tallahassee, Florida to combat cuts to higher education and tuition increases. Please visit our website and sign the petition.

Clergy leave on pilmigrage to pray for Steven Burd's shriveled soul (tags)

A bus pilgrimage left from a Vons this morning to hold a prayer vigil at Safeway CEO Steven Burd's home. Speakers at the boarding rally included Jews, Muslims, Christians

Advocating ethnic cleansing (tags)

Very rarely does a major newspaper publish essays endorsing both the logic and the practice of ethnic cleansing. But the Los Angeles Times yesterday did just that, when it published Benny Morris's "In '48 Israel Did What it Had to Do"


The International Solidarity Movement positions direct action activists as "human shields", knowingly puting people into dangerous situations - taking advantage of young naive idealists.

Anti-Globalize the Corporate Globalization Movement - DO IT NOW! (tags)


The right of decent private citizens to personally possess, transport, and responsibly use arms without government interference is the ultimate freedom and the main pillar supporting all other liberties. Few cultures have allowed their general population access to weapons, the tools of power, to the same degree as the United States. Instead, most societies have restricted the keeping and bearing of arms to a select few power brokers and their agents, often resulting in oppression on a grand scale.

The Voice Of Anarchy (tags)

die capitalism live anarchy

Strikers, Fires and Unity (tags)

Although I have supported the strike.....

Conservative-Libertarian Split: Liberals Get It, Conservatives Don't (tags)

The left is aware of the emerging conservative-libertarian schism while the right for the most part remains in denial.

FBI whistleblower fearful of Ashcroft, Bush (tags)

The intimidation in this country that's been whipped up by this official fear and warmongering has been far more effective than any Patriot Act in whittling away our civil liberties. --Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent, Minneapolis

No More Lonesome Howl Of The White Trash Wolf (tags)

It was said of Johnny, that he never was "seduced" by the money or showmanship of it all. He never went the way of so many others, giving his music over to showmanship, in lieu of the telling of those struggling, and in poverty; outside the warm circle of pretend country--pretend simple living--pretend poverty. One can't sing nor write of , what one hasn't lived.

RIAA sues 261 for sharing..... (tags)


A Plea for Systemic Strategies (tags)

If we are to defeat the systems of oppression, we must in fact combat the very systems themselves.

Jobless? Blame the System, not Yourself! (tags)

"The economy dictates how many will be unemployed because no jobs are available. 10% of the workforce don't get lazy at a certain point of the business cycle..Each downturn sends millions more into unemp-loyment. Unemployment is a social problem."

Words to Seduce the Left (tags)

Watch as I make a seemingly "anti-business" argument designed to fit within the Left's world view, but ... TA-DA!!! ... I actually make an argument in favor of laissez-faire... now that's how to "serve it up with a LEFT SPIN"

Anarchists and their Endless Contradictions (tags)

Radicals - And Why I'll Never Understand Them

The Problem (tags)

A brief summary of the issues.


The guantlet has been thrown. The winners are the one's who have their political agendas advanced and implemented.


It has become increasingly noticeable that the Pro-Bush few who post at LA-IMC have intentionally ignored many truths that are obvious to everyone else. It’s time the methods by which these truths are deposed are revealed in one place.

Leftist Starving the Poor (a la Mao) (tags)

Science offers the poor bread. . . the left offers a circus. Continuing in its grand tradition of starving the poor to death. . . the left opposes advances in food sciences!

Stockholm Conservatives (tags)

It is an interesting phenomena that while Indy is home to many free-thinking individuals that very freedom attracts a class of people who find freedom a petrifying concept. It is to them that this article is dedicated. May they rest in peace.

Afghanistan, Now Godforsaken (tags)

  The government headed by Hamid Karzai still controls just part of Afghanistan's territory. So-called field commanders who consider themselves heroes for overthrowing the Taliban regime have distributed the authority among themselves. It is not ruled out that only thanks to field commanders the regime was overthrown.

About the "Kill a cop for the cause!" Redding Murder Case - Pt. 2 (tags)

The man who killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, CA claims immunity because he was incorporated.

Introduction to a bastard's manifesto (tags)

An analysis of identity politics and the role it can play in transforming America into a more progressive, democratic society.

The Twilight of Vanguardism (tags)

Revolutionary thinkers have been saying that the age of vanguardism is over for most of a century now. Outside of a handful of tiny sectarian groups, it's almost impossible to find a radical intellectuals seriously believe that their role should be to determine the correct historical analysis of the world situation, so as to lead the masses along in the one true revolutionary direction.

Vonnegut on Twain (tags)

A good read.

The Fulcrum of Evil (tags)

Check it out: We fought the wrong war.

What the Libertarians really think (tags)

"Folks, it is sheer lunacy out there. The American Left took the word "liberal" from the classical liberals a long time ago and perverted it, and now libertarianism is being impaled in the same fashion."

The Curious Case Of 'Neoconservative' (tags)

"How can something exist and not exist both at the same time? The answer: by being neoconservative." How can one be a Trotskyite and claim to be a Conservative at the same time. Why by being a NeoCon.

Down With Authority/Government/Religion/"Experts" (tags)

Government is bad. Business is good (unless they work for Government, which they all do now, or the government will go after them). Thus, we have the mess we're in. And they are trying to get more big government through the UN. More consolidation of power, more abuses of power. More war, misery. Revolution: Answer: Entrepreneurship.

Conformity and Uniformity is the Collective Way (tags)

From the book "The Coming Aristocracy" by Leonard Read.

WHEN is the next big action? (tags)


THOMAS JEFFERSON CALLING: The time for revolution is now (tags)

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson

U.S. Nurses Murdered Soldiers During in Vietnam (tags)

Recent studies indicate thousands of US soldiers killed in Vietnam by US nurses, rather than the Vietnamese.

Part 2. No Bomb? Your Screwed. Gotta Bomb? We're Cool. (tags)

It's been an amazing week and a half of watching the Bush administration's own foreign-policy bite Bush in the ass so hard you could see him wince every time the showed his miserable face in public this week.

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in the spirit of Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ce`sar Cha`vez, & the Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago.

Proud and Insolent Youth Incorporated (tags)

The man who killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, CA claims immunity because he was incorporated.

On the subject of so-called "Trust Fund Kids" (tags)

I've noticed that some of the right-wingers and Bush lovers who post on IMC -- most notably those with nothing of substance to say -- are fond of using the term "Trust Fund Kids" as a pejorative to somehow diminish the contributions of those whose financial circumstances are anywhere above the poverty level. Let's dispel some of the "popular" misconceptions.


This article should be must reading for all American Patriots who are forever whining about "anti-Americanism"--not to mention anti-war Liberals who may be opposed to America's wars, but refuse to fight the American Empire itself. As this article suggests, America's current Terror War is only an extension of the Cold War. One that "continues under new names but, in essence, it is now a 'North-South' struggle--an effort to prevent the rise of any society that may set a credible example of an alternative to the capitalist model, and to prevent the rise of any power that might challenge American supremacy."

October 22nd Coaliton Attacked and arrested (tags)

Look at below post for info about the National Day Against Police Brutality

An International Call From Veterans and Soldiers To Members Of The Armed Forces: (tags)

We Are Facing a Serious Choice: Perpetual War or Resistance!



The Rise And Fall Of Empires (tags)

Some thoughts on the future of civilisation, from you favorite crazy sci-fi head, moi. Enjoy!

Who are the Palestinians (tags)

encyclopedia of peace

Bush-Cheney Regime Dissolved (tags)

All participants of the unlawful "U.S. Administration" are hereby ordered to surrender themselves to the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Army of the United States.

Muslims Are Good Folks (tags)

wish more Americans had an opportunity to get to know Muslims. Then they would not be susceptible to the silly anti-Muslim propaganda that is floated by some right-wing Christians.

Muslims Are Good Folks (tags)

The objections some Muslims have to Western culture are the same as those some Christians have. They don't like the violence, the immorality, the pornography and the greed.

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful (tags)

16 February 2002 With the grace of Allah the Qassam Brigades declare responsibility for the missile bombing with Qassam-2 missiles of the Zionist settlement complex in Palestinian lands occupied since 1948 to the east of steadfast Gaza city on Saturday 4th Thul Hijja 1422H – 16/2/2002Ad at 6.15 am. Our Palestinian people … our Arab and Islamic Ummah:

H.R. 2977, Kucinich Bill. (tags)

About HAARP and chemtrails.

Future US Political Prisoners Days Of Action Jan. 19 &20, 2002 (tags)

Two days of creating the freedom you never knew you had

Letter From An Afghan (tags)

A letter from Suraya Sadeed, born in Afghanistan, now an American citizen.

Strategic Resistance Organizing Conference- a look back (tags)

At the begining of August, the Strategic Resistance Congerence was held in Venice CA. With an invitation only guest-list of 200 activists from around the Americas, the conference focused on goals, sexism and white supremacy within the movement today. Larry George writes the inside scoop.

Tear Gas Buster (tags)

These are images from a South African Magazine that used to instruct children of color how to protect themselves from Tear Gas. Since this information can now be made useful by activists who'd like to learn how to protect themselves from Tear Gas.... This one is Called Tear Gas 4 Kids

A call for protective gear at BIOJUSTICE (tags)

People who are coming to Biojustice should bring protective padding to keep themselves safe. You are more effective in the streets when you are not laying on the ground with broken bones from the police.

** Opinion: Energy and Environment: Offense Instead of Defense (tags)

This piece makes the case for an offensive strategy on energy issues, instead the environmental movement's current defensive reactive approach.

COUP WATCH: Political Projection Drives Rightwing Coup -- Red Rock Eater News (tags)

The projection here is staggering. This has been the pattern for ten years: preternaturally aggressive people who falsely accuse others of doing what they are doing themselves. They project their aggression into the objects of their aggression, so that as they attack others they experience themselves as the objects of the attack. This makes them even angrier and intensifies their displays of aggression.

COUP WATCH: "Trust The People" Rally In Westwood A Bust (tags)

The first hour of today's "Trust The People" rally in Westwood was saw a dramatic fall-off from last week, while Bush forces easily outnumbered them.


The mainstream media wants you to believe that Jewish Americans are beside themselves with pride because one of their own was nominated for vice president. But Jewish activists in L.A. - some of them orthodox themselves - say that since Lieberman is no friend of the working and poor, he's no friend of their's.

4 Good Reasons to Preserve the 2nd Amendment (tags)

Editorial cartoon reflecting on government behavior in Philadelphia -- as well as DC, Seattle, and elsewhere -- and to remind the People of their responsibilities for measures of citizen and community self-defense.

The Dubious Character of Jesse Jackson's Politics (tags)

A brief essay calling into question the class character of Jesse Jackson's political activity

thank you! (tags)

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