fix articles 9084, status quo
Netanyahu Vows Zero Tolerance (tags)
Palestine: One or Two State Solution (tags)
Repeal NAFTA/WTO is Ron Paul’s Answer to Undocumented Immigration & Domestic Job Losse (tags)
Part of promoting non-interventionist foreign policy is allowing for foreign nations to have self-determination and autonomy in their own economy. The greatest limiting factor to achieving democracy and self-determination in any nation is an unstable economy caused by unequal trade laws. This inequality between trade partners can occur because of different resource qualities or quantities or as a result of trade agreements that benefit one nation above another.
BTL:'Fix Congress First!' Organizes to Change 'Pay to Play' Status Quo in Washington, D.C. (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Open Letter to the World from the Exxon/Haliburton Administration (tags)
[With the Bali Conference being diminished by the Bush Administration's political appointees to a waste of the world's time by refusing every attempt of a global emissions treaty, it may help people to remember the Apollo 13 mission. That is the one where the lunar vehicle's oxygen tank exploded and it took a herculean effort of the NASA ground crew to come up with a CO2 scrubber to keep the crew alive long enough to return to Earth. They had only a very limited amount of material to work with and a very short time to devise a system of removing the CO2 from the capsule........but THEY DID IT!!!!! Miraculously they came up with a make shift device, out of nearly nothing, to take the harmful carbon dioxide from the air in that little spacecraft and saved the crew's lives. With that knowledge, and the record of the US delegation in obstructing the Bali Conference on Climate Change searing in our memory, the letter below is the only conclusion that makes sense of it all: I realize the scale of the problem is beyond point is that scientists can do some very amazing things, if they are allowed to.]
Brinkmanship Tactics or Coup D'Etat?: Removing Hamas (tags)
One could not but wonder whether the real Israeli-U.S.-backed provocateurs' aim is to bring about the downfall of both Abbas and Hamas in order to maintain and sustain a pre-Hamas comfortable status quo, where their interests and privileges are preserved and the interests of their backers are ideally served.
Ecoanarchists help reclaim southcentral farm (tags)
The destructive bulldozer raid by real estate developer Ralph HorowitzCo. & LA Sheriffs' on LA's southcentral community farm only resulted in strengthening the resistance and improved networking between sc campesino farmers, ecoanarchists and permaculture communities..
Perhaps the only question is whether the people or corporate elites should regulate and plan. Perhaps businessmen are not the only ones who understand growth and de-velopment. Perhaps profit worship and the self-healing market are myths.
Taiwan independence: necessary, beyond campaign rhetoric (tags)
George Bush, Howard Dean, and Jacques Chirac have shown a lack of comprehension about Taiwan. John Kusumi sets 'em straight.
Video of 6 Dennis Kucinich Speaking Engagements (tags)
Iowa Caucus Weekend w/ Dennis Kucinich 4 Q & A's and speech from 6 stumps in Iowa
Big Dough=Status Quo/ABC=Already Been Chosen, Please Fall in Line (tags)
Applause for Dennis at events the day after,the remarks broke into public AWAREness in a dramatic Way , a powerful Impression simply seeking to imperatively broaden debate!, --from Democracy NOW interview where executive top down decision called it mundanely Decided? The exec. said the protests were unfair and UNfortunate, You know whats REALLY Unfortunate? it is 2003! And it might as well BE 19Seventy ThREE, 1963! Trickle-Down Reality Control? We SAY Bubble up Truth, People of the Web---Close the Wisdom Gap! NO! Pop-Up ad Policies, when is the next debate? RoadReport from PeaceWalkers,claiming no debate necessary at end of post.
Why wasn't there an interception at 911 by the State? See Alex Jones ( for more.
For those at the WTO protest and the coming DNC battle (tags)
This is our time to change the world... and I can think of no better philosophy than to live your life in the way you wish this world to be, not accepting anything less than ultimate freedom for yourselves and your Brothers and Sisters...