fix articles 87116, brand
Nestle Murder Of Billions Of Animals, Child Slavery, Worker Abuse, Theft Of Water (tags)
15 Colombian union workers assassinated in Colombia, Thailand child slavery, mammal murder for meat for 142 years, vivisection, theft of the world's water, monopolistic tactics, pricegouging
LA Solidarity Protest Rally For Japanese American Apparel Workers Who Face Loss (tags)
American Apparel Workers Union Japan
Beyond Development: Alternative Visions from Latin America, 198 pp (tags)
Millionaires, Mendaciousness, and Miserable English Scores, the false Locke success story (tags)
Orchestrators of the Locke hostile takeover, Green Dot has in Arne Duncan's words 'Cracked the Code.' Cracked the code to poverty pimping that is. Marco Petruzzi is stacking major paper while 'graduating' students with single digit proficiency.
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) stands with our fellow US Muslims who say they are being unfairly singled out in the US Congressional hearings. The EPCC condemns the fact that the hearing conducted by the GOP in the House has become like a witch-hunt,. The EPCC asks: " Why is there no hearing on racist and white supremacist rightist groups? Why are they so quick to brand Muslim terrorist and soft on terrorism and quiet on the White guy who shot Rep. Giiffords and the conservatives quick to call him just "crazy"?
Chris Burnett is host of "Indymedia On Air" on KPFK 90.7 FM, Los Angeles
Hold Bayer Accountable for LL601 GE Contamination of Rice (tags)
USDA to retroactively approve Bayer's illegal LL601 GE rice after contamination discovered. Write letter to hold Bayer Crop Science accountable for contaminating US food supply with GE rice (LL601), aka "Liberty Link" rice, resistant to Bayer's manufactured "Liberty" glufosinate herbicide brand.
by Steve Leighton A counter view to the Fair Trade Debate
Bonoff is a fake and it time he stopped or did something right.
California Election Web Forum (tags)
The California Election Web Forum is a message board where people can discuss the various propositions.
Watch Out for the Shia Republicans (tags)
Shia Republicans believe that public education is part of an anti-Christian conspiracy and that God chose President Bush to prepare our nation for the apocalyptic showdown with Islam.
Glendale Film Forum: BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE tomorrow, Nov 14th (tags)
The Glendale Peace Vigil presents a screening of Michael Moore's Oscar award-winning documentary, "Bowling for Columbine," tomorrow night at the Glendale Central Library.
Why Wolvo is one of the most wanted and hot brands? (tags)
Causerie about some things car industry may face.
Arabs Voting With Their Money (tags)
It is packaged in the lurid red and white of the Stars and Stripes and the logo mimics that famous swirl, but there is something different about this brand of cola.... The makers of Mecca-Cola are taking advantage of this by promising that 10% of the profits will go to a Palestinian children's charity. "Don't drink stupid," reads Mecca-Cola's label, "drink committed."
This book will make you furious (tags)
The 'Black Book on Brand Corporations' by Klaus Werner finally provides consumers with an insight in the unscrupulous practices of renowned and popular global players.
As part of a National Day of Action, Consumers in over 100 Cities Leaflet and Protest Outside Safeway (Von’s), Shaw’s, Publix, Food Lion and Food Emporium
Jeanne Merrill Confronts CEO and President of Safeway Supermarkets Steven Burns (tags)
Jeanne Merrill from Greenpeace stood up in a large crowd on April,23 at The M.I.L.K.E.N.Conference in Beverly Hills,CA and presented CEO of Safeway Steven Burns with "The Unsafeway Award"for Unsafe and Untested Genetically Engineered ingredients in the Safeway name brand products.The Crowd Applauds!She asks "Are consumers really in the drvers seat"? The majority of consumers want to know what is in a product. With no labeling of GMO`s your rights have been violated.
Kafka Goes Shopping - commentary in prose (tags)
We don’t need certain civil liberties to safely fly away from it all, to shop in peace for an American way of life, to watch Congress sing America the Beautiful on TV
America-Slavery's Still in Effect (tags)
The WTO is set to begin its meeting Friday, November 9. The IMF/World Bank will follow in Ottawa on the 16th. These institutions are on the front lines to further America's agenda of commodifying the entire world's population, along with everything else, living and non-living. We must stop Uncle Sam, the ultimate terrorist, in his tracks.
Toward A New Political Brand -- Volunteer Qualified (tags)
The true vacuity of politics today is not just the absence of real debate, but the lack of a genuine citizen movement to challenge commercialized electioneering and politicking. The only hope is a new political brand that the California initiative process is in a unique position to incubate – V.Q.I. or the volunteer qualified initiative.