fix articles 8651, a situation
When Ed's Burn Their Bridges, Leave Them Burned (tags)
Being involved in harassment no matter who you are or where it happens can be difficult and then some. If it's really deep it can feel as though you're in a situation with few options and/or recourse to getting your head above the problem. You can feel trapped without a clue as to whom to trust within the situation you're in, or as though there are no people you can trust or rely on. You may feel like there is no real way to survive the situation you're in, but to quit, leave, flunk out, stop, drop out or whatever applies to your situation.
The Blindness of the Powerful Toward Others (tags)
Power seems to make difficult taking the point of view of others and understanding their feelings..The deficient capacity to see a situation from the view of the other contributes to the downfall of the powerful.