fix articles 90947, blix
"Iraqis were better off under Saddam" (tags)
All development inthe country point to the US failure in Iraq.. What we're witnessing is that victory for the US-whatever that may mean-is just an exaggerated dream.
Agence France Press- In the name of saving them.
Secret units in desperate hunt for banned arsenal (tags)
It is a sign of the desperation in London and Washington to find a "smoking gun" to justify the war that the Anglo-American team has already conducted three inspections in the past two weeks. No banned weapons have so far been found.
More UN shennanigans
Breaking News! US, UK, UN Covered up evidence that Iraq destroyed its WMD! (tags)
The Bush administration has quoted extensively from the debriefings of Iraq's most famous defector, but neglected to reveal that those debriefings confirmed that Iraq had in fact destroyed all its WMD stocks. This could totally destroy the US case for war against Iraq!
New York: BLIX said "no weapons found in Irak" (tags)
New York: Blix said "no weapons found in Irak"
UN will sink into irrelevance -- Good! (tags)
The United Nations is on the verge of demonstrating finally and fatally its moral bankruptcy and its strategic irrelevance: moral bankruptcy, because it will have made a mockery of the very resolution on whose sanctity it insists; strategic irrelevance, because the United States is going to disarm Iraq anyway.
UN Blix ask the impossible! (tags)
The Bushist Chronicle
US to oppose Iraq weapons inspections (tags)
Im sure you all saw this, but woah, this is fucking hillarious.