fix articles 92916, downing
New York Times Editors Still Outrageously Blame Russia for Kiev's Downing MH17 (tags)
British troops to officially end combat operation in Afghanistan in September ’09.. (tags)
And hand over bases in Helmand to US.
Last day of the Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future (tags)
After 86 days on the road since leaving Dublin on May 13th the Footprints for Peace group on their "Towards a Nuclear Free Future" peace walk will stop at Downing Street.
George W. Bush & Raffy Palmeiro: Birds of a Feather! (tags)
George W. Bush lied us into the Iraqi War, but remains unpunished for his wrongdoing. Meanwhile, on the sports front, Raffy Palmeiro of the Baltimore Orioles has tested positive for steroids and been suspended for ten days. Yet, he told Congress he had never used steroids. Rep. Chris Shays said he was “extremely disappointed” about Palmeiro. If so, what should the response of Congress be to all of Bush’s treachery? Think: Impeachment!
BTL:The Downing Street Memos and Valerie Plame-CIA Scandal Reveal a... (tags)
...White House Bent on Misleading Public on Rationale for Iraq War ~ Interview with John Bonifaz, constitutional attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Maxine Waters teaches about the Downing Street Memo (tags)
Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-35) announced that she will be the featured speaker at a town hall meeting and teach-in on the third anniversary of the Downing Street Memo this Saturday, July 23rd at the Covenant Worship Center, 425 S. La Brea Avenue in Inglewood, California from noon until 3:00 pm.
Press release about 7/23 Downing Street Teachin (tags)
Congresswoman Maxine Waters Featured Speaker at Teach-In On Downing Street Memo This Saturday
Congresswoman Maxine Waters & other Peace Advocates Invite Parents, Teachers, & Students & Others to Attend AnOut ofIraq!Teach-in
Over 150 Events Planned on 3rd Anniversary of Downing Street Memo (tags)
Rep. Maxine Waters will host an Out-of-Iraq teach-in on July 23 in Inglewood to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the Downing Street Memo. Hear about the Out of Iraq Caucus & Resolution of Inquiry in Congress. Learn how to protect our youth from military recruiters. Join a cell phone call-in demanding journalists tell the truth re: Downing Street Memo. This will be one of 150 events around the country organized by
Protests Slowed But Important During June (tags)
LA, DC, Santa Cruz and Sacramento held demonstrations in front of the KTLA TV station, the Washington Post, the Santa Cruz Sentinal and the Sacramento Bee, respectively, to protest the "NO COVERAGE" of the Downing Street Minutes.
The Fix is In - American Media Ignore Downing Street Memo (tags)
Over the last month, the American media has studiously avoided a story that has dominated the rest of the world. A leak transcript of a meeting with the British Prime Minister well before the invasion of Iraq showed that the US had decided to go to war even though it had no proof of weapons of mass destruction. Mainstream media argue that there is no news, that the American people already knew that the Bush admistration was mistaken. Conservative talk show hosts continue to deny that there are any problems. In a small, cramped room in the Capitol, Cong. Conyers held hearings on the Downing Street Memo. Ralph Nader, the Green Party and Rep. Maurice Hinchey call for impeachment.
Downing Street Memo Hearing Audio (tags)
two audio clips from Conyer's Downing Street Memo Hearing- Statements from Rep Maurice Hinchey and an Amabassador (didn't catch her name) but she's good.
BTL:Progressive Activists and Legislators Challenge Corporate Media's... (tags)
..Failure to Cover Downing Street Memo ~ Interview with Danny Schechter, journalist and filmmaker, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
From Congress to union halls: Demand widens: Exit Iraq! (tags)
Lawmakers respond to public outcry WASHINGTON — "Let Conyers in!" the crowd chanted at the White House gate the evening of June 16. Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) and a dozen other lawmakers had come to deliver petitions signed by 566,000 people demanding that President George W. Bush answer for the so-called Downing Street Memo proving that he "fixed" intelligence to justify war on Iraq.
Ann Wright on the Follies of Bush’s War (tags)
One of the unsung heroes of the opposition to the Iraqi War is Ann Wright. Rather than support the war, she resigned her position with the State Dept. on March 19, 2003. Ms. Wright, a career diplomat for over 16 years, who had also served in the military, believes the Downing Street Memos have plenty of ammunition in them to support impeachment proceeding against President George W. Bush and criminal charges against others in his administration.
Rally to Bring U.S. Troops Home Now!, Sat., 6/25/05 (tags)
Rally for: Troops Home Now! Downing Street Coverup! Impeach Bush!
The 'Downing St. Memos' destroyed? Not on your Nelly! (tags)
If one as an investigative journalist wants to stay alive, one way to do it is 'serving' the explosive information in portions. First fifty%, then 25, and the last 25% is a kind of 'life guard': used until a 'case of emergency' erupts, like when the journalist or whistleblower is "suicided".
URGENT: Downing Street Memo hearing with Ray McGovern and company repeats today at 11:10 A (tags)
URGENT: Downing Street Memo hearing with Ray McGovern and company repeats today at 11:10 AM PT & 2:10 PM ET (6:10 PM GMT) on C-SPAN
Rep. Conyers’ Spotlights Bush’s Pack of Lies (tags)
The Downing St. Memo was center stage on Capitol Hill, in Washington, DC, on June 16, 2005. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) called a hearing to focus on that leaked document, which shows that President George W. Bush, Jr., and his cohorts, were looking to “cook the intelligence” on the Iraqi War. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Bush is “a liar” and it’s time to bring the troops home!
As with Terri Schaivo, It’s Time to Pull the Plug on a Brain-Dead US Media (tags)
The sorry display of editors making lame excuses for not informing the American public for over a month of the damning written evidence of Bush lying to get the U.S. into a needless war in Iraq—the Downing Street memos—makes it clear that no one who wants to know what’s going on should waste time reading or watching the corporate media. -------------------------------
Iraq: Bush's Watergate? (tags)
The "Downing Street Memo" could be the last straw, or the spark that lights a fire, for an American public fed up with the Iraq war.
After Downing St. Rally at KTLA (Report with Pix and Video) (tags)
A rally was convened on just one day's notice to support the hearings convened by Rep. Conyers and over 100 other Members of Congress to investigate the Downing St. Minutes. These recently-leaked minutes detail Bush's illegal conspiracy with Tony Blair to invade Iraq almost one year prior to the official invasion.
Rally at KTLA to Force Downing St. Minutes Coverage (tags)
Demonstrate TODAY Thursday, June 16th 5:30pm at KTLA (5800 Sunset Bl., Los Angeles) regarding inadequate coverage of the Downing Street Minutes and the hearings being organizaed by Congressperson Conyers and others.
Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Memo (tags)
by MFSO (No verified email address) 14 Jun 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 14, 2005 Contact: Cindy Sheehan 707-365-7750 Celeste Zappala 215-570-5484 Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Minutes (memo), Members to Visit Congress
Downing Street Minutes Hearing on C-span Thur. (tags)
Thursday, June 16 Democratic Members of House Judiciary Cmte. Hearing on Downing St. Memo and Iraq War On C-SPAN3 at 2:30pm ET homepage: homepage:
Action alert: Ask C-SPAN to carry Thursday's Conyers' DSM Hearings (tags)
John Conyers' Hearings on the Downing Street Memo, with members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, will occur this Thursday at 2pm ET. Please contact C-SPAN and ask them to carry the hearings live.
BTL:Grassroots Movement Works to Focus Public Attention on... (tags)
...Downing Street Memo that Reveals Bush Administration's Dishonest Justification for Iraq War ~ Excerpt of speech Medea Benjamin, cofounder of Global Exchange, produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Green Party: Impeach Bush Now! (tags)
author: Common Dreams The Downing Street Memo proves that invasion of Iraq wasn't the 'last resort' but Bush's intent all along, leading to cooked intelligence and other impeachable offenses; Greens note bipartisan and media complicity in overlooking evidence of deceit, urge public protest
Protest Nativists Coming to Baldwin Park (tags), a group affiliated with the Minutemen border project, is opposing an artwork in Baldwin Park. Opposition in the area is calling for a counter protest.
Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax:Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Cooked in Israel (tags)
In fact, at least 11 of the 16 pages were lifted, verbatim, from an Israeli journal, Middle East Review of International Affairs, whose sole proprieter is Dr. Barry Rubin, an American-born Israeli citizen. The 11 pages were drawn from two articles, by Ibrahim al-Marashi and Robert Rabil, that appeared in the September 2002 edition of that journal.
British Liberal Press Being Called to Account (tags)
The liberal press doctored news reports on the Iraqi war to support their anti-war agenda. The British government is now calling them to account.
Secret UK Dossier Powell Cited at UN: 12-Yr-Old Internet Article By Student (tags)
This story isn't getting a lot of press here, but it's SCREAMING HEADLINES !!! in Europe. It turns out that most of Powell's "secret" info re Iraq was a cut & paste job from a 12 year old article by a California grad student found on the internet,as well as data lifted from Janes Report. Below is the blandest of summaries, but one of the few published in the US. However, ALL OF EUROPE is reading about this! Blair's support of war is being savaged.
LAPD Capt. claims Hollywood is no Inglewood for Transgenders, Gays (tags)
An LA Police Capt. claims in an interview in a Gay/Trans paper that Hollywood cops are cool with queer folk, but some Transgender women recently told your author that the same precint refused to take their complaint of a street robbery, and others complained of vice harassment at their apartment. Read and comment.