fix articles 9030, reefer madness
Live Free from Unconstitutional Drug Laws by Electing Ron Paul in 2012 (tags)
This details the failed war on drugs and recommends legalization and understanding of the actual beneficiaries of the war on drugs in the prison-industrial complex and offshore banks.
Reefer Madness II: Corporate war on natural plants continues. (tags)
The war on tobacco is a fake crusade designed to protect the cigarette industry. It's not about "smoking" or "clean air" but about covering up for some pretty mind-blowing crimes from the cigarette cartel.
Obama May Sign Pesticide Industry Protection Act (tags)
All Bad Legislation comes wearing a halo. That's how about 60 years of Reefer Madness drug war atrocities began. The just-passed law (not signed yet) giving the FDA power to "regulate tobacco" is not what mainstream media, or public officials tell us. This is Reefer Madness II, concocted by the same industries who did RM I...important whether or not one cares about "smoking" of any plant.
GHW Bush; Friend of the Devil! (tags)
America's stupidity blooms and bears fruit. "Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) 2/12 Khalid Mohammed returns! Anti-NAPHTHA? Tear off their wings! (Dan. 7:4) The Lord's USSR 666
America's Stupidity Blooms (tags)
"Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) Bristol's World Beater USSR 666 "You don't know how lucky you are, boy!" 2/12 Khalid Mohammed returns! "You can check out any time you like!"
Washington offers no relief from soaring gas prices (tags)
News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/01/06)
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/01/05) (tags)
Evidence of slowing ocean currents alarms scientists.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/21/05) (tags)
US jobless growth at 10-year high
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/20/05) (tags)
Watch "Oil War", the "predict-umentary" which aired on Fox last June.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/19/05) (tags)
America has fallen to a Jacobin coup.
Independence from petroleum (tags)
US occupation of Iraq is a result of America's petroleum dependency. Plastics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and fuel are all petroleum based. There are sustainable alternatives that don't involve occupation of Iraq..
A damning history of anti-drug laws in North America,
Soros, cigs, hemp and Shadow Convention (tags)