fix articles 93849, most people
San Francisco Excessively Damaged (tags)
News here keeps saying that the Delta Variant comes from India. The country that is looking into putting to death the WHO scientist who lied to them about this entire thing, calling this genocide and a Crime Against Humanity.
Jeremy Corbyn Anti-American? (tags)
Labor Day: Immigrants build the U.S. Economy (tags)
Undocumented immigrants streaming into this country from south of the border drive down wages and steal jobs that could otherwise go to out-of-work Americans. Right? Wrong. As it turns out, immigrant workers play an important role in building our economy.
Arctic Ice Melting 3x Faster Than Predictions (tags)
A study published in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters reveals that "the actual rate at which summer sea ice had shrunk per decade during the past 50 years was more than three times faster than an average of 18 of the most highly regarded climate simulations."(1) This is another in a growing number of reports that are showing that the globe is warming at an accelerated pace, not in the gradual steady incline that was expected by the scientists.
DU Poison Explosions-I Left My Heart In San Francisco (tags)
Radioctive explosions are being fired out into the open air near San Francisco. These are the same weapons that are used on the "enemy" in the Middle East. Now these explosions are being used in even greater amounts.
How to make people beleive really BIG lies (tags)
Some tips to make government officials better at lying about the war in Iraq and police brutality!
Vote to Prevent War? (text) (tags)
Vote to Prevent War? (text)
PACIFICA UPDATE: Forcible Seizure of WBAI (tags)
Very late last night (D22), while most people with lives were partying, the Pacifica National Board siezed WBAI in New York. A program in progress was stopped by an on-air diatribe by the "new" boss. It appears the Pacifica crisis has escalated once again.