fix articles 936, fascism Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : fascism


The center will not hold (tags)

The existing late capitalist ideology in the center of society, the tattered national identity, is being driven to barbaric extremes in reaction to the crisis. Neo-liberalism, with its social Darwinism and economic nationalism, provided the springboards that the new right used.

Ukraine: Expansion of the battle zone (tags)

Russia is vastly superior in this type of warfare – which resembles an industrially operated process of destruction – because the Kremlin can draw on far greater reserves. Putin's gamble on a war of attrition is paying off. It is not just about the superiority of tanks, artillery and ammunition, or about the increasing Russian air superiority. It is above all about manpower.

Why anti-fascism? (tags)

Capitalism is not in a position to solve the social and ecological crisis that it is causing. An open-ended transformation of the system is inevitable, and a struggle for transformation will be waged – especially against the fascist threat. Conscious reflection on the systemic crisis is the best antidote to the conspiratorial crisis talk of the New Right.

John Pilger warns of a new fascism (tags)

Democracy is now fictitious. There is the all-powerful business elite that has merged with the state and its claims to "identity". US admirals are paid thousands of dollars a day by Australian taxpayers for "advice". Across the West, our political imaginations have been soothed by PR and distracted from the machinations of corrupt politicians who can be had extremely cheaply.

Fascism 101: Why We Need To Spell It Out (tags)

We need to have a transformative vision that can compete with that of the far right, one based on genuine equality and genuine democratic empowerment that goes beyond the now discredited liberal democracy. Some call this vision socialism. Others would prefer another term, but the important thing is its message of radical, real equality beyond class, gender, and race.

The Fascism Construction Manual (tags)

Immediately after the proclamation of this pandemic, many elements of absolute all-around totalitarianism were put into effect in most countries of the West, even in countries that had previously been robust democracies. All of this happened very quickly and comprehensively.

It is up to workers to defang the fascists (tags)

How to stop the fascist upsurge.

An Evening of Conscience and Culture - Free the #Freeway9 and #UCLA5 (tags)

An Evening of Conscience and Culture - Free the #Freeway9 and #UCLA5

Right-wing Populism: Can More Madness Cure the Madness? (tags)

Neoliberal policy was always mad. But an even greater madness now appears with rightwing populism. Politics is mad because it writes off large parts of the population. Economic Darwinism has nested and established itself as market ideology in the brains of people.

Trumpism and the Working Class (tags)

Trumpism understood via Dimitrof

Philippine President Duterte: A fascist original (tags)

'Like the anti-Marcos resistance 4 decades back, the only certainty members of the anti-fascist front can count on is that they’re doing the right thing. And that, for some, is a certainty worth dying for'

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like? (tags)

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like?

The Rise of Fascism: Trump, Alex Jones (tags)

Progressive youth in college: thank you for protesting, but know that today, there are no “safe spaces” because we're witnessing the re-emergence of fascism in the United States, and globally.

Fascism in Ukraine (tags)


Fascism Grips Israel (tags)


Ukraine's Fascist Roots (tags)


Fascism's Ugly Face in Ukraine (tags)


Antifascists Attack The Vex in Response to Deth in June (tags)

Antifascists glue locks and paint the Vex in response to fascist third position band Death in June.

International Conference Against Fascism and Racism, Athens, Greece, October 5-6, 2013 (tags)

Anti-fascist organizers call an international conference to address the escalation of violence by neo-Nazi groups, such as Greece's Golden Dawn.

American-Style Fascism (tags)


Fascism in America (tags)


Hard Right Extremism in America and Europe (tags)


Is America Fascist? (tags)

Before we can determine if America has succumbed to fascism, we first must have a good definition and understanding of what fascism really is


Mission: to combat the Americanism in Brazil.

Claremont Authorities Promote Fascism at Hate Rally (tags)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

CLAREMONT, California - Despite the best efforts of the City of Claremont and the Claremont Consortium of Colleges to obstruct, befuddle, and otherwise thwart a popular demonstration against fascism, the Southern California community succeeded in doing precisely that at two parallel demonstrations in response to a heavily-armed presence of a band of racist paramilitaries and their state-funded protectors.

Wisconsin Courage (tags)

I wish to congratulate the brave people of Wisconsin for standing up to the tyrant and are now engaged in a fight of their life.

Lurching Toward Gomorrah: Growing Israeli Fascism (tags)

many in Israel are worried.

The Politics of FASCISM and IMMIGRANT BASHING (tags)

Grassroots KPFK Presents Forum and Panel Discussion The Politics of FASCISM and IMMIGRANT BASHING

May 8: Alliance of Anti-Fascists (tags)

The fascist plans for world domination were stopped by the Anti-Hitler coalition in a war that cost the lives of more than 50 million people. The International Federation of Resistance Fighters protests all attempts at establishing a reactionary view of history.

Obama Praises Repub Bob Gates & Signs More War & Fascism Spending Bills (tags)

Honesty is always the best policy and Democrat Obama told the truth as to who he is on 10/28/09 when he praised Bush's War Sec, Republican Bob Gates as he signed the National Defense Authorization Act and on 10/29/09, a bill for the Gestapo, the "Homeland" Security Dept, giving $724 billion for war and fascism while we have poverty, no schools, no healthcare, no jobs. Democrat Obama ALWAYS WAS AND STILL IS a millionaire, warmonger, death penalty promoter. This is what you voted for when you voted either Democrat or Republican in November 2008.


Chronicle of a shit country.

Carlos, 1 year without you, 1 year with you (tags)

A 1 hour and 16 minutes documentary about the intense year of fight after the murder of the antfascist comrade Carlos Palomino in Madrid. 11/11/2007

Fascism: What it is and How to fight it (tags)

In light of the resurgeance of the ultra-right, the Freedom Socialist Party sponsors a six week study group on countering neo-fascism.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) gives the Filipino Veterans a red salute for the commemoration of the 67th anniversary of the fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942. We also pay tribute to both the living and the departed veterans of that war. Bataan is not only a symbol of resistance, Filipino patriotism and bravery but also a living testament of the Filipino people's will to fight and defeat fascism in the Philippines and the whole of Asia. Greatest Contribution It is one of he greatest contribution of the Filipino people to the free world in defeating fascism in Asia and liberating a large portion of the Philippines even before the Americans reoccupied the Philippines. In the process we lost one million people, our cities like Manila, Baguio and Dagupan and almost he whole Philippines were destroyed.

The Nazi Hydra In America (tags)

In 700 fascinating pages the Nazi Hydra documents how US financiers created Hitler and his war machine, launched a putsch against FDR and recouped Nazi assets to lay the foundations of today’s NSA and CIA and the rise of the Fourth Reich in America.

Rebuilding the House George Smashed:Can America Avoid Fascism? (tags)

America can avoid sliding into a full-blown fascist state complete with concentration camps and right wing death squads if we begin to act now. If we fail to act wisely we will face that dreaded moment when the gestapo pounds on our door in the middle of the night.

Not "Fascism or Obama": Fascism and Obama (tags)

It is all too obvious that anti-fascism renounces revolution. But anti-fascism fails exactly where its realism claims to be effective: in preventing a possible dictatorial mutation of society. The fight for a democratic state is inevitably a fight to consolidate the state, and far from crippling totalitarianism, such a fight increases totalitarianism's stranglehold on society.

The Terrorist Among U.S. (tags)

("Papers, - Do You Have Your Papers?") Do you remember the Fred McMurray Building in Oklahoma City? It was blown up by an ex-army USA home-grown terrorist. Do you want this to happen again? How many Federal Government checkpoints will it take until a patriotic American goes crazy and becomes a terrorist? (I feel it will be an ex-military person who has seen checkpoints blow up before and knows exactly what it is they are doing.)

Federal Government Border Patrol Checkpoints on Olympic Peninsula (tags)

I think people at these Federal Government Border Patrol Checkpoints, should be forced to produce a valid Federal Income Tax Return from the previous year. If you can not produce this document (FEDERAL INCOME TAX FROM PREVIOUS YEAR) you should be arrested and put in an internment camp and forced to work for the Federal Government.

Animal Farm Economics (tags)

It is very simple economic fascism, animal farm economics 101. IRS property confiscation for taxes; this is the definition of economic fascism; IRS property confiscation for taxes.

The United States of America Claims Bankruptcy! (tags)

After taking on more than 14 trillion in Federal debt, the housing market in the United States dropped 40%, and the United States was burdened with another 10 trillion dollars in mortgage debt. The FED’s spending did not stop there, another 2 trillion was spent bailing out companies and banks. US treasuries faltered and failed as global wealth funds dumped the dollar. FANTASY? Economic Fascism and The United States

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade - A Profile in Courage, Honor and Hope (tags)

The story of anti-fascist freedom fighters.

Fascism of the Heart (tags)

Tolerance is learned, not inate. The disabled have practically no lobby. Their interests and their rights are simply ignored. The logic of the National Socialist annihilation policy was the logic of the reeduction of the person to his/her economic function.

Mourning for Pinochet-US establishment shows its affinity for fascism (tags)

Mourning for Pinochet-US establishment shows its affinity for fascism

democracy- bullshit since day 1 (tags)

pride makes retarded assholes of us all

The Dow's phony new high (tags)

The Dow's phony new high

From War Against Terror to Anti-Fascist War (tags)

The government only wanted to divert from its failure in the anti-terror battle and cover up the war in a new way.. Fascists nowhere came to power without open support of at least some capital forces.

Islamic Fascism Yhe New Hysteria (tags)

THE CHIEFTAINS of the never-ending "war on terror" are peddling a newly updated enemy: "Islamic fascism." When the rulers of the American political establishment start denouncing fascism, don't be deceived--they're out to promote an agenda of imperial conquest. No one who opposes U.S. wars and occupations should concede an inch to this lie.

The Big Lie about `Islamic Fascism' (tags)

Now the neoconservatives are busy whipping up war against Syria and Iran to keep themselves in power and maintain the political dynamics of this 21st century revival of fascism.

Dissecting the war on terror (tags)

After five years of post 9/11 government, U.S. foreign and domestic policy continues to be dominated by the all-encompassing ‘war on terror’. Events have since exposed this so-called war for what it is: a gross propaganda campaign used to suppress civil liberties and launch global war.

Propaganda Offensive (tags)

America will be more secure the sooner Rumsfeld resigns.. In an historical sense, the term "islam fascism" is absurd, a contradiction in itself..The fascism reproach is not true for any of the Moslem groups resisting Anglo-American control of the Middle East.

The Big Lie About 'Islamic Fascism' (tags)

he real modern fascists are not in the Muslim World, but Washington. The neocons screaming fascist the loudest, are the true fascists themselves. It’s a pity that communist and leftist propaganda so debased the term "neo-fascist" that it has become almost meaningless. Because that is what we should be calling the so-called neocons, for that is what they really are.

BREAKING: The Big Media Lie Exposed Again: Woodward Gate #3 (tags)

Sources close to the the US Justice Dept. confirm Richard Armitage only passed the name of covered CIA Agent Valerie Plame to a noted journalist.


FOLLOW THE MONEY FINGER THE TREASON As violence continues to escalate in the Middle East it can now be reported that China is holding the financial trump card on multi-trillion dollars of non-performing old oil and gold derivatives aka the Chinese line of credit.



Nazis and Neo-Cons: compare and contrast (tags)

It’s not uncommon to hear a left-leaning person denounce the Bush administration with a barrage of Nazi-related epithets. The slurs are typically blurted out in anger with little thought to evidence or validity. In fact, whenever analogies are made linking a person or current event to either the Nazis or Holocaust, accusatory responses of “exaggeration” and “slander” are usually justified; it is indeed immature to randomly compare anything to the machine of Nazism that took the innocent lives of so many. While taking this into full consideration, the following is nevertheless an attempt to make some unpleasant connections.

Willy Brandt's Norwegian Exile (tags)

Willy Brandt warned against identifying National Socialism with the people of Germany. "Hitler is not Germany" was an article from September 1938.. "Socialism must be built on freedom and democracy if it deserves its name."

Bush Censors Internet (tags)

The decision by Google to remove my top position was politically motivated by the Bush regime.

Imperial Irrationalism (tags)

The new social and national demagogy entirely comaprable to German fascism conjures away the social question from mass consciousness..Rightwing ideologists know that the war goal and war are irrational.

An Incredible Day in America, Indeed—But, Will We Seize the Day, Or Let It Pass? (tags)

Bush has committed an impeachable crime in authorizing domestic surveillance without a court-issued warrant, and has, in conjunction with Congress, legitimized torture for the first time in US history.

VoIP Wake up to the fascism (tags)

The FCC threatens Voice over IP

A Revolutionary ‘Sound bite' (BKH) (tags)

Bring revolutionary clarity which is required to overcome and destroy counter revolutionary mass confusion, the product of the propaganda attacks and deceits of this current ruling system.

Against Rightwing Demagogues (tags)

Migrants did not only serve Nazis as scape-goats. As the fascists declared the Jews scapegoats, their grandchildren today blame foreigners for unemployment and social cuts. We need a literacy campaign against the social demagogues of the right wing.

Response to Stewart Frameup: Expose 9/11 Inside Job (tags)

The frameup and unjustifiable conviction of outstanding workingclass attorney, Lynne Stewart, is not only an outrage that must be protested, and the conviction must be appealed, but it must be a wakeup call that EXPOSING THE 9/11 HOAX is just as important as all other activities of the peace and labor movements.

RCP Cries "Wolf" over Fascism (tags)

A comment on RCP's current "Battle for the Future" campaign: Hysteria about "fascism" serves to hide the essential role of the Democratic Party in the political and economic system of imperialism


YOU THINK YOU KNOW................BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA..............JUST WHAT BUSH HAS IN STORE FOR.....YOU.....US.....THE WORLD.....OUR FUTURE! Straight up—Bush and his people aren’t just ordinary Republicans. And they’re not ordinary Christians either. They are Christian Fascists—dangerous fanatics who aim to make the U.S. a religious dictatorship and to force this upon the world. If they get their way—and they are very far along the road to getting it—society will be plunged into a high-tech Dark Ages. Those who compare Bush to Hitler are right! But, don’t be waiting for people wearing little mustaches and marching the Nazi goose-step to come to your town. This brand of fascism is coming differently, and it's coming straight from the White House. Staring at Christian Fascism

US After the Election: Permanent Alarm (tags)

The election was an expression of fear combined with ignorance about the economy. The American majority that voted for Bush is a case study of repression. That the economy is sick, the country isolated and the ground begins to totter is denied.


The Gay Nation must NUKE THE CLOSET: Come out and use our real names! We must unify the Gay Nation, the Youth Nation, and Anarchy into a single concept and campaign, to overthrow the dark age and launch the Age of Light!

Fascism and the Republican Party (tags)

The close relationship with the Republican Party of fascist individuals and groups from the period of Nazi rule in Europe.

Exxon/Mobil, the RNC & Widespread Nonviolent Militancy (tags)

Decentralized Direct Action Worldwide

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind (tags)

There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration.

Groupthink and the slide into fascism (tags)

On July 9th the Senate Intelligence Committee blamed "groupthink" as the basis for the Iraq War's false premises. But a noted psychologist and an eminent political scientist warn of US fascism, this front-page article revealing the reality of present circumstances.

US: Patriotic pride and fear (tags)

Exploring questions of societal madness and contemporary fascism, Goldstein interviews political scientist Michael Parenti and psychologist Daniel Burston.

anything we disagree with = racism (tags)

Fascism Never Resigns, It Must Be Removed. (tags)

"The last time a nation past the Patriot Act and Home Land Security the first questions they asked were- Who is the Jew? Who is the Communist? Who is the Homosexual?"

Exxon/Mobil, the RNC & Widespread Nonviolent Militancy (tags)

Please do not load the summary box with more than 6 or so lines. Your text has been moved to the article section. Thanks, Independant Media Center Exxon/Mobil, the RNC & Widespread Nonviolent Militancy “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” -- Benito Mussolini “If elected, I will run the government like a business” -- George W. Bush

People of Europe! Won’t you discuss “What kind of democracy you have?” (tags)

Date: 30 November 2003 Statement: 319 After the four bomb attacks, which came up in Istanbul on November 15th and 20th, some countries of Europe and organs of the European Union took decisions towards Turkey.

Universal fascism, freedom betrayed: What is Mr. Bush doing in your name? (tags)

In every age...the ultimate sources of war are the beliefs of those in power: their idea about what is of most fundamental importance and may therefore ultimately be worth a war. -- Evan Luard,

The Fascist Fraternity (tags)

A history of the colloboration of German and American capitalists in World War 2 to not only profit from war, but spread fascism as well.

Fascism, Farm Subsidies and Suicide (tags)

As the fascists in the White House celebrate the success of the tragedy they helped make happen on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) on this day September 11, 2003, Lee Kyung-hae, a Korean farmer (who has been put out of business in Korea by cheap imports from the U.S. Global Economic Dictatorship) lies dead in a hospital morgue in Cancun, Mexico.

Denouncing Oppresion in Summer 2004 (tags)

Corruption, socialism, fascism, etc. has become all too great in the last few years, but sadly, no one has noticed.

Prole Manifesto #7 Magazine is here! (tags)

Got Fascism: The 14 characteristics of Fascism and The Fascist New World Order Prole Manifesto: A record of the lower classes. A (maga)zine dedicated to to the poor, underpriviliged, outcasted and working classes of society.

6/19 We Honor Ethel & Julius Rosenberg (tags)

The entire world honors the memory of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg on June 19, 2003, 50 years after the fascist US government, aided by their Zionist collaborators, murdered these two outstanding socialists and defenders of the workingclass to perpetrate fascism at home and war abroad. By defending their innocence and resisting fascism, the Rosenbergs literally broke the back of the Cold War. In these terrible times, with fascists attempting to make the USA as reactionary as Nazi Germany, their example is a lesson to us all.

Economic Fascism and Tax Slavery (tags)

"Words mean what I say they mean, Alice," said the Mad Hatter

Rational Fascism (tags)

A short history of the rise of Italian and German fascism and the reasons for the occurrence. Excerpted from Michael Parenti's book Blackshirts and Reds.

Welcome, Mom, to the Neo-Fascist, Imperialist, Police State (tags)

Note how the neocons, media shills, bureaucrats, and pseudo-patriots continuously berate the war dissenters and taunt them with their self-described, patriotic status. "We love America and you don’t," they sneer, in their pretentious, smug little editorials. They flimsily equate the skeptical grandmother or fed up autoworker with the revolutionary pro-Marxist who lives in a tree, fending off capitalism and human progress under the pretext of some ridiculous owl.

Humanity: Get Ready For Serfdom Again (tags)

They are setting things up for complete world serfdom again.

Fight Fascism on the Net (tags)

Fight pro-war activists everywhere on the net.

Abe Magil: A tribute to a working class, Marxist journalist (tags)

Marxist journalist and pamphleteer. Devoted family man and friend. Poet. Editor. Political leader. All of these describe Abe Magil, who died in January.

On the US arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants. (tags)

On the Mass Arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants in California The language of fascism is always cloaked in subterfuge. And it is just this sort of duplicitous language that the U.S. government is employing to describe the mass arrest -- under the dishonest pretext of 'voluntary registration' -- of hundred, perhaps thousands of Middle Eastern men, many of them Iranians, in the last week in California.

Vote to Prevent War? (text) (tags)

Vote to Prevent War? (text)

Capitalism, Fascism and World War 2 (tags)

The relationship of fascism and capitalism as illustrated by the events of World War 2

Come to long beach city council tommrow: city council talks about anarchists (tags)

Tommrow at 5pm the long beach city council will have a public agenda item entitled " Update on the prosecution of anarchists" We need to pack the chambers and show resistance to this blatant fascism

ARA* Research Bulletin Issue #3 (Winter/Spring 2002) Out Now! (tags)

ARA's top-notch journal

LaRouche Issues a Blunt Warning (tags)

The two most urgent American responses to the attacks on the country on Sept. 11, have not yet been carried out. Those required responses are to push through a peaceful solution to the Middle East conflict, which otherwise is headed toward the general religious war conflagration the conspirators of Sept. 11 wanted; and to take measures to stop the collapse of the U.S. and world economy.

SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS! Activist Surrealist Genre Bending Music! (tags)

A diverse colorblend cocktail of music, devoted to massive social, cultural, and political change. We seek an end to corporate fascism, and the destruction of all states. Currently seeking bandmates!

Justice not Fascism (tags)

Justice not Fascism Poster. High res version at

"FASCISM -- What It Is and How To Fight it" Leon Trotsky (tags)

from Leon Trotsky's 1930-32 pamphlet "FASCISM -- What It Is and How To Fight It"

Benito Mussolini: What is Fascism, 1932 (tags)

Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) over the course of his lifetime went from Socialism - he was editor of Avanti, a socialist newspaper - to the leadership of a new political movement called "fascism" [after "fasces", the symbol of bound sticks used a totem of power in ancient Rome].

"FASCISM -- What It Is and How To Fight It" Leon Trotsky (tags)

from Leon Trotsky's 1930-32 pamphlet "FASCISM -- What It Is and How To Fight It"

The origins and variants of fascism (tags)

Long before it became possible to speak of fascism Marxists considered the question of what new political features would be associated with the transition of free competition capitalism to monopoly capitalism. The question was — what political changes would take place when the economic basis of bourgeois society changed?

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