fix articles 88496, mint
8 years after Fukushima, the disaster and the coverup continue.
Coyote Grace CD Release of "Buck Naked" (tags)
Coyote Grace returns to The Mint for their long awaited release of their fourth album "Buck Naked". Featuring the quirkier side of Coyote Grace, this album reveals their more unusual, controversial, and activist sides. Based in Sonoma County, Coyote Grace is transman and guitarist Joe Stevens, upright bassist Ingrid Elizabeth, and the pair will be joined by their favorite multi-instrumentalist Michaell Connolly from Seattle.
The Lie Of The Federal Reserve (tags)
FED RUNNING SCARED Control of the currency means control of the law as defined by modern contracts written by England and some other entities unaffiliated with any nationalistic origin. Let us say they are all rather FICTIUONALK, except concerning the influence they exert over American Lives nd The American Future. They took control of the currency after the Civil War, and was REALLY what the civil war was all about. This below shows graphically what a house of cards this whole illegal scheme is, and if you want to get them, make it a point MAKE IT A POINT to start bartering and using other forms of currency like gems, silver, and gold.