fix articles 94437, serving
The Sleazy Nazi Tactics of Public Storage (tags)
Raping their customers on a daily basis has become a tradition for Public Storage who seems to be very proud of their sleazy reputation since they refuse to stop their disgustingly immoral and in most cases totally illegal and Nazi like business practices.
US Wants Enhanced UN Peacekeepers Serving Its Interests (tags)
"Margaret Sommers" Public Storage’s Corporate Whore of the Year (tags)
Raping their customers on a daily basis has become a tradition for Public Storage who seems to be very proud of their sleazy reputation since they refuse to stop their disgustingly immoral and in most cases totally illegal business practices. And District Manager, Margaret Sommers is a fine example of the kind of criminal minded corporate whore it takes for this shameful position in Ronald L. Havner Jr.’s thieving immoral empire of sleazy self serving corporate scumbags.
Greece: Ground Zero for Global Pillage (tags)
Global Cannabis March Los Angeles Represents Drug War Prisoners Serving Life Sentences (tags)
On the first Saturday of May, people gather in over 400 cities worldwide to celebrate cannabis hemp. The 16th annual Los Angeles Global Cannabis March (also known as the Million Marijuana March) marched at high noon along Crenshaw Boulevard to Leimert Park on Saturday, May 3, 2013. #gcm2014 #LAGMM
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott Also Knows How To Pardon The Dead Hank Skinner ! (tags)
When Governor Rick Perry's Demonic Texas Posse Takes Pity On The Innocent Texan's ... " Wrongfully Dying in Their Prisons"
AJLPP Condemns the Mercenary US Philippine Force Under the UN (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) express disgust in the mercenary tradition of the AFP and the supposed Filipino pride in the appointment of a Filipino general in the United Nations forces serving under the direction of US Imperialism. General Ecarma of the Philipine Marines was formally appointed on Monday by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as force commander and head of mission for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in what was once the battleground of the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and Syria.
The AJLPP learned today that a Federal Appeals court on Friday vacated the sentence of a former Philippine National Police officer imprisoned for possessing secret US documents. Michael Ray Aquino is serving a six-year, four-month sentence after pleading guilty to unauthorized possession of classified documents.The new ruling in US District Court concluded that the sentence was based on a mistaken interpretation of federal guidelines. "For the AJLPP the news of the release proves that the charade of injustice is ever present when it comes to the cabal of AFP men who served as worst human rights violator and proven puppets of the United Statesmilitary like the Lacson boys," AJLPP said.
A thanks day in Venice, a happy story (tags)
Did you miss the” Feed the Venice Beach” on Thanksgiving day? The "home-lesser" and all who walk the boardwalk ate ravenously and venice residents gave generously. A happy newly-formed-families story.
Syria massacre by US: NYT serving the empire (tags)
NYT defends US massacre in syria
Whittier Food Not Bombs Re-Emerges! (tags)
After years of inactivity, a new chapter of Food Not Bombs is emerging in Whittier.
Ten Things You Didn't Know About Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (tags)
1. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (pronounced mah-MOOD ah-mah-dih-nee-ZHAD) was born Oct. 28, 1956, three years after the CIA-sponsored coup that installed the pro-Western leader Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as Iran's leader. A Shiite Muslim, he and his wife, a professor, have two sons and a daughter.
December 7: A Day of Solidarity with Green Scare Indictees and Political Prisoners (tags)
Did VA Hide Figures Showing 1 in 4 US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Disabled (tags)
by Democracy Now
January 17 is the scheduled execution day of Clarence Ray Allen however this event demonstrates how callus and unmerciful we have become as a society. Here is a man that is dying and now we are preparing to take his life. The system is not working.
Unveiling the Weapon of the Masses (tags)
This is a call to the spiritual warriors that serve humanity in the quiet of their abodes.
AVC serving first Antelope Valley FNB (tags)
serving FNB this sat. the 17th at Eastide park lancaster 5pm
Serving 2 Flags: Neocons, Israel and the Bush Administration (tags)
Traitorous US Government Officials Serving Israel's Interests First
Petition to Pardon 3 Anti-Nuke Nuns (tags)
Petition launched to pardon and release from prison 3 anti-nuke nuns Ardeth Platte, Carol Gilbert and Jackie Hudson.
Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes Meet Kucinich (tags)
Quaker House South Los Angeles – 12/21/03 Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes or “FACTS” received the support of Dennis Kucinich. The presidential candidate’s progressive stand against Three Strikes and the prison industry system offered hope to the over 4000 non-violent offenders currently serving life sentences in California under Three-strikes. FACTS, a grassroots movement is made up of families whose loved ones are serving mandatory sentences ranging from 25 years to life for non-violent crimes.
Quaker House South Los Angeles – 12/21/03 Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes or “FACTS” received the support of Dennis Kucinich. The presidential candidate’s progressive stand against Three Strikes and the prison industry system offered hope to the over 4000 non-violent offenders currently serving life sentences in California under Three-strikes.
Soldiers fear they're acting illegally (tags)
BRITISH soldiers fear they could be acting illegally while serving in Iraq and could face war crimes charges at the International Criminal Court.
Serving the Individual Strengthens the Group (tags)
From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.
U.S. Congress now serving (tags)
It's one thing for some redneck, backwater, greasy spoon in "lynch 'em high" Texas to ban "French Fries" from the menu... but the U.S. CONGRESS!
Message to the Troops: Resist! (tags)
A former conscientious objector tells soldiers that the best way to defend their families is to stay alive and healthy and resist the war. Cut, paste, and send it to any service-people you know.