fix articles 8652, see a
The Blindness of the Powerful Toward Others (tags)
Power seems to make difficult taking the point of view of others and understanding their feelings..The deficient capacity to see a situation from the view of the other contributes to the downfall of the powerful.
Oaxaca- A victory in the Streets- 11/2/06 (tags)
This video is of the events in Oaxaca on Nov.2 in front of the university of Oaxaca when the federal police tried to break in and destroy the radio station, the people's main communication tool to each other, and to the outside world. The whole town came out to defend and fight back and they won a great victory.
Activist Psychological Study - Please Participate! (tags)
An exploratory study is being done to determine if there are unique psychological attributes of people working for social change which differ from the general population.