fix articles 86954, president hindenburg
As Trump consolidates his power, the history of 1930s Germany repeats itself (tags)
Compromises, concessions, and countermeasures are necessary in America after the budget attacks on the poor, seniors, the disabled, students and chidlren.
Nazis and Neo-Cons: compare and contrast (tags)
It’s not uncommon to hear a left-leaning person denounce the Bush administration with a barrage of Nazi-related epithets. The slurs are typically blurted out in anger with little thought to evidence or validity. In fact, whenever analogies are made linking a person or current event to either the Nazis or Holocaust, accusatory responses of “exaggeration” and “slander” are usually justified; it is indeed immature to randomly compare anything to the machine of Nazism that took the innocent lives of so many. While taking this into full consideration, the following is nevertheless an attempt to make some unpleasant connections.
Nazi Germany's Reichstag Fore: A lesson in seizure of power (tags)
A nation is shocked when a beloved building explodes in flames after terrorists attack. A leader rallies his own partisans, and pre-empts the opposition. Scared citizens gladly surrender their constitutional rights. Years of war result. 2001? No, 1933.